Canadians Geese nesting locally?

Sorry Mad, I forgot to put the g in rockingKCranch. I just realized Grove is all the way across the state! I was hoping to put get a couple of fertilized eggs in the nest and see if they would hatch. Either my male or female is infertile and this is the 4th year that this pair comes and nests on an island in one of my ponds.... she sits on the clutch of eggs but nothing hatches. The 5-6 eggs all look fine, and read this is really pretty rare for nothing to hatch. She finally gives up and leaves the nest about two-three weeks after they should have hatched...

The Ducks Unlimited rep I talked to said that because they are non-migratory so it wouldn't technically be a problem messing with the eggs, but it is strickly forbidden to do so with migratory geese (Fed law). Haven't tested it any further though.

I'd check with USFWS before doing anything with goose eggs. Their definition of migratory and non-migratory might suprise you.

The only reason I know this is because one of our meadows for our brood mares became a point of focus due to nesting birds a while back.
we have geese on this property all year long if we can keep people from poaching them. It is becoming near impossible to keep people off of our properties. Grove is pretty much a long way from anywhere it seems.
Update: Looks like this nest pair is striking out again with no eggs hatched. 4th year they've been here. I'm baffled. I'm going to go look at the eggs again once they give up and leave, which if it is the same as the last few years, it will be about May 10th. Seems she tries to sit on the eggs and extra two weeks over what normal gestation would be. I'd at least like to know if they are getting fertilized. Also once in FFA, I saw a chicken once who's shells tended to be so thick the chicks could never break out.
Who knows.