Can not make this up, so compliant, so stupid, so misinformed on racism...

I doubt they are hearing anything about this in our educational system---public or university.

They should be marching on the admin buildings bitching about the shitty education they are being force fed which costs them a fortune.
Did he ever make a ruling on the Pelosi/AOC racism squabble?

Issued demands under what terms he would answer with a bunch of whataboutism, so no. He also said he had nothing to gain to be answering, tells us EVERYTHING. Oh yeah, called me names.

He had already surrendered so no terms to negotiate.
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Obama was the Lefts and the Fake Main Stream Media Darling, he could do no wrong in their eyes.
Any negative word said about him you were immediately called a Racist. Where do you think all this Race Baiting now by the left originated?

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