childhood ADD

"The second defining feature of ADHD is like the first. People with ADHD nervous systems ALWAYS have an intense, almost catastrophic emotional response to the perception that someone has withdrawn their love, approval, or respect and non-ADHD folks NEVER do (or at least not to the disruptive extent that ADHD people do). Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria and an Interest-Based Nervous System together can explain virtually all of the manifestations of ADHD."

Sounds like someone you should hit right?

this fits into my sons estrangement to a T
momma loves working that angle
Alpha, reading that and that's like someone just nailed me to a T. The depression and hurt following divorce and the tailspin from that and my last relationship and how hard it's been. And admitting the issues I have with sensitivity criticism and negative commentary.

The butthurt is strong in this one for sure.
Your nephew was zombied on what I'm guessing was a starter dose. Those kids don't have the physiology you do. They don't think anything like you. The low dose kids are basically little empaths.

Your moronic SJW stance of no knowledge just loud isn't playing with me.

Keep on talking. I've got all day to show everyone how simple you really are.

Your insults are a dead give away for winning an argument. Especially in this instance in which you've never met the people. I'm very concerned you aren't agreeing with me.
What did you win? You just proved lazy and stupid are dominant traits in your bloodline.
Keep the insults coming and the snake oil flowing. I would love for you to have this discussion with my uncle and cousins face to face. What's your email? I can set it up and you can educate them about being lazy and stupid.
I wasn't insulting your nephew, that's what happens when the dose is way to strong. I was insulting you though, willfully ignorant is no way to go through life.

I've spent the last twenty odd years reading every piece of research on the topic, it's my job, but you keep on with your anecdotal nonsense.
Every piece of research wow. You insulted my bloodline and called my uncle (his dad) an idiot. His son also has ADHD in an extreme form and they don't do medicine. They would call you an idiot immediately so I'm not super worried about it.

I'd still like to see you call my uncle an idiot to his face with his boys present. I'm sure they would love to hear about your parenting advice since they lived it and you've read about it.
I've spent the last twenty odd years reading every piece of research on the topic, it's my job, but you keep on with your anecdotal nonsense.

i just re-read your second post about hyper perception

bout three years ago i'm taking my son to a thunder game and we walk by this sculpture outside leadership square that i've been walking by 30 years.

my nine year old boy pointing to the ground says look at how this is holding this up

i was fing floored
Every piece of research wow. You insulted my bloodline and called my uncle (his dad) an idiot. His son also has ADHD in an extreme form and they don't do medicine. They would call you an idiot immediately so I'm not super worried about it.

I'd still like to see you call my uncle an idiot to his face with his boys present. I'm sure they would love to hear about your parenting advice since they lived it and you've read about it.

Dude I'm an advocate for whatever helps the kid, exercise, cognitive therapy, drugs, but hitting a kid that doesn't and won't ever process choices like you is lazy.
Actually it was a lot of effort to chase that little bastard down and spank him. Not lazy at all. It worked great. You can't tell me it didn't because I watched him grow up. I watched him turn into a man.

He did it because he wanted him to have a good life and he wasn't going to by either being stoned or in constant turmoil. I see the kind of trouble ADHD kids have as adults and he is mostly well adjusted. He had a rough patch with drugs and fighting, but because he always had his parents to help him he eventually turned out great. I'm glad your books and medicine are working for you but out in red neck America a good ass whooping is medicine.
I went to a birthday party and spoke to a guy and his kid was sitting right next to him. The kid was my age about thirty five. I had my six year old with me too. This guy leaned over and said little boys only understand one thing. And that's pain. His son was just smiling. I tend to agree with Bernie Mac and kids barring extreme disability should face physical punishment. I of course don't do that but think it would be the best way and the generations that came before us compared to the straight up whiny pussies of today that people like you push your meds on are proof.

Just my opinion. I haven't read all the research.

You don't hit a kid that can't read. You don't hit a kid that that pisses his pants. You hit a kid that disrupts his class, bullies others or has outbursts in public. You hit a kid that defies you or hurts others. Again I don't do any of these things.
No I do not realize that as that is absurd. I will say this though, no females who were home sober in their beds were punched in the face in Norman that night. I bet that makes you go crazy!
18 yr old hitting a chic in the face is the same thing as a father disciplining his son with physical punishment. Doesn't sound the same to me but I'm also not a pill pusher with what is becoming very obvious a financial stake in pumping chemicals in evolving brains.
Wow short bus and redson did you know you were not real men? No reason to argue he has read all the research.
I was wrong. I said I'd show you were simple, but you did it willingly to yourself.
i know there are several people who would agree with you. I think you would admit some people would agree with me. I'm picturing those two groups of people in a situation that was life or death. Your group is being saved by my group.

