Call Out to Syskatine

Beer summit!

I expect just about everyone on here would be fun to have a beer with. Except Cup. He gives off a vibe that he likes to dry hump inanimate things. And Clinton Scott because he seems like a crier. Really because neither one appears to have a sense of humor. That other stuff might or might not be accurate.
I'm not declaring CowboyUp devoid of any redeeming qualities. His post was a good post, but it was quite different from his usual unintelligible drivel. He might be different in person, but on here he's as entertaining as a yard full of used wet toilet paper.
I'm not declaring CowboyUp devoid of any redeeming qualities. His post was a good post, but it was quite different from his usual unintelligible drivel. He might be different in person, but on here he's as entertaining as a yard full of used wet toilet paper.

Which was my point.

I've disagreed with pretty much everyone here at some point or another.

My primary purpose for being here is to be entertained by you mopes. I appreciate entertaining posts whether I agree with the proposition being expressed one way or the other.
Thanks, I will.

Oh this a specific "you" or a generic, non-responsive Maj. Mike kind of "you"?

No way I'm drinking zima though.

This specific. I just called you one of the most respected posters on the board and now you are cavorting with that nonsensical thing. This is like finding out your dad is a shemale.
@MegaPoke I am a liberal and am therefore objective and should not resist change. Credit is due to you where you wrote in another thread that this was a stupid bet. A deal is a deal, of course, but when this dust settles I'm going to consider lifting the exile of Guns. You're probably right, and you made me reconsider my policy and I'm going to strongly consider the path of graciousness, marketplace of ideas, and egalitare n' shit and nullify his exile. That, and it just hit me: a little part of me enjoys the total shit show of a Trump win. It's the part that watches train wrecks and climbs out of bedroom windows, but the gotterdammerung of it all... and if HRC wins, I wanna make him read and respond to some things. Why would I limit his or my involvement on this board?!

I just want you to see and understand that admitting one is wrong and changing is not necessarily a bad thing, and you shouldn't be afraid to do so, either. In the upcoming months we'll be having some discussions and I want you mentally nimble and unafraid of change. There will be a democrat in office, thereby creating an environment of intellectual honesty and objective thinking and I want to nurture that dynamic here, too.

Well well well...

What would give anyone the idea that Trump was EVER going to win? His inability to stop sticking his foot in his mouth should've been the first clue.

To each their own I guess...

Of course Trump is going to win, you idiots are looking at the wrong polls. You gotta look at the uncucked polls.

@GunsOfFrankEaton Now I hear that the only way Mr. Trump can lose PA is if "they" cheat. I just don't know any more, man... you guys and Trump obviously have this really figured out. It's just scary to see how smart and knowledgeable Team Trump and you guys are about this presidential race and the pulse of America.

Ouch. Looks like Hills is up 14ish in Ol' Virginny now. Just another leftist conspiracy.....

I don't believe any reasonable person doesn't believe HRC is crazy. It's a matter of ability to do the job, and Trump has shown no intuition in regards to diplomacy or domestic issues. prolly still believe Trump's gonna win don't you? LOL...hope it helps ya sleep at night, cuz that's all it's worth holding on to!
My God @Syskatine. Looking at this thread... have you ever gotten anything right politically?

Why? I have read this entire thread now. A walk down memory lane. I understand why this is a big deal, I pretty much owned all of you and I'd want to take me down a notch.

Here's you answer: Don't you -- you, of all people -- ever think you can gloat over me being wrong. I have lapped you x 3 over your failed conspiracies and pearl clutching alarms. Why, just the HRC derangement over every faux-scandal and lock her up -- anything yet? I've taunted you morons for YEARS over that and still..... poof. Nothing. AAAAAAAllllllll those investigations. AAAAAlllllllll those hearings. poof. Republican President. Republican AG. Republican FBI. Republican U.S. Attorneys all over. poof. You have been screaming delusional shit from the rooftops for years and you mount me for losing a bet?!?!? YOU?!?!?!? THIS THREAD?


"The bet only applies to the Politics 24/7 Board.
The bet is for 2 years.
Starting the day after the election in November.

Trump has a real shot if you believe those numbers, and he has the momentum. It's amazing that HRC, with her unlikeable numbers, is even competitive. Except for '00 and '04, this is the worst choice of candidates ever. Maybe worse than '00 and '04 now that I think about it.

Edit: Worse than '00 and '04, the more I think about it. The worst since.... Hoover v. Al Smith?

Read that quote closely. More on this later.

