Christianity most persecuted religion in 2016


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Apr 4, 2005
Was it @syskatine that claimed Christians aren't persecuted and asked for someone to show him?

Over 90,000 with 30% being murdered by Islamists. And yet this government arms those persecuting them in the Middle East. And to think I thought that just maybe Obama's strong suit may be foreign policy if nothing else when he was elected.
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This is the case virtually every year.

The silence from the religious bigots in the administration regarding the plight of persecuted Christians in the Middle East has been deafening.

Couple that silence with the fact that they were active in prohibiting the entrance of Christian refugees from trouble areas while shipping in Muslims by the truck loads -- and it begins to look like an agenda.

The prominence of Muslims among Obama's inner circle surely was a factor.
Your tax dollars at work.

Lol, I've always refused to just take total advantage of service connected disability through VA. Government incompetency is why I'm starting to think I should go ahead and make some claims for injuries incurred.

I mean exposure to multiple IED blasts, a fractured skull, migraines, memory loss, neck issues, knee issues, combat experience (will still refuse PTSD it's been totally abused for money), skin, and bowel issues. I'm starting to think I should at least try to get all the dollars they deduct monthly back so I get my full actual salary minus state income tax of course. Should I try to get that back too?

Anything over I'll just go ahead and donate to the IRS. :D

I mean, after all I am just taking back what my hard work earns every week right? I could do a lot for my family with an additional $14k a year. ;)
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Lol, I've always refused to just take total advantage of service connected disability through VA. Government incompetency is why I'm starting to think I should go ahead and make some claims for injuries incurred.

I mean exposure to multiple IED blasts, a fractured skull, migraines, memory loss, neck issues, knee issues, combat experience (will still refuse PTSD it's been totally abused for money), skin, and bowel issues. I'm starting to think I should at least try to get all the dollars they deduct monthly back so I get my full actual salary minus state income tax of course. Should I try to get that back too?

Anything over I'll just go ahead and donate to the IRS. :D

I mean, after all I am just taking back what my hard work earns every week right? I could do a lot for my family with an additional $14k a year. ;)

No shit! Donating just seems like the right thing to do!

Side note: You guys have kids?
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Was it @syskatine that claimed Christians aren't persecuted and asked for someone to show him?

Over 90,000 with 30% being murdered by Islamists. And yet this government arms those persecuting them in the Middle East. And to think I thought that just maybe Obama's strong suit may be foreign policy if nothing else when he was elected.

I believe that particular exchange was the likelihood of a genocide in the ol' USofA.

I just saw a meme over christmas where Christians are belittled and made fun of and we need to stand up for Christians during the stressful holiday season. You can't get elected around here without loving Jesus, can't go shopping without hearing Jesus music, can't drive down the road without seeing a church, multiple tv channels for 24 hour "praise", have a public prayer at every opportunity but they're being squeezed out. I could go on with how "christian" Oklahoma is...

Any mention of how many shiites and sunnis have been killed by each other? Interesting to note how christians have been unfairly treated but not mention there probably was exponentially more muslims killed at the same time frame in the same region. Seems like everyone gets killed sooner or later in that region? But it's all about Christians.

Couple that silence with the fact that they were active in prohibiting the entrance of Christian refugees from trouble areas while shipping in Muslims by the truck loads -- and it begins to look like an agenda.

RIGHT?! Let those refugees in!

Just had #3 on the 29th. 2 boys 1 girl, ages 4, 2, & newbie

Congrats Thor. You may notice a slight uptick in energy around the house in the next few years. Are you guys finished or having more?

Any mention of how many shiites and sunnis have been killed by each other? Interesting to note how christians have been unfairly treated but not mention there probably was exponentially more muslims killed at the same time frame in the same region. Seems like everyone gets killed sooner or later in that region? But it's all about Christians.

The Sunni and Shiite aren't being targeted and killed strictly for their religious beliefs. It's a pretty big difference.

Congrats Thor. You may notice a slight uptick in energy around the house in the next few years. Are you guys finished or having more?

Thank you sir. We are finished at three. It's been a crazy two weeks. Closed on the house on the 23rd, moved through the holidays, had baby girl on the 29th.
The Sunni and Shiite aren't being targeted and killed strictly for their religious beliefs. It's a pretty big difference.

Thank you sir. We are finished at three. It's been a crazy two weeks. Closed on the house on the 23rd, moved through the holidays, had baby girl on the 29th.

