Interesting thread.
One that I wouldn't usually touch, but since I have a step kid with ADD, one that I have now read fully and am intrigued about now.
My stepson has pretty severe ADD...or so we are told. But, I also have found a photo of him shortly after birth, with a blue face after forceps and auction and Apgars of 1 and 2. They actually ran a code on him as well.
He was diagnosed like most kids during elementary school. His grades continued to be for shit...until I met my wife and stepped into this family when he was 11. He's 18 now, about to graduate from high school and has nearly a 4.0 average, but he's in some of the alternative classes and his mom does help him quite a bit. He's usually in better spirits now as well.
What changed? Well, in that time I have had to lay hands on him once in defense. He took a swing at me once when I was telling him to stop playing video games (this was at age 13) and dodged it and ended it with a bear hug and him chilling out finally. Since then, no more physical altercations. He got into one fight at school and got his ass beat. That ended his fighting at school as well. I am strict on him, he doesn't get by with doing bullshit, but I have to walk that line since he's not my blood son and I don't want to alienate him. But, I do not have ADD/ADHD, more like OCD and so I'm probably looked on as a necessary thorn in his ass. But that's what my dad to me, and it worked.
He's on one medication, very light dose of Straterra. If he's off of it, he's not fun to be around, not one bit. He is VERY immature still, couldn't drive until 18 because he just couldn't figure it out. He's very slow on testing, and even with meds struggles with learning simple tasks such as putting gas into his car. He can't follow step by step instructions. Pretty much anything that takes several steps to complete is a mystery, he loses shit all the time, and still blames everyone else for any mistakes he makes.
Quite simply, he's a pain in the ass at times lol. But, the teachers have helped him quite a bit and so that has been great for him to get the grades he has so far.
I feel ADD/ADHD is a real issue, but how to handle it is different for everyone. With him, I think he was misdiagnosed and had some brain damage at birth (he has headaches a lot as well), and while I believe the ADD symptoms are there, I feel it's a result of something else that went unchecked due to a young mother who had no support from the FOB in this deal (he is dead now, took a header off of a motorcycle right when I met my wife...another can of worms) and her not insisting on more investigation of the delivery at the time.
I don't know what his future will be...he can't get up and get out the door without prodding, doesn't like instruction, and has yet to claim responsibility for a great many things when they occur. He has difficulties talking to people at times and his vocabulary is pretty limited. But, I have done what I could with what I had to work with. If I had been around In his formative years from say, 2 to 11, I could have developed a more fatherly relationship. But it's hard to come in and take over that role when he was so into his dad (who was a dead beat until he turned 11 and came in as a "hero" and then subsequently died), and he was just getting to know him during that time as well.
Should I have done more? Should I have punished him every time he starts cussing at his mom or blaming everyone in the house for "stealing" his stuff when he loses it? Maybe. But like he said once..."I feel like you are the enforcer"...which is true to a degree. Before me, he would push his 5 foot mom around when she would get onto him, but he won't do that now. But he still has his little anger issues, and there's the psychology of this whole thing coupled with his diagnosis that I have had to overcome. I really believe the trauma from a forceps plus auction delivery affected him greatly...and I'm not an OBgyn, but I don't think you are supposed to do both at the same time...
Anyway, I have rambled enough here. I didn't really add anything. Maybe I'm just wanting to know if there's anything else I should do. Besides reinforcements, punishment for behavior, and the drugs he's on, I as a guy that didn't have kids going into this situation have done the best I could I think, it's been a helluva deal really. I'm actually going through his records myself now, because I want to know if there's anything there that was I could do.
Also, this is pretty long...i don't know if the ADD guys will be able to read it all and give me any insight LOL!!! Ok, just kidding...