It blows my mind that he can be crazy, crazy, crazy, sane, crazy crazy and people think the sane moment abates the crazy. I guess they think so long as he demonstrates the ability to turn off crazy for 20 minutes he won't be crazy after all.

Aaaaaand here we are years later and this fundamental dynamic is true more than ever. This anon needs a temple built to him. Maybe an obelisk.

I'm more of a Paul Joseph Watson guy as InfoWars goes.

Let's get into what Paul Joseph Watson has turned out to be. You're going to attempt a gloat when you've confessed to being a "Paul Joseph Watson guy as InfoWars goes." That's a thread right there. We just talked about this, didn't we? How you can be presented with a competent, decent person providing facts or a moron, and you'll go listen to the moron every time?

Are you sure? You sound just like him. Same narrative, same lingo, same hysteria, same opinions.... @MegaPoke and @GunsOfFrankEaton like his stuff - @BIGOSUFAN posted his stuff a while back and they sure liked it. His clip is about half way down the thread.

When have I ever posted anything by Alex Jones? Not that I wouldn't if something seemed to make sense, but I literally never watch him or listen to him. The fact that Watson is associated with him is pretty inconsequential in my opinion. I'm not disavowing Jones but he just seems like a weirdo. Would be interested to see where you are getting the idea that I "like his stuff." Dork.

LOL I'm not an Alex Jones guy and don't like him, I'm just an Alex Jones guy and I like him. Here's another guy that you like/don't like, know/don't know,

I love Alex jones

My hasn't this marinated well. Wharry loves someone that lies so plainly and delusionally that he gets kicked off of about every social media platform there is. As for Mega, I'm not an Alex Jones guy and don't like him, I'm just an Alex Jones guy and I like him. Here's another guy that you like/don't like, know/don't know.

We'll hang onto this one as an example of you two's gaslighting about who you do and don't listen to and the credibility of your sources of information. I mean... the guy that denies the mass shooting in the school. Says all those parents are lying about their little kids getting shot. Lied about Seth Rich, and used that for ratings when he KNEW there was nothing to it. I'll bet you two pass over the NY Times and pick up National Enquirers, too.

He not only can't distinguish between hypocrisy and intellectual honesty, he thinks kindness = weakness. Quick! Someone get Fox to explain the difference!

And this was an old, repeatable mantra way back then. Wow. I have. Been. Calling. This. for years now. Laser precision.

Frank is my hero on this board, in some part because he made all of this fun. He took the bet and then let me off the mat after he won. He called the 8 ball off three rails and the 6, and then spotted the 8 ball after hitting it.

None of you other beta cucks and incels would do that. Not you. Not Wharry. Damn sure not bitchDong, not squeak squeak squeak and not Medic -- only Frank. As much as I detest his politics, let's call him what he is: he's your David. The rest of you are his subordinates.

Wharry also was a welching sack of shit. I've let that go, but I'm glad you've brought that back up. Since Sept. 2016 I would have already reduced mass shootings by 25% and driven semi-auto prices up 250% and none of the big manufacturers would be producing and importing them.
Why? I have read this entire thread now. A walk down memory lane. I understand why this is a big deal, I pretty much owned all of you and I'd want to take me down a notch.

Here's you answer: Don't you -- you, of all people -- ever think you can gloat over me being wrong. I have lapped you x 3 over your failed conspiracies and pearl clutching alarms. Why, just the HRC derangement over every faux-scandal and lock her up -- anything yet? I've taunted you morons for YEARS over that and still..... poof. Nothing. AAAAAAAllllllll those investigations. AAAAAlllllllll those hearings. poof. Republican President. Republican AG. Republican FBI. Republican U.S. Attorneys all over. poof. You have been screaming delusional shit from the rooftops for years and you mount me for losing a bet?!?!? YOU?!?!?!? THIS THREAD?

Read that quote closely. More on this later.

Aaaaaand here we are years later and this fundamental dynamic is true more than ever. This anon needs a temple built to him. Maybe an obelisk.

Let's get into what Paul Joseph Watson has turned out to be. You're going to attempt a gloat when you've confessed to being a "Paul Joseph Watson guy as InfoWars goes." That's a thread right there. We just talked about this, didn't we? How you can be presented with a competent, decent person providing facts or a moron, and you'll go listen to the moron every time?

LOL I'm not an Alex Jones guy and don't like him, I'm just an Alex Jones guy and I like him. Here's another guy that you like/don't like, know/don't know,

My hasn't this marinated well. Wharry loves someone that lies so plainly and delusionally that he gets kicked off of about every social media platform there is. As for Mega, I'm not an Alex Jones guy and don't like him, I'm just an Alex Jones guy and I like him. Here's another guy that you like/don't like, know/don't know.

