Bret Baier to interview Kamala Harris

Bret Baier is a professional journalist. I nailed how this interview would go down and why.

People like Maddow and Hannity are so called pundits that have shows and they are intended to give you their opinion and shape their narrative and feed the lazy brain dead.

Sadly, we don’t warn people in advance of editorial content. So many don’t know the difference.

The Bret Baier’s of the world hardly exist anymore.

People dogging him in advance? Maybe you don’t know the difference between a professional journalist and pundits telling you how to interpret the news. Maybe that is because media today blurs the line intentionally. Not your fault, I grew up in a different time.

I always said Bret Baier would be a perfect moderator for a debate.

The problem with Dims they don’t want to hear anything that does not agree with their entire catechism 100%. If you do, they push you out.

As Reps, I believe we can debate the issues, and we can even disagree and not agree on everything. Nikki Haley is right when she told women you don’t have to agree with Trump 100% to vote for him. That is Dim thinking if you believe you need a 100% purity test.

I happen to agree with Trump on his policies, would not change a thing.

I found it disheartening one of the few remaining professional journalists in the business was vilified that he would provide Kamala comfort because all he does is report the news and does not tell you what to think. You only want the news fed to you by someone with an obvious bias and they will not be disclosed to you as providing editorial content? Maddow and Hannity is all you need to watch based on your party affiliation.

Bret was a strong journalist, and helped her tank herself being exactly who she is.
Bret did not ask THE question. "What were you doing at the DNC when the pipe bomb was found outside the building, and why have you not talked about it?"

In Bret's defense he did say he left questions on the table.
Well considering that most here are Trump cultists who don't live in reality, you are probably right with that statement.

This board is far from being representative of our nation though.

We will see who is delusional come November. btw, no whining about cheating and stolen elections this year when your delusions come crashing down.
Ok, but are you going to follow your own rules?

Ever since the hanging chads every vote the Left has lost has been “stolen”.

You a pee-pee tape hoaxer? You still think Trump and Putin are besties?

Ok, but are you going to follow your own rules?

Ever since the hanging chads every vote the Left has lost has been “stolen”.

You a pee-pee tape hoaxer? You still think Trump and Putin are besties?

Only Democrats can claim voter fraud or election irregularities when they lose elections. If Democrats win elections, those elections are always pristine and the most secure election in history, never mind evidence to the contrary.
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People that wonder why election security has magically appeared in the conversation under Trump probably do not realize Republicans were forbidden for 35 years by the courts to pursue any type of election security. That court decree ended in 2018 much to the dismay of Democrats who for the last 35 years have been free of Republican scrutinizing the security of elections. Democrats were free to d pretty much whatever they wanted in elections and Republicans were not allowed to challenge much of anything.
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