Brock is Flo wrestler of the week

He won't be given the extra year until he formally requests it, as I understand it, usually initiated after the junior year. So, after next season for him.
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Well I give it as a tie to Brock, Anthony, Chandler and Austin. P.S. I have never seen the assassin performed before and especially against a top program but I cant wait to see how Chandler figures out how to pin the next guy. P.SS a special round of prayers for Austin's dad who just went thru some tough health issues. He is okay now but I am sure he would appreciate it anyways
He won't be given the extra year until he formally requests it, as I understand it, usually initiated after the junior year. So, after next season for him.
Pretty certain that is not the case. He used his redshirt last year. This is not the old extra med rule.
he would have to have another season-ending injury to get a medical redshirt. Hopefully that doesn't happen