Answer me this. You really think generation meds compares to generation ass kicked by their dads? If so then we simply have different value systems and yours is wrong.
Please explain a catastrophic response by a ten year old. I don't want to forget about that.
Just keep on talking simpleton, it takes a special kind of stupid to dismiss a career in the field.
I get it. You have a financial stake getting people diagnosed. I know journalists who have a career in the field at the nyt. Feminists who have a career in the field in women's studies. That is not the best argument, but it is an argument.

This all started with you insulting someone you never met. They weren't in your book and they didn't want your medicine. That goes against your career and is intolerable especially to someone with your kind of personality. No surprises there. But your arrogance and matter of fact opinions souped up with the insults shows you are very defensive about field. We all know that means that you are weak and susceptible to criticism of anything that challenges the narrative that writes your pay checks. I've said more than my share on the topic so I'll let you have the last word and last insult.

I am a simple man by the way and getting more simple the older i get. That part you are right about as the world becomes more simple and clear to me with every cuckversation I have with you people.

Dude, you're the uneducated SJW spewing emotion at facts.

I get it you're invested in your uncle being a good parent. He isn't.

No amount of horseshit posturing is going to change that fact.

You don't create independent ass kickers by breaking them.

That creates people that spend their entire f'n lives in one county in Oklahoma.
i agree with both of you if that's possible

i try to be as attuned as possible respecting and learning from his god given gifts

but when an eleven year old tells me **** off and he and his mother go crying to dhs because there are consequences that's when the whole judgement thing gets convoluted.

the worst part is if he becomes an adult without boundaries cops and judges don't give a shit about adhd

they will just wonder what kind of upbringing the kid had and it cycles back to you that way
i agree with both of you if that's possible

i try to be as attuned as possible respecting and learning from his god given gifts

but when an eleven year old tells me **** off and he and his mother go crying to dhs because there are consequences that's when the whole judgement thing gets convoluted.

the worst part is if he becomes an adult without boundaries cops and judges don't give a shit about adhd

they will just wonder what kind of upbringing the kid had and it cycles back to you that way

Woah. Plot twist. Don't have kids yet, but can't imagine that kind of pushback can go unchecked long without possible longer term issues.

*again, not a parent. What do I know?
Then again, the outburst appears to be in line with the "bottle rocket temper," that is immediately explosive but dissipates rapidly, in the link Alpha shared about RSD.
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i agree with both of you if that's possible

i try to be as attuned as possible respecting and learning from his god given gifts

but when an eleven year old tells me **** off and he and his mother go crying to dhs because there are consequences that's when the whole judgement thing gets convoluted.

the worst part is if he becomes an adult without boundaries cops and judges don't give a shit about adhd

they will just wonder what kind of upbringing the kid had and it cycles back to you that way

I tried to PM you but it bounced.

Your kid is an emotional sponge. He's taking in all your stuff and what sounds like a whole lot of baggage from his mom. That's on top of his own stuff brought on by the proceedings. He feels your pain as acutely as you, his physiology won't let it happen any other way.
Then again, the outburst appears to be in line with the "bottle rocket temper," that is immediately explosive but dissipates rapidly, in the link Alpha shared about RSD.

can you imagine explaining to a judge or a cop well my son has a bottle rocket temper...

it's critical these kids learn coping skills, self-regulation, boundaries and most importantly to love themselves and their gifts

harry said his nephew had alcohol and fighting issues and that's what i alluded to when i said as long as they don't go river phoenix/pvt pyle

and i'm opposed to pharmalogical intervention as well but in some cases you have checked out parents or environmental issues where the kids not going to get the level of attuned guidance necessary for them to function without the dose.

super complicated issue

i'm for kids growing into healthy well balanced well intentioned adults
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I tried to PM you but it bounced.

Your kid is an emotional sponge. He's taking in all your stuff and what sounds like a whole lot of baggage from his mom. That's on top of his own stuff brought on by the proceedings. He feels your pain as acutely as you, his physiology won't let it happen any other way.

alpha i'm grateful for your thoughts contributions and that you would reach out

dan seigals parenting from the inside out and a therapist friend of mine in california who works with him at ucla helped me understand a great deal about parenting and life.

the problem is i'm in the system

christmas when i pick up my youngest.
my son discussed here runs out to the car to give him his dallas cowboy travel cup then runs back in the house to momma.

now the system will say the evidence says
he brought his brother a cup

i know he wanted to be seen say merry christmas and hey dad in the only way he could

and that boy is my son
i ****ing know him

the system not so much
I'll add more to this thread this evening, once I have a chance to sit down at home.

In short, ADD is a real thing.
Medicine can help in small doses.
Yes, many parents (AND adults) abuse the medication for different reasons.
Nutrition and exercise can help/hurt a lot.
Regiment helps.
Hypersensitivity, reading others like a book, and feeling others pain as intensely (often more intensely) than your own is true.

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