Campus Indoctrination

Specific and accurate observations.

It's the "literal brainwashing" you allude to and inability to identify and challenge circular logic, on issues like the genetics conundrum you mentioned further up the thread, at-odds value systems within the group (espousing to be the champions of feminists, gays & Muslims), etc, that make me genuinely question the mental faculties of some.

I won't paint the entirety of the progressive plank as retarded or suffering from some variant of psychosis, there are obvious, mouth-foaming zealots in their ranks. But that the plank projects to be so large as to run a national party implies that the number is sufficiently large to extend beyond just zealots. Lack of maturity or some mental dysfunction is all that really remain as possibilities.

This is modern progressivism, which is distinct from liberalism.

Expanding on my Sooner fan example, I don't think people on this board view me as a typical Sooner fan, but I also don't believe I'm viewed as a representative example either. I'm an anomaly. If there were 5,000 just like me, I think that would look more like a representative sample. If there were 50,000 like me, you OSU fans would have a really hard time believing we are anything but down to earth cool people.

On the flip side, how would OSU fans on these boards react to another OSU fan calling them idiots for thinking OU fans suck balls? You'd get tarred and feathered and probably castrated as well. So you might mention you know one or two OU fans who you think are cool, but you generally wouldn't go rogue against popular opinion on the subject for fear of reprisal. Taking that one step further, if you're surrounded by nothing but OSU fans who believe all OU fans are mouth breathing retards, you're much more likely to share that view.

Classical conditioning and the power of persuasion. If you hear it said by a bunch of people you feel are authorities or subject matter experts, you're likely to accept it as fact even if it's complete bullshit. That is the modern progressive movement in a nut shell.
I may be saying this incorrectly or simply thinking about it incorrectly. I'm not saying a chunk of them are stupid. And maybe I'm conflating mental dysfunction with psychological dysfunction, which is what I'm intending to convey.

What I mean is that there may be a sub-population whose psychology isn't fleshed out/matured, isn't well balanced (lacks the ability to think outside of oneself), has experienced trauma, or some other existing condition that creates a situation where verbiage, virtue-signalling, the advertised advocacy of special interest groups (even in the face of circular or defunct logic) pulls those individuals into their sphere of influence or very strict line of thinking...instead of that individual actually addressing the issues they need to heal or grow from.
I get you now and agree. We're speaking the same language with different words.
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I may be saying this incorrectly or simply thinking about it incorrectly. I'm not saying a chunk of them are stupid. And maybe I'm conflating mental dysfunction with psychological dysfunction, which is what I'm intending to convey.

What I mean is that there may be a sub-population whose psychology isn't fleshed out/matured, isn't well balanced (lacks the ability to think outside of oneself), has experienced trauma, or some other existing condition that creates a situation where verbiage, virtue-signalling, the advertised advocacy of special interest groups (even in the face of circular or defunct logic) pulls those individuals into their sphere of influence or very strict line of thinking...instead of that individual actually addressing the issues they need to heal or grow from.
Interesting that you put it that way. If you look back at Obama's first election, you see a theme that emerged that strongly influenced those that saw things through a "first black President" lens. If you didn't support Obama it was because he was black.

That was a very powerful message to supporters, fence riders, and non-supporters alike. Hell I even found myself soul searching to make sure my lack of support wasn't rooted in some subconscious racism. It rattled me. I realized that the message was being used as a tool to instill fear in people that if they didn't support Obama, they would be viewed as a racist. I'm sure there were plenty of people that fell prey to those fears.

Seeing how effective that messaging was encouraged the left to begin to use it to reel in support for other groups like gays and Muslims. By the end of Obama's first term, it was becoming rampant. It is a tool that has started to backfire more recently because it has dominated the messaging more than anything else, discouraging centrist voters and those who see issues like jobs, economy, and illegal immigration as more important.

