Climate change extremes?

This is all just a bunch of BS. The main reason is overpopulation.

Human population have grown at an incredible rate in the past 150 years. And it is only going to increase with our medical innovations and discoveries. Then everyone with a .org is trying to save everyone they can. As well as the lack of global conflict on the scale of the 1940's we're outgrowing our resources.

Global winter, as Been put it, may be the only thing that will save the planet. I wouldn't count on the world governments to do any real corrections.
Deny the mounting evidence in favor of a bullshit conspiracy theory if you want...

I'm done debating it.

The obvious sophistry of the skeptics' arguments is itself compelling. They have circulated so many transparently stupid, anti-science arguments that their mere opinion is itself evidence against their proposition. E.g.: "they used to think there'd be an ice age" and "look, it's (snowing/nice today).

I tangled with one frequent con poster on the topic, and his argument ultimately boiled down to, "Don't trust academia, private companies or governments."
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Global warming means shorter jogging shorts.

"It's all good," says Al Gore.
I'm done debating it.

The obvious sophistry of the skeptics' arguments is itself compelling. They have circulated so many transparently stupid, anti-science arguments that their mere opinion is itself evidence against their proposition. E.g.: "they used to think there'd be an ice age" and "look, it's (snowing/nice today).

I tangled with one frequent con poster on the topic, and his argument ultimately boiled down to, "Don't trust academia, private companies or governments."
You are probably right.... hell even the scientific support of the US military wouldn't move some to at least think about strategic implications:
You might ask yourself the strategic implications of your statement if it were true... imagine the geopolitical consequences of northern China, Canada, and Siberia becoming the breadbasket of the world.
Are you thinking that would be a bad thing?
In what way is the US hurt?
Climate models show a large portion of the current agricultural heart of the US becoming unproductive in the coming century as temperatures continue to rise. Dependence on other countries for agricultural products is obviously a loss of strategic and economic advantage for the US. Agricultural exports are worth somewhere north of $100 bln per year to the US economy...
Climate models show a large portion of the current agricultural heart of the US becoming unproductive in the coming century as temperatures continue to rise. Dependence on other countries for agricultural products is obviously a loss of strategic and economic advantage for the US. Agricultural exports are worth somewhere north of $100 bln per year to the US economy...

Oh, now I see. The US heartland will become a desert waste incapable of supporting the growing of crops.

When is this extreme switch expected to take place? Do we have 100 years (sincere question, I have no idea)? For the sake of this discussion let’s agree we have a slow decline of 100 years before such a catastrophe befalls the US.

So it is your opinion that at some point in the next 100 years Americans will suffer massive collective amnesia, completely forgetting things like irrigation, damming rivers. seeding clouds, digging water wells, constructing desalinization plants on the oceans fronts and building pipelines. In the next 100 years there will be no entrepreneur that invents methods we today cannot conceive to alleviate the problem. Inventors will cease to exist. No mor Wright Brothers, no Eli Whitney’s.There will be no technological advances in the field, things will stay the same, humanity (Americans) is doomed to 3rd world status.

I actually agree with this scenario. I believe that is exactly what will happen if the climate statists get their way. We will rely on government bureaucrats, government committees, government panels to issue top down commands that each of us must obey. Innovation will be stymied, progress will cease. And the US as we know it will be no more.
Oh, now I see. The US heartland will become a desert waste incapable of supporting the growing of crops.

When is this extreme switch expected to take place? Do we have 100 years (sincere question, I have no idea)? For the sake of this discussion let’s agree we have a slow decline of 100 years before such a catastrophe befalls the US.

So it is your opinion that at some point in the next 100 years Americans will suffer massive collective amnesia, completely forgetting things like irrigation, damming rivers. seeding clouds, digging water wells, constructing desalinization plants on the oceans fronts and building pipelines. In the next 100 years there will be no entrepreneur that invents methods we today cannot conceive to alleviate the problem. Inventors will cease to exist. No mor Wright Brothers, no Eli Whitney’s.There will be no technological advances in the field, things will stay the same, humanity (Americans) is doomed to 3rd world status.

I actually agree with this scenario. I believe that is exactly what will happen if the climate statists get their way. We will rely on government bureaucrats, government committees, government panels to issue top down commands that each of us must obey. Innovation will be stymied, progress will cease. And the US as we know it will be no more.

You should read the article I linked a couple of posts up. Especially the part about Venus. I think it is very realistic that there is a point of no return, where even the most inventive inventors are unable to come up with a solution. Of course, that is not just a USA issue, it is a global issue.

Anyone who claims that what is currently happening is just normal weather fluctuation, and not man made is not thinking logically, IMO.

If you agree that it is a man made phenomenon, then those inventive inventors need to get busy. We have to work together, as a planet, to come up with solutions. If every country just says..."**** it, that other country isn't doing their part, why should I?" the problem isn't going to go away.
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You should read the article I linked a couple of posts up. Especially the part about Venus. I think it is very realistic that there is a point of no return, where even the most inventive inventors are unable to come up with a solution. Of course, that is not just a USA issue, it is a global issue.

Anyone who claims that what is currently happening is just normal weather fluctuation, and not man made is not thinking logically, IMO.

If you agree that it is a man made phenomenon, then those inventive inventors need to get busy. We have to work together, as a planet, to come up with solutions. If every country just says..."**** it, that other country isn't doing their part, why should I?" the problem isn't going to go away.
Totally agree. Inventors, get off your asses and get busy! All we’re seeing from the climate statists is hand wringing and demanding we give them control over our lives to return us to the 19th century.
You should read the article I linked a couple of posts up. Especially the part about Venus. I think it is very realistic that there is a point of no return, where even the most inventive inventors are unable to come up with a solution. Of course, that is not just a USA issue, it is a global issue.

