Can You At Least Agree With Caitlin About This?

It's always funny to me, as in pisses me off, how people react when they are the ones targeted by government overreach, when they were supportive of that same government overreach on others. Welcome to the party pal.

If only we had examples in history that people could learn from.

First they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
It's always funny to me, as in pisses me off, how people react when they are the ones targeted by government overreach, when they were supportive of that same government overreach on others. Welcome to the party pal.

If only we had examples in history that people could learn from.

First they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Huh? What does this comment have to do with Scott Ritter?
How about this one? It’s not by Caitlin, but maybe she blows, too?

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Convicted pedophiles don't have credibility in my book. I'll wait for actual facts to come out before I panic about the FBI suppressing Ritter's free speech. They may have raided his place for child porn.
Convicted pedophiles don't have credibility in my book. I'll wait for actual facts to come out before I panic about the FBI suppressing Ritter's free speech. They may have raided his place for child porn.
Yeah, that’s probably it, they were looking for child porn, so that makes what the FBi did okay in my book. But what about what the DOJ pulled/is pulling on Tulsi Gabbard? What has she done that makes the government actions okay? We need a reason to accept the authoritarianism. Quick, Medic, do me a favor and tell me why Tulsi needs to be surveilled.
Nope. Never read one word of anything you’ve posted of hers. In fact I don’t read anything you post anymore. You make this forum pretty unbearable with your nonstop drivel.
Poor Caitlin! You hate her because you hate me! How very adult of you!
Here, Medic, just in case you missed it. What am I thinking? You don’t miss things, you keep up with all the news, you said so yourself. So for anybody else, anybody other than Medic, if Caitlin writes about surveillance of Tulsi Gabbard, would you at least agree with her that then?

Huh? What does this comment have to do with Scott Ritter
Looking back through the threads you have remained mostly silent on the blatant government overreach and lawfare in regards to Trump but now you perceive it happening to one with your same opinions you are no longer silent. Government overreach is government overreach whether you agree with someone or not.
Looking back through the threads you have remained mostly silent on the blatant government overreach and lawfare in regards to Trump but now you perceive it happening to one with your same opinions you are no longer silent. Government overreach is government overreach whether you agree with someone or not.
Exactly. That’s why on this thread you should be excoriating the government overreach not trying to make it about my failings.
Exactly. That’s why on this thread you should be excoriating the government overreach not trying to make it about my failings.

Good to see you’re still doing everything you can to make sure Israeli support stays strong.

You’re like the morons you want to sway people toward.

Every day you get up, take your shot and the missile shoots out the back and gets your village.
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Looking back through the threads you have remained mostly silent on the blatant government overreach and lawfare in regards to Trump but now you perceive it happening to one with your same opinions you are no longer silent. Government overreach is government overreach whether you agree with someone or not.
Sadly the problem in America right now is that too many people put their politics at the center of their lives. In other words, as long as they act in a way that serves their politics, they feel they are being a 'good' person.

This condition mostly applies to people on the left. That's why they can wring their hands and repeat media talking points that Trump will target his political opponents if he returns to office, while ignoring that the left has been targeting Trump for years now.

In their mind, targeting Trump is good for their politics, so they support it.

Most decent people have God, family and country at the center of their lives in that order.
Yeah, that’s probably it, they were looking for child porn, so that makes what the FBi did okay in my book. But what about what the DOJ pulled/is pulling on Tulsi Gabbard? What has she done that makes the government actions okay? We need a reason to accept the authoritarianism. Quick, Medic, do me a favor and tell me why Tulsi needs to be surveilled.
Do you have a copy of the warrant in your hand? Have you seen it? Maybe you're on a grand jury or something? With your track record of letting your emotions override basic facts, you might want to take my same approach. Sorry not sorry, I'll be waiting for more information before I believe anything a convicted pedophile complains about, especially when it involves law enforcement.

No, I haven't been following anything about your former crush Tulsi. Can you give me the cliffs?
Exactly. That’s why on this thread you should be excoriating the government overreach not trying to make it about my failings.
Exactly? LMAO, it's your failings you need to address before you can expect others to climb on your bandwagon. This is why learning the lesson of history are so important.

One more time in case it hasn't hit home.
First they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist.
Then they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Here, Medic, just in case you missed it. What am I thinking? You don’t miss things, you keep up with all the news, you said so yourself. So for anybody else, anybody other than Medic, if Caitlin writes about surveillance of Tulsi Gabbard, would you at least agree with her that then?

I've already clicked one of your goofy links today. That's actually more than your limit. You'll have to give me the Tulsi cliffs in your own words if you want me to see what you're wailing about.
I've already clicked one of your goofy links today. That's actually more than your limit. You'll have to give me the Tulsi cliffs in your own words if you want me to see what you're wailing about.
What? You don’t know about government surveillance of Tulsi as a threat? I thought you knew all the news. You said you do.
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Do you have a copy of the warrant in your hand? Have you seen it? Maybe you're on a grand jury or something? With your track record of letting your emotions override basic facts, you might want to take my same approach. Sorry not sorry, I'll be waiting for more information before I believe anything a convicted pedophile complains about, especially when it involves law enforcement.