Using Nazi, fascist, and white supremacist to describe Trump is just another example of that tool. Nobody wants to be known for supporting Nazis, fascists, and white supremacists. That is what has fueled this "resistence." There is nothing logical or factual about the use of those terms to describe Trump. However, they are very powerful words that create fear to keep people in line.
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Is this a serious discussion?
Meh, if you actually parse what she is saying it isn't all that new or novel. Whiteness as a term is intentionally provocative. Nobody wants to have a real discussion on the OT so I guess this is not a serious discussion...
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Are you saying that it is not novel to espouse the racist views that she put forth?
Meh, if you actually parse what she is saying it isn't all that new or novel. Whiteness as a term is intentionally provocative. Nobody wants to have a real discussion on the OT so I guess this is not a serious discussion...
Oh, we'd love to have a discussion, but much like "income equality," we'll just get mehs, muhs, I'm busys, and ad hominem attacks in return from you.

You could just come out with the truth hammer and acknowledge that shit is nothing but talking points for the low information voters. I won't hold my breath though. Your posting pattern suggests I'd have to kill myself about a humdred thousand times before I'd see any return on my investment.
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Meh, if you actually parse what she is saying it isn't all that new or novel. Whiteness as a term is intentionally provocative. Nobody wants to have a real discussion on the OT so I guess this is not a serious discussion...

The "OT" being, assuming that means original topic, some kind of stupid ass white hegemony argument? It can't be serious just because "whiteness" is meant to be provocative? How fvckin cucked are you dude?

Our culture and form of government was not designed to benefit whites at the expense of all others. Jews have done well, Asians have done well, blacks have done well, gays have done well, Hispanics have done well, women have done well. In fact, as a whole, all those groups have done better in western culture than in any other culture on earth as a minority. But all cucks like you want to do is bitch and whine while siding with cultures that would rather oppress almost all of them. You are out of touch. Get your shit together.
Sorry, but not sorry.

I refuse to accept any guilt by association; just as I refuse to ascribe any guilt by association.
Meh, if you actually parse what she is saying it isn't all that new or novel. Whiteness as a term is intentionally provocative. Nobody wants to have a real discussion on the OT so I guess this is not a serious discussion...

What she's saying is absurd. I agree it's intentional. I would've really liked seeing everyone agree on these obvious points.
Oh, we'd love to have a discussion, but much like "income equality," we'll just get mehs, muhs, I'm busys, and ad hominem attacks in return from you.

You could just come out with the truth hammer and acknowledge that shit is nothing but talking points for the low information voters. I won't hold my breath though. Your posting pattern suggests I'd have to kill myself about a humdred thousand times before I'd see any return on my investment.
Yawn.... don't harm yourself. It is a message board after all.
Yawn.... don't harm yourself. It is a message board after all.
I wasn't actually expecting anything of substance from you. The window for you to articulate that "income inequality" was anything more than a base rallying vote getting talking point closed after your first response. The rest has just been to rub your nose in it.
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I wasn't actually expecting anything of substance from you. The window for you to articulate that "income inequality" was anything more than a base rallying vote getting talking point closed after your first response. The rest has just been to rub your nose in it.
Look, I know this is hard to take but I just have to say it. I am moving on. We are done. Through. You'll find someone else. It isn't you, it's me. Wish you al the best...
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Look, I know this is hard to take but I just have to say it. I am moving on. We are done. Through. You'll find someone else. It isn't you, it's me. Wish you al the best...
@davidallen, before you collect your belongings from the front yard, curious on your take on the Seattle tax. It seems very popular, but also seems like there is a giant legal mess brewing. Can the city legally tax only those making above the thresholds?
@davidallen, before you collect your belongings from the front yard, curious on your take on the Seattle tax. It seems very popular, but also seems like there is a giant legal mess brewing. Can the city legally tax only those making above the thresholds?
In all seriousness, super busy. Don't even know what your referring to. At some point I'll get cab in the mix, probably after we get some features shipped... my gut reaction is "tax the hell out of em (errr us)".
In all seriousness, super busy. Don't even know what your referring to. At some point I'll get cab in the mix, probably after we get some features shipped... my gut reaction is "tax the hell out of em (errr us)".
Roger. 2.25% city income tax on income above $250K for single filers and $500K for joint filers passed city council today. Looks like a nasty legal battle to begin.