- a person, especially a lawyer, who uses unscrupulous, fraudulent, or deceptive methods in business.
"an ambulance-chasing shyster"
Ambulancechaserkatine just doesn't flow very well.
This is a 12 gauge shot gun
Watch this video for 30 seconds at the 5 minute mark to see a semi-auto 12 gauge shotgun with a detachable magazine drum
JHC. THAT is an assault weapon. Imagine.
If ya'll were on the fuzzy end of one of these deals and really faced what one of these mass shootings is you'd see how insane allowing these is. How is that not licensed at a minimum?
If machine guns can be regulated then semi-autos can and should be.
Thank me later, dickbreath...I was thrilled to find one at a gun show (Colt) in early 00's for 800+.
@Syskatine, did you already bitch out like the usual trucker sucking incelasaurus that you are? Let's see your well sourced rebuttals to my responses. Well...Lol oh bullshit to so much of this.
JHC. THAT is an assault weapon. Imagine.
If ya'll were on the fuzzy end of one of these deals and really faced what one of these mass shootings is you'd see how insane allowing these is. How is that not licensed at a minimum?
If machine guns can be regulated then semi-autos can and should be.
Thank me later, dickbreath...
I can't abide by 'Assault Weapons' being defined by how they look, which is exclusively how gun haters feel about them.
They look SCARY.
Just dumb to be that triggered over innocuous appearances.
@Syskatine, did you already bitch out like the usual trucker sucking incelasaurus that you are? Let's see your well sourced rebuttals to my responses. Well...
I realize it looks scary but...
The majority of firearms are semiauto.
Of course it's how they look that matters most. Form over substance is another basic tenet of leftist/SJW/PAB crowd.I can't abide by 'Assault Weapons' being defined by how they look, which is exclusively how gun haters feel about them.
They look SCARY.
Just dumb to be that triggered over innocuous appearances.
He's focusing on the looks, because the former law banning "assault weapons" focused largely on aesthetic factors. Try doing a little research (like real lawyers do) for a change, counselor.You're the only one that focused on that gun's looks. As usual, automatically shoehorned any argument into what you seen on the cunservtive radio. Just from a mathematical perspective you'd think eventually you'd respond to a poster's message instead of what you heard on hannity. I mean... you ever think outside of that stuff? You default to it even when it's not on the table.