Cluster B Society - Meet the Left's Religion


Gold Member
Nov 27, 2023
Meet the Left's Religion...

In a Cluster B society, psychological disorders are job qualifications rather than problems to be solved; ideology replaces competence as a marker of distinction.

Psychologists have captured the spirit of our modern culture in four specific psychopathologies that, together, make up the Cluster B personality disorders: the narcissist, the borderline, the histrionic, and the antisocial. (They also identify Cluster A and Cluster C groupings of personality disorders.)

Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by a sense of entitlement, obsession with one’s own importance, and deep feelings of resentment, often expressed through moral self-righteousness. Borderline personality disorder is marked by an unstable sense of identity, black-and-white thinking, feelings of emptiness, and recurring self-harm and suicide attempts. Histrionic personality disorder exhibits excessive emotionality, sexual provocation, and attention-seeking, often to serve a pathological need for sympathy. Antisocial personality disorder is typified by impulsivity, manipulation, disregard for others, and a penchant for violence and aggression that violates social norms.

Meet the Left's Religion...

In a Cluster B society, psychological disorders are job qualifications rather than problems to be solved; ideology replaces competence as a marker of distinction.

Psychologists have captured the spirit of our modern culture in four specific psychopathologies that, together, make up the Cluster B personality disorders: the narcissist, the borderline, the histrionic, and the antisocial. (They also identify Cluster A and Cluster C groupings of personality disorders.)

Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by a sense of entitlement, obsession with one’s own importance, and deep feelings of resentment, often expressed through moral self-righteousness. Borderline personality disorder is marked by an unstable sense of identity, black-and-white thinking, feelings of emptiness, and recurring self-harm and suicide attempts. Histrionic personality disorder exhibits excessive emotionality, sexual provocation, and attention-seeking, often to serve a pathological need for sympathy. Antisocial personality disorder is typified by impulsivity, manipulation, disregard for others, and a penchant for violence and aggression that violates social norms.

My God! You’ve just described Donald Trump!
Putting your insult toward me aside do you disagree that you’ve just described Donald Trump?
Ponca - You provided NOTHING to support your assertion. And you do have to admit you're a little attention whore on the board here. Snark, snipe, sarcasm, deflection and every so often something of substance. But the substantive responses are far outweighed by your attention seeking antisocial, narcissistic, and borderline posts. Only Cluster B you don't regularly exhibit are histrionics, so you've got that going for you.
I do agree. It also describes basically every national politician of either party.
Spot on. Sadly it's a very rare politician at the Federal level that isn't a full blown narcissist, including Trump and Biden.
Ponca - You provided NOTHING to support your assertion. And you do have to admit you're a little attention whore on the board here. Snark, snipe, sarcasm, deflection and every so often something of substance. But the substantive responses are far outweighed by your attention seeking antisocial, narcissistic, and borderline posts. Only Cluster B you don't regularly exhibit are histrionics, so you've got that going for you.
Oh, crap! I’m short on the histrionics? I’d better get to work and bring that up to your standards! Setting that aside, do you disagree that you have perfectly described Donald Trump?
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Bingo! And yet Americans keep voting to give them power. How weird is that?
Neither of the two presidential candidates that I have to choose from are my preferred candidate. But, unlike you, I will still make a decision and choose one, rather than abdicate that responsibility because "I don't like either" and just whine on a message board about how we keep putting narcissists in power.
Neither of the two presidential candidates that I have to choose from are my preferred candidate. But, unlike you, I will still make a decision and choose one, rather than abdicate that responsibility because "I don't like either" and just whine on a message board about how we keep putting narcissists in power.
I think you are absolutely right to do what you think is best. And if that includes voting to give power over you to people you don’t trust then that’s what you should do. I think it is admirable for you to vote that way and not whine when they do things you find execrable.
Ponca - If you want to have a dialogue, try stop being a little attention whore and post something of substance. I know it's really hard for you, but give it a try!
What is lacking of substance? You call it leftist religion, offer up a definition that you agree describes Donald Trump and then complain when one asks if that means Trump is part of the leftist religion you find disreputable. It’s a simple but substantive question that should lead to a civil dialog, one I am willing to share with you. By the way I agree with you that leftism as you describe it is disreputable. I also think the fundamental tenants of MAGA as employed by DJT is very close to the same leftist tenants you dislike in the leftism you describe as religious.
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What is lacking of substance? You call it leftist religion, offer up a definition that you agree describes Donald Trump and then complain when one asks if that means Trump is part of the leftist religion you find disreputable. It’s a simple but substantive question that should lead to a civil dialog, one I am willing to share with you. By the way I agree with you that leftism as you describe it is disreputable. I also think the fundamental tenants of MAGA as employed by DJT is very close to the same leftist tenants you dislike in the leftism you describe as religious.

