Why? How can you not know that?
The liberal mind when confronted
Why? How can you not know that?
INteresting projection. And like clockwork, a white supremacist inspired by your wingnut thought leaders killed dozens of unarmed people. Tell us more about intolerance. You're from Oklahoma, where Tim McVeigh showed us right wing tolerance, right?
I'm not sure if Timothy Mcveigh belongs in that box. That's why I asked. Clearly you don't know either.
Were rockets fired into Israel yesterday inspired by rep Ilhan?
Make a binary "whatabout" argument much? Am I supposed to support her now/
I was around when it happened. It has been reported on exhaustively from every angle. I'm getting the vibe that I'm interacting with the functional equivalent of a holocaust denier.
I was around when it happened. It has been reported on exhaustively from every angle. I'm getting the vibe that I'm interacting with the functional equivalent of a holocaust denier.
The funny thing is trump has made no racist statements. Ilhan has made anti Israeli statements.
I’ve got the Charlottesville speech on my clipboard if you are wanting to go that route, but I’ll wait until you actually take the cheese.
Two posts, zero defense of statement.
Let’s keep watching folks...
I'm make it easy for you. How about you simply define what makes a right-winger in generic terms.
INteresting projection. And like clockwork, a white supremacist inspired by your wingnut thought leaders killed dozens of unarmed people. Tell us more about intolerance. You're from Oklahoma, where Tim McVeigh showed us right wing tolerance, right?
Make a binary "whatabout" argument much? Am I supposed to support her now/
Lol. He didn't make the claim. You did. And you can't back it up. Of course you aren't going to chase your tail around the room. You know it's your tail. He's not going to chase your tail around the room either. And that's what makes this so funny.I'll make it easy for you: post a legitimate source that makes a case McVeigh wasn't a right wing ideologue. I'm not going to chase my tail around the room convincing a right winger the earth is round.
Why don't you address the topic of the thread, leftists hypocrites and their Coexist stickers?
Lol. He didn't make the claim. You did. And you can't back it up. Of course you aren't going to chase your tail around the room. You know it's your tail. He's not going to chase your tail around the room either. And that's what makes this so funny.
Here's a hint for the "I was around" self proclaimed Tim McVeigh expert. McVeigh was an agnostic libertarian. All of your booger eating moron fantasies of McVeigh being "right wing" have all been debunked. And that's why you can't defend your statement.
Why is it so difficult for you to be honest for a change?
I did address it. This is your 10,000th projection of right wing dysfunction onto your opponent.
In fact, I should start a thread devoted just to right wing and incel projections that show up on this board. Biff's accordion hands has been a cutesy deal for months. Now he accuses Beto of it. I should start a thread on the #bornfollowers adoption of his constant projection. It's to the point when Biff criticizes someone you know news is about to drop that he probably did that same thing.
It's growing increasingly difficult to extend you the benefit of the doubt that there's not something seriously wrong with you.....medical, psychological, hormonal, something.
You get so butt hurt when you're asked to produce something to back your bullshit up. This is what you think you look like:Sorry buddy, you've shown your ass so many times when I finally stop and megaproces you that you're at the back of the cue. Brad and I go back years and we share basketball and he looks like Rainbow Randy, you have none of these things.
Sorry buddy, you've shown your ass so many times when I finally stop and megaproces you that you're at the back of the cue. Brad and I go back years and we share basketball and he looks like Rainbow Randy, you have none of these things.You get so butt hurt when you're asked to produce something to back your bullshit up. This is what you think you look like:
This is what you actually look like. Every. Single. Time.
People need to lay off Sys. He got busted for writing a check he can't cash and let's not browbeat him to death.
No reason to hijack the threat any further.
People need to lay off Sys. He got busted for writing a check he can't cash and let's not browbeat him to death.
No reason to hijack the threat any further.
Completely disagree. Liberals writing checks with insufficient funds on this board is a problem that would embarrass real Americans. They obviously don’t have that gene.
Sys has been down this road x 10000. He doesn't salute MAGA/right wing "alternative facts" any more.
If you have someone that's at all reliable with a full set of teeth that can back up your alternative facts, I'm all ears.
Seth Rich is on the other line. he's sitting at Cosmo Pizza and wants to know if you'll swing by.
The fact that you and I can't discuss this like adults in our own words speaks volumes.
Does McVeigh's motivation for bombing the Murrah Building fall into any far-right ideology? If so which one?
Sorry buddy, you've shown your ass so many times when I finally stop and megaproces you that you're at the back of the cue. Brad and I go back years and we share basketball and he looks like Rainbow Randy, you have none of these things.
Does McVeigh's motivation for bombing the Murrah Building fall into any far-right ideology? If so which one?
All of that and here you are when posed with a very simple question...Again -- this has been so widely reported by responsible journalists for so many years, with a highly publicized trial that received daily coverage...
Again -- this has been so widely reported by responsible journalists for so many years, with a highly publicized trial that received daily coverage, I can not get my head around wtf you're trying to establish here. This isn't a drill where I salute alternative facts. If you have a point to make from someone with a full set of teeth that has at least a veneer of credibility go ahead and make your case.
What are the types?
White Supremacist
Honestly, that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
McVeigh was whatever type the Bundy ranch people are.Fascist
White Supremacist
Honestly, that's all I can think of off the top of my head.
What are the types?
What are the relevant differences?
McVeigh was whatever type the Bundy ranch people are.
McVeigh only used government force abroad to point out hypocrisy about collateral damage. He believed he was at war with the government that was overreaching by infringing on the right to bear arms among other things.Bundy Ranch peeps = government overextending their authority
McVeigh = retaliation against the government for it's unethical use of force both at home and abroad.
Are they really similar?