1. Since when?!? Are you serious?

2. So did you let your wife have the rest of the 29th off?
1. Yes

2. What do you mean?

1. They've been killing each other since forever over the shia v. sunni feud. Plug in whoever you want that they're killing now. Sunnis? Women? Kurds? Christians? Hindus?

2. Some men would make sure the women aren't using the whole "But I just moved a household, did Christmas and gave birth" excuse to get out of work. Wasn't sure if you're old school or what. You may be one of those husbands that lets her lay around all afternoon after giving birth... I don't know and it's not really my place to judge.
1. They've been killing each other since forever over the shia v. sunni feud. Plug in whoever you want that they're killing now. Sunnis? Women? Kurds? Christians? Hindus?

2. Some men would make sure the women aren't using the whole "But I just moved a household, did Christmas and gave birth" excuse to get out of work. Wasn't sure if you're old school or what. You may be one of those husbands that lets her lay around all afternoon after giving birth... I don't know and it's not really my place to judge.

1. One is a power struggle while the other is specific to killing for religious beliefs.

2. She had a c-section on the 29th and then baby girl had to spend 48 hours in phototherapy. So we were just stuck in the hospital until late afternoon on the first. My wife is the type that always has stuff to do and I let her work. Since she's recovering from surgery I do make sure not to let her lift heavy things and I tell her to take it easy with going up and down the stairs multiple times a day. But I'm of the belief that the more you move post surgery the faster you recover.
But I'm of the belief that the more you move post surgery the faster you recover.
Having been through 2 major surgeries (both at the VA, too) the past 5 months I agree. The quicker you are up and moving the better your recovery and lessening of healing time. Congrats on your new tax deduction.

BTW, I take advantage of as much as I can (and that I agree with) at the VA. It wasn't always like that as I went several decades with no contract with them post discharge (other than my monthly pension and home loans) until about 15 years ago. I was skeptical about their medical practices initially but have come around over time. I read and hear all the horror stories but haven't experienced any of them. I have received care comparable to (or better than) what I have received at non-VA hospitals.
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Having been through 2 major surgeries (both at the VA, too) the past 5 months I agree. The quicker you are up and moving the better your recovery and lessening of healing time. Congrats on your new tax deduction.

BTW, I take advantage of as much as I can (and that I agree with) at the VA. It wasn't always like that as I went several decades with no contract with them post discharge (other than my monthly pension and home loans) until about 15 years ago. I was skeptical about their medical practices initially but have come around over time. I read and hear all the horror stories but haven't experienced any of them. I have received care comparable to (or better than) what I have received at non-VA hospitals.

My 2016 tax deduction at that!!!

You know, that's just it about the VA. If you've been to one you've been to one. Another problem is that one VA screws up the whole system is judged and ruled systemic. Truth is that some are some aren't. The private sector doesn't have to deal with that level of criticism. I quit going to VA because I got irritated with my PC.
My 2016 tax deduction at that!!!

You know, that's just it about the VA. If you've been to one you've been to one. Another problem is that one VA screws up the whole system is judged and ruled systemic. Truth is that some are some aren't. The private sector doesn't have to deal with that level of criticism. I quit going to VA because I got irritated with my PC.
A bit of a side note re: PTSD. My best friend from childhood was the VA Psychologist murdered in El Paso last year. He was doing remarkable work differentiating between PTSD and combat injuries. He was able to show that many being diagnosed with PTSD were actually suffering from injuries as a result of combat/explosions and once they treated these vets as injured vs PTSD they showed significant improvement.
A bit of a side note re: PTSD. My best friend from childhood was the VA Psychologist murdered in El Paso last year. He was doing remarkable work differentiating between PTSD and combat injuries. He was able to show that many being diagnosed with PTSD were actually suffering from injuries as a result of combat/explosions and once they treated these vets as injured vs PTSD they showed significant improvement.

That's what he was working on. Apparently, it was much easier for the VA to give a diagnosis of PTSD and move the patient down the road. What Tim found was some of those patients he saw with a PTSD diagnosis also had been in or near explosions (IEDs). While working with them he found several improved when treated as an injury whereas they showed little to no improvement with traditional PTSD treatment protocols. It was slow going to get the VA to recognize his work but he was making progress both in treating patients as well as getting VA acceptance of an injury as the cause of their problems and not necessarily PTSD when he was murdered.
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