I stand by the articles assertion that Cluster B psychological dysfunctions are the Left's religion. If you disagree, then what is the Left's "religion"?

Your little deflection attempt to claim MAGA is a "religion" as well doesn't bear out under critical thought. Most all MAGA people I know have a religion outside of politics, and support MAGA (and Trump) as a political agenda. If this is a thought line you want to pull, then start a thread on how MAGA is the Right's new religion.

You'll have a more satisfying experience of life if you actually are driving on something you want (anarchy or whatever), instead of trying to provoke everyone. Provoking everyone all the time is you being an antisocial Cluster B attention whore trying to setup ways to also prove you are a narcassist. We get it.
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I stand by the articles assertion that Cluster B psychological dysfunctions are the Left's religion. If you disagree, then what is the Left's "religion"?

Your little deflection attempt to claim MAGA is a "religion" as well doesn't bear out under critical thought. Most all MAGA people I know have a religion outside of politics, and support MAGA (and Trump) as a political agenda. If this is a thought line you want to pull, then start a thread on how MAGA is the Right's new religion.

You'll have a more satisfying experience of life if you actually are driving on something you want (anarchy or whatever), instead of trying to provoke everyone. Provoking everyone all the time is you being an antisocial Cluster B attention whore trying to setup ways to also prove you are a narcassist. We get it.
You’re dancing around the topic without landing on it. I have not disagreed with your contention that what you call “Cluster B” psychological dysfunction describes leftist ideology to a great extent. The point I’m making, and the point you are seeking to avoid confronting is “Cluster B” dysfunction easily describes Donald Trump. So the question becomes: if Cluster B dysfunction is a leftist religion and if it also describes Donald Trump does that not make Donald Trump a leftist religious figure? Once we have resolved this original proposition in the dialog then we can move on to discussing whether the same philosophical principles of leftist ideology are shared by MAGA ideology, they just wander off into different directions, eventually to end up in the same authoritarian backwater.
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You’re dancing around the topic without landing on it. I have not disagreed with your contention that what you call “Cluster B” psychological dysfunction describes leftist ideology to a great extent. The point I’m making, and the point you are seeking to avoid confronting is “Cluster B” dysfunction easily describes Donald Trump. So the question becomes: if Cluster B dysfunction is a leftist religion and if it also describes Donald Trump does that not make Donald Trump a leftist religious figure? Once we have resolved this original proposition in the dialog then we can move on to discussing whether the same philosophical principles of leftist ideology are shared by MAGA ideology, they just wander off into different directions, eventually to end up in the same authoritarian backwater.
I think you are absolutely right to do what you think is best. And if that includes voting to give power over you to people you don’t trust then that’s what you should do. I think it is admirable for you to vote that way and not whine when they do things you find execrable.
Yea, I'd rather participate in the electoral process, than just sit on the sidelines and whine about it. But you do you.
In mathematics if A+B=C and D+E=C then A+B=D+E. Why would that not apply to Leftist Ideology (Religion) = Cluster B and Donald Trump = Cluster B therefore Leftist Ideology (Religion) = Donald Trump?

Almost all Federal level politicians are well along the Narcissist spectrum compared to the average plumber, yes including Trump, Biden, almost all of them - I agree with AIX's statement on this.