Anyone who claims that what is currently happening is just normal weather fluctuation, and not man made is not thinking logically, IMO.

If you agree that it is a man made phenomenon, then those inventive inventors need to get busy. We have to work together, as a planet, to come up with solutions. If every country just says..."**** it, that other country isn't doing their part, why should I?" the problem isn't going to go away.

Are you implying that the USA should supplement other countries efforts? So instead of them taking responsibility, it's my job?

I'm not willing to finance their lives.
You should read the article I linked a couple of posts up. Especially the part about Venus. I think it is very realistic that there is a point of no return, where even the most inventive inventors are unable to come up with a solution. Of course, that is not just a USA issue, it is a global issue.
There is more than a slight difference between Earth and Venus. I'm hoping you aren't concerned that the Earth will become Venus because of carbon emissions.
Did you read the article?
I read the article and it is fascinating! Thanks for posting. I think he hits the nail on the head: somebody has to look at the situation from a new perspective. I don’t see the climate statists that make the news doing that. It will be somebody from out in left field that makes a discovery that changes everything. But I doubt it will be a government committee or panel. It’ll be an inventor, and he’ll be vilified by the government committees until they have no choice but to see the brilliance. That’s how I see it playing out. How about you?
I read the article and it is fascinating! Thanks for posting. I think he hits the nail on the head: somebody has to look at the situation from a new perspective. I don’t see the climate statists that make the news doing that. It will be somebody from out in left field that makes a discovery that changes everything. But I doubt it will be a government committee or panel. It’ll be an inventor, and he’ll be vilified by the government committees until they have no choice but to see the brilliance. That’s how I see it playing out. How about you?

Makes sense. Hope you are right.
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Well read it. Then we can chat about Venus/Earth.
Ok, read it, very underwhelmed. Still not possible for earth to become Venus even with carbon emissions. Venus has something that earth does not that creates its atmosphere of carbon dioxide. It also lacks something that earth has when it comes to water vapor loss. I'm *puzzled* why those two things weren't mentioned in his interview in regards to the "climate" of Venus.

That article seems like a connect the dots to climate change attempt for very low information people.
And the net impact of a single family is microscopic on the overall problem. Both are moot points. Do what you can, do what you will, but the only way things actually change is systemically. Period.
All I see are those in control legislating how people live while they continue their non conforming lifestyle. Kind of like now. (Not just in the US either)
Totally agree. Inventors, get off your asses and get busy! All we’re seeing from the climate statists is hand wringing and demanding we give them control over our lives to return us to the 19th century.
The global warming alarmists want us to look like Venezuela. Once a prosperous country now worse than a third world shithole.
The global warming alarmists want us to look like Venezuela. Once a prosperous country now worse than a third world shithole.

Yep lol...environmental consciousness is a crying out for communism. Brilliant conclusions drawn right here folks haha
Totally agree. Inventors, get off your asses and get busy! All we’re seeing from the climate statists is hand wringing and demanding we give them control over our lives to return us to the 19th century.
That is bullshit or ignorance.
I read the article and it is fascinating! Thanks for posting. I think he hits the nail on the head: somebody has to look at the situation from a new perspective. I don’t see the climate statists that make the news doing that. It will be somebody from out in left field that makes a discovery that changes everything. But I doubt it will be a government committee or panel. It’ll be an inventor, and he’ll be vilified by the government committees until they have no choice but to see the brilliance. That’s how I see it playing out. How about you?
More of the same.
All I see are those in control legislating how people live while they continue their non conforming lifestyle. Kind of like now. (Not just in the US either)
Yes because it is a monolithic block advocating for a risk weighted approach.
Oh, now I see. The US heartland will become a desert waste incapable of supporting the growing of crops.

When is this extreme switch expected to take place? Do we have 100 years (sincere question, I have no idea)? For the sake of this discussion let’s agree we have a slow decline of 100 years before such a catastrophe befalls the US.

So it is your opinion that at some point in the next 100 years Americans will suffer massive collective amnesia, completely forgetting things like irrigation, damming rivers. seeding clouds, digging water wells, constructing desalinization plants on the oceans fronts and building pipelines. In the next 100 years there will be no entrepreneur that invents methods we today cannot conceive to alleviate the problem. Inventors will cease to exist. No mor Wright Brothers, no Eli Whitney’s.There will be no technological advances in the field, things will stay the same, humanity (Americans) is doomed to 3rd world status.

I actually agree with this scenario. I believe that is exactly what will happen if the climate statists get their way. We will rely on government bureaucrats, government committees, government panels to issue top down commands that each of us must obey. Innovation will be stymied, progress will cease. And the US as we know it will be no more.
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit is it?
Exhibit A that a simple lie told enough times actually ensnares the gullible.
If I concede that I am ignorant, gullible and spout bullshit, would you explain in some detail what it is that global climate change scientists want, what they want our society to look like, and how they propose we attain their vision?
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Ok, read it, very underwhelmed. Still not possible for earth to become Venus even with carbon emissions. Venus has something that earth does not that creates its atmosphere of carbon dioxide. It also lacks something that earth has when it comes to water vapor loss. I'm *puzzled* why those two things weren't mentioned in his interview in regards to the "climate" of Venus.

That article seems like a connect the dots to climate change attempt for very low information people.

The part I noted was that Venus was significantly hotter than it should be based on its proximity to the sun.

Is it possible that the same could apply to Earth due to accumulation of factors brought on by industrialization?