We'll hang onto this one as an example of you two's gaslighting about who you do and don't listen to and the credibility of your sources of information. I mean... the guy that denies the mass shooting in the school. Says all those parents are lying about their little kids getting shot. Lied about Seth Rich, and used that for ratings when he KNEW there was nothing to it. I'll bet you two pass over the NY Times and pick up National Enquirers, too.

And this was an old, repeatable mantra way back then. Wow. I have. Been. Calling. This. for years now. Laser precision.

Frank is my hero on this board, in some part because he made all of this fun. He took the bet and then let me off the mat after he won. He called the 8 ball off three rails and the 6, and then spotted the 8 ball after hitting it.

None of you other beta cucks and incels would do that. Not you. Not Wharry. Damn sure not bitchDong, not squeak squeak squeak and not Medic -- only Frank. As much as I detest his politics, let's call him what he is: he's your David. The rest of you are his subordinates.

Wharry also was a welching sack of shit. I've let that go, but I'm glad you've brought that back up. Since Sept. 2016 I would have already reduced mass shootings by 25% and driven semi-auto prices up 250% and none of the big manufacturers would be producing and importing them.

Why? I have read this entire thread now. A walk down memory lane. I understand why this is a big deal, I pretty much owned all of you and I'd want to take me down a notch.

Here's you answer: Don't you -- you, of all people -- ever think you can gloat over me being wrong. I have lapped you x 3 over your failed conspiracies and pearl clutching alarms. Why, just the HRC derangement over every faux-scandal and lock her up -- anything yet? I've taunted you morons for YEARS over that and still..... poof. Nothing. AAAAAAAllllllll those investigations. AAAAAlllllllll those hearings. poof. Republican President. Republican AG. Republican FBI. Republican U.S. Attorneys all over. poof. You have been screaming delusional shit from the rooftops for years and you mount me for losing a bet?!?!? YOU?!?!?!? THIS THREAD?

Read that quote closely. More on this later.

Aaaaaand here we are years later and this fundamental dynamic is true more than ever. This anon needs a temple built to him. Maybe an obelisk.

Let's get into what Paul Joseph Watson has turned out to be. You're going to attempt a gloat when you've confessed to being a "Paul Joseph Watson guy as InfoWars goes." That's a thread right there. We just talked about this, didn't we? How you can be presented with a competent, decent person providing facts or a moron, and you'll go listen to the moron every time?

LOL I'm not an Alex Jones guy and don't like him, I'm just an Alex Jones guy and I like him. Here's another guy that you like/don't like, know/don't know,

My hasn't this marinated well. Wharry loves someone that lies so plainly and delusionally that he gets kicked off of about every social media platform there is. As for Mega, I'm not an Alex Jones guy and don't like him, I'm just an Alex Jones guy and I like him. Here's another guy that you like/don't like, know/don't know.

We'll hang onto this one as an example of you two's gaslighting about who you do and don't listen to and the credibility of your sources of information. I mean... the guy that denies the mass shooting in the school. Says all those parents are lying about their little kids getting shot. Lied about Seth Rich, and used that for ratings when he KNEW there was nothing to it. I'll bet you two pass over the NY Times and pick up National Enquirers, too.

And this was an old, repeatable mantra way back then. Wow. I have. Been. Calling. This. for years now. Laser precision.

Frank is my hero on this board, in some part because he made all of this fun. He took the bet and then let me off the mat after he won. He called the 8 ball off three rails and the 6, and then spotted the 8 ball after hitting it.

None of you other beta cucks and incels would do that. Not you. Not Wharry. Damn sure not bitchDong, not squeak squeak squeak and not Medic -- only Frank. As much as I detest his politics, let's call him what he is: he's your David. The rest of you are his subordinates.

Wharry also was a welching sack of shit. I've let that go, but I'm glad you've brought that back up. Since Sept. 2016 I would have already reduced mass shootings by 25% and driven semi-auto prices up 250% and none of the big manufacturers would be producing and importing them.


Feeling robust from your coffee, you go in feeling


But you don't know your audience.


When we all know that at the end of the day, all this was is a long- winded attempt at misdirection from the fact/ truth that you are a...



Last edited:

Feeling robust from your coffee, you go in feeling


But you don't know your audience.


When we all know that at the end of the day, all this was is a long- winded attempt at misdirection from the fact/ truth that you are a...




Good memework.

@Pokeabear that logarithm....
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