Is Trump "Cluster B" (antisocial, histrionic, borderline) as well as a little Narcissistic? Not at all. Your premise is incorrect. Are all MAGA people treating politics as a religion? Not at all. Once again your a incorrect.

Cluster B fellows like yourself and the vocal Left drag every reasonable dialogue attempt into a Cluster B fuster cluck. That's what you do, every single time, just as when you started with your deflection statement. So here we are. Does that little attention whore inside you feel validated now?
Dan doesn't understand that correlation doesn't equal causation.

You drank milk as a child. Then later your children's teeth fell out. Therefore milk makes your teeth fall out. It's indisputable according to Dan's twisted version of logic.
Good point.

Leftist Ideology (Religion) is fundamentally authoritarian in nature, a sign of Cluster B.

Donald Trump is fundamentally authoritarian in nature, a sign of Cluster B.

Therefore :
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Almost all Federal level politicians are well along the Narcissist spectrum compared to the average plumber, yes including Trump, Biden, almost all of them - I agree with AIX's statement on this.

Is Trump "Cluster B" (antisocial, histrionic, borderline) as well as a little Narcissistic? Not at all. Your premise is incorrect. Are all MAGA people treating politics as a religion? Not at all. Once again your a incorrect.

Cluster B fellows like yourself and the vocal Left drag every reasonable dialogue attempt into a Cluster B fuster cluck. That's what you do, every single time, just as when you started with your deflection statement. So here we are. Does that little attention whore inside you feel validated now?
Can I be a true Cluster B if I’m short on histrionics? If Trump and I share some characteristics of Cluster B but not all, then why is Trump not Cluster B but I am?

Not all MAGA people treat it as a religious experience. Many do, but not all. But you have to admit many - if not most - MAGA people treat Trump with a God-like reverence.

By the same token not all Leftists view their politics as a religious experience. Many do, but not all. Many, if not most, regard it as a philosophical endeavor worth aquiring.

It is illegitimate (and highly collectivist) of you to smugly assign a psychological dysfunction on people you have collectively clumped together into one category while blithely ignoring it may apply to the group to which you align yourself.
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Donald Trump is fundamentally authoritarian in nature, a sign of Cluster B.
Do you have evidence of this fundamental authoritarian nature of Trump beyond the exaggerations and propaganda of the leftist media? Cause I can't say that I've seen it. He's a narcissist, but I must have missed his overt authoritarian statements and principles.
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Can I be a true Cluster B if I’m short on histrionics? If Trump and I share some characteristics of Cluster B but not all, then why is Trump not Cluster B but I am?

Not all MAGA people treat it as a religious experience. Many do, but not all. But you have to admit many - if not most - MAGA people treat Trump with a God-like reverence.

By the same token not all Leftists view their politics as a religious experience. Many do, but not all. Many, if not most, regard it as a philosophical endeavor worth aquiring.

It is illegitimate (and highly collectivist) of you to smugly assign a psychological dysfunction on people you have collectively clumped together into one category while blithely ignoring it may apply to the group to which you align yourself.

This thread was about the Left. Can you ever finish off a topic without your Trump Derangement Syndrome kicking in? Guess not.

Try steelmanning the original hypothesis first, then I'll be happy to join you in a thread on Trump being a Leftist.
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This thread was about the Left. Can you ever finish off a topic without your Trump Derangement Syndrome kicking in? Guess not.

Try steelmanning the original hypothesis first, then I'll be happy to join you in a thread on Trump being a Leftist.
What do you want that I haven’t said? I told you I agree with your original hypothesis. Should I say it again? Okay: I agree with your original hypothesis,
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What do you want that I haven’t said? I told you I agree with your original hypothesis. Should I say it again? Okay: I agree with your original hypothesis,

LOL... You pollute, deflect, derail every thread for nothing but to fuel your attention seeking ego yet have deluded yourself into thinking you're some "intellectual provocateur".
LOL... You pollute, deflect, derail every thread for nothing but to fuel your attention seeking ego yet have deluded yourself into thinking you're some "intellectual provocateur".
I see. You aren’t interested in having a dialog
Your TDS rants on literally everything are quite boring...