No, I haven't been following anything about your former crush Tulsi. Can you give me the cliffs?
No, no, Medic, I’m taking your word for it. The FBI took all his old UN Weapons Inspector paper because they’re looking for child porn. The man is toast! Good for the US government taking him down. You and I can dance on his grave in jubilation.
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No, no, Medic, I’m taking your word for it. The FBI took all his old UN Weapons Inspector paper because they’re looking for child porn. The man is toast! Good for the US government taking him down. You and I can dance on his grave in jubilation.
Dodge, I said they MAY have been looking for child porn. One can never be sure when a convicted pedophile is the subject of an FBI warrant.

You do understand that I'm not saying that they were looking for child porn as a matter of fact, right? I worry by your infantile binary brained response that you've lost the ability to discern fact from opinion or speculation.
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Dodge, I said they MAY have been looking for child porn. One can never be sure when a convicted pedophile is the subject of an FBI warrant.

You do understand that I'm not saying that they were looking for child porn as a matter of fact, right? I worry by your infantile binary brained response that you've lost the ability to discern fact from opinion or speculation.
Oh, they MAY have been looking for something only you, the brilliant Medic, might have thought they’d be looking for. Sure, let’s see how this plays out. After all it MAY be about child porn.
Oh, they MAY have been looking for something only you, the brilliant Medic, might have thought they’d be looking for. Sure, let’s see how this plays out. After all it MAY be about child porn.
Poor, poor Dodge. When you get something more factual than Caitlin's tears, let me know.
Dan the man, I'll never read any of yer idiotic danoganda links. I'm not alone obviously as stated by many others. What's yer eta when you cross the fish line?
I’m disappointed in you, Woody. I didn’t know you were too cowardly to read something because it might scare you.
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Yes, everyone is so fearful of what a blowhard blogger in Australia has to say. That's definitely why nobody clicks her links. Be still our fight/flight overstimulated beta receptors. We'll catch takotsubo cardiomyopathy if we're not careful.

I’m disappointed in you, Woody. I didn’t know you were too cowardly to read something because it might scare you.
Not cowardly sir, I like to breathe fresh air and sunshine. I can't imagine living for as long as "you" claim you have with yer head in yer kiester. There's help out there Dan.
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Most decent people have God, family and country at the center of their lives in that order.
God, Family, Life, Liberty, Property, Constitution, pursuit of happiness, and last on this list is the dirt under my feet (aka the country.) Our leaders swear an oath to the constitution not the government or the country. Neither of the latter two should be confused for the former.
Yes, everyone is so fearful of what a blowhard blogger in Australia has to say. That's definitely why nobody clicks her links. Be still our fight/flight overstimulated beta receptors. We'll catch takotsubo cardiomyopathy if we're not careful.
What’s ironic is I thought for sure this was one thing we could all agree about. Alas, you guys were so afraid she’d say something that would trigger you you wouldn’t read it. Geez, guys, she doesn’t bite. Although what she sometimes writes probably does feel like she’s taking a chunk out of your behinds, and since you can’t refute what she says you try to belittle her by calling her names and refusing to read her, and then crow like Peter Pan as if you think you’ve shown her a thing or two.
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What’s ironic is I thought for sure this was one thing we could all agree about. Alas, you guys were so afraid she’d say something that would trigger you you wouldn’t read it. GoodGeez, guys, she doesn’t bite. Although what she sometimes writes probably does feel like she’s taking a chunk out of your behinds, and since you can’t refute what she says you try to belittle her by calling her names and refusing to read her, and then crow like Peter Pan as if you think you’ve shown her a thing or two.
I think she reminded you of what you had for supper three days ago Dan! Cackles is the perfect laxative. Everytime that idiot opens her mouth, I have to take a shit. I tell you one thing moron, cackles keeps me regular!
What’s ironic is I thought for sure this was one thing we could all agree about. Alas, you guys were so afraid she’d say something that would trigger you you wouldn’t read it. Geez, guys, she doesn’t bite. Although what she sometimes writes probably does feel like she’s taking a chunk out of your behinds, and since you can’t refute what she says you try to belittle her by calling her names and refusing to read her, and then crow like Peter Pan as if you think you’ve shown her a thing or two.
Can we at least wait to see what the warrant was for before we panic? There will be factual information that comes out.

So far we've got claims of "FARA related" and "they also took boxes" from a convicted pedophile. He posted what he claims is the warrant. If that's the warrant, it looks like a federal criminal case. The government hasn't released anything that I can find.

Here's Ritter's post with the warrant...

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