I don’t know what psychological dysfunction your enamorment of Donald Trump would be categorized as, but there’s only one person on this board whose devotion to the man might be greater than yours. In the first place my “rants” for the last 8 months have rarely been directed toward your favorite politician, but rather the genocide of Palestinians by Israel. In the second place I thought you had announced you had put me on “ignore,” so how could you know anything about my “literally everything?” In the third place when Trump was president and under constant “Russia, Russia, Russia” attack there was no one on this board who defended him with more ferocity than me. @my_2cents, @Syskatine, @davidallen, @ClintonDavidScott, @aliabedi were convinced I was a hard core right winger and hurled the same type of insults at me as you Trump loyalists hurl at me now. Their insults had no effect on me and neither do yours. I have an opinion and I state it on a board designed for one to express opinions. What I’ve come to discover about you is you say you are seeking dialog, but in reality you are looking for confirmationn and positive feedback for your opinions. Your immediate response to someone who disagrees with you (me, @Ostatedchi, @Sunburnt Indian and others) comes in the form of personal insult. Get over yourself! None of us are here to make you feel good about yourself. If you are that thin-skinned you may be better suited to join a focus group of like-minded individuals.
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I don’t know what psychological dysfunction your enamorment of Donald Trump would be categorized as, but there’s only one person on this board whose devotion to the man might be greater than yours. In the first place my “rants” for the last 8 months have rarely been directed toward your favorite politician, but rather the genocide of Palestinians by Israel. In the second place I thought you had announced you had put me on “ignore,” so how could you know anything about my “literally everything?” In the third place when Trump was president and under constant “Russia, Russia, Russia” attack there was no one on this board who defended him with more ferocity than me. @my_2cents, @Syskatine, @davidallen, @ClintonDavidScott, @aliabedi were convinced I was a hard core right winger and hurled the same type of insults at me as you Trump loyalists hurl at me now. Their insults had no effect on me and neither do yours. I have an opinion and I state it on a board designed for one to express opinions. What I’ve come to discover about you is you say you are seeking dialog, but in reality you are looking for confirmationn and positive feedback for your opinions. Your immediate response to someone who disagrees with you (me, @Ostatedchi, @Sunburnt Indian and others) comes in the form of personal insult. Get over yourself! None of us are here to make you feel good about yourself. If you are that thin-skinned you may be better suited to join a focus group of like-minded individuals.

This warms my heart to hear from you.
I happen to agree with much of your positions regarding the Israel/Palestinian/Hamas/Gaza war.
But, I think even you would agree that you are intentionally "provocative" with your deflections, derailments, TDS outbursts and of course the "Anarchy is the Answer" rants. Or do you disagree?
You're essentially a broken record on most topics - TDS, Anarchy, anti-Conservative, hell anti-everything. I'm not sure what you even want in the world since you're little more than a bundle of quasi-educated critiques.

You misfired a bit on who I disagree with - I actually rarely agree with everyone on everything, so keep adding to your list.
Do you feel better now as well?
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This warms my heart to hear from you.
I happen to agree with much of your positions regarding the Israel/Palestinian/Hamas/Gaza war.
But, I think even you would agree that you are intentionally "provocative" with your deflections, derailments, TDS outbursts and of course the "Anarchy is the Answer" rants. Or do you disagree?
You're essentially a broken record on most topics - TDS, Anarchy, anti-Conservative, hell anti-everything. I'm not sure what you even want in the world since you're little more than a bundle of quasi-educated critiques.

You misfired a bit on who I disagree with - I actually rarely agree with everyone on everything, so keep adding to your list.
Do you feel better now as well?
My God, OT, you have things so ass backward it’s hard to imagine what your world outlook is. You say I bore you. This board would be a giant morass of mutual back slapping if I didn’t troll you. And I maintain you would eventually devour each other after you tired of your happy mutual circle jerks, because insult and ad hominem is the go-to fallback position of the whole lot of you when you get triggered. And oh my goodness do you people trigger easily! I know of no “leftist snowflake” that resorts to taunts and insults as quickly as your bunch. You present yourself as one of the enlightened and intellectual participants of the board. And I will say you do have potential. But your potential will never be realized as long as you think people will like you if you act like them. Most of your crowd comes to this board to get angry, feed their anger, wallow in their prejudice, seek confirmation that their prejudice has company. I think you are better than that, but you’ll have to grow a backbone before you free yourself.
I just soon not watch the Russia-Ukraine Incident. I like $1.74 gasoline. I like paying HALF per kWh for electricity than I pay today. I like paying 30 cents less for my can of Planters redskin legumes than I pay today. I like a stable Middle East. I don't like to see record crime in Gay Bay, Chicago and the Bronx. Hearing my wife gripe about rising food prices at HEB is tiresome.

I'll take Trump.
My God, OT, you have things so ass backward it’s hard to imagine what your world outlook is. You say I bore you. This board would be a giant morass of mutual back slapping if I didn’t troll you. And I maintain you would eventually devour each other after you tired of your happy mutual circle jerks, because insult and ad hominem is the go-to fallback position of the whole lot of you when you get triggered. And oh my goodness do you people trigger easily! I know of no “leftist snowflake” that resorts to taunts and insults as quickly as your bunch. You present yourself as one of the enlightened and intellectual participants of the board. And I will say you do have potential. But your potential will never be realized as long as you think people will like you if you act like them. Most of your crowd comes to this board to get angry, feed their anger, wallow in their prejudice, seek confirmation that their prejudice has company. I think you are better than that, but you’ll have to grow a backbone before you free yourself.

Angry? No. Bored with your rote scripting? Yes.

What exactly do you WANT to see in the world? Not all the bullship to piss and moan about, but what do you actually want? What's your vision after you "tear it all down"?
What is lacking of substance? You call it leftist religion, offer up a definition that you agree describes Donald Trump and then complain when one asks if that means Trump is part of the leftist religion you find disreputable. It’s a simple but substantive question that should lead to a civil dialog, one I am willing to share with you. By the way I agree with you that leftism as you describe it is disreputable. I also think the fundamental tenants of MAGA as employed by DJT is very close to the same leftist tenants you dislike in the leftism you describe as religious.

What are the fundamental tenants of MAGA?
My God! You’ve just described Donald Trump!
This was my exact first thought his first post.

It is hilarious how he didn't recognize it before making the post.

And here comes our little Narcissist taking on the world, for all the attention he can get. You're nothing but an attention whore Ponca.
Seriously? This is the best response you could come up with? lol!

Dan makes a valid point, and all you can do is attack him personally. With no response to the actual valid point made.

This seems to be a trend with you. Not much substance from you once your views are seriously challenged.
Ponca - If you want to have a dialogue, try stop being a little attention whore and post something of substance. I know it's really hard for you, but give it a try!
He is simply asking you a question on a discussion board. How is that being a "little attention whore?"

Dan clearly posted something of substance on this thread. This thread didn't go how you thought it would, and now you are engaging in ad hominem attacks lol.
Most all MAGA people I know have a religion outside of politics, and support MAGA (and Trump) as a political agenda.
Many leftists have a religion outside of politics too. For example, I am a leftist and a Christian. I know many leftists who are also Christian or have other religious beliefs.

So this exact same statement is true for leftists (with the difference being that leftists don't support Trump), however, you ignore it when it applies to leftists. Yet try to use it as a defense for Trump cultists. :rolleyes:

btw, many (many, not all) supporters of Trump have a religious type devotion to Trump. They act like they are in a religious cult and defend their cult leader to the very bitter end. If you can't see this, you just aren't paying attention.

Or you are one of them.
Written by a Donald Trump supporter and sold at his cult rallies . . .

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