Boys being left in the wake of feminist agenda

My son had a second grade teacher that tried to tell us our son had a learning disability because he was struggling to read. My wife found this hard to believe consider she and him sat down every night and had him read out loud to her. Of course the teacher being the expert in education that she thought she was insisted my wife didn't know what she was talking about. We ended up having a meeting with the teacher, the principle and some special education teacher who was there to tell us how things were going to go. Little did they know my wife. When we met with them we found out that all the girls were doing great but all but two boys were all having the same problem reading. I asked if it was unusual for just the boys to have trouble while the girls were doing fine only to receive that know it all look from both the teacher and the special Ed teacher. I went on to ask what the teacher was having the class read. The teacher got pissed off because I dared ask her a question but went on to tell us the class was reading Suzy Short Cake books. I about had a fit but my wife being the person she is looked the lady in the eye and asked her where he got her teaching degree, a box of Cracker Jacks. She went on to tell the teach that of course all the boys are struggling to read when the subject matter is something they have absolutely no interest in. Try giving them books about trucks, dirt or anything else that might interest the ones that are not phaggots. I don't know who laughed harder, me or the principle. Any way we figured out real quick my son didn't have a learning disability he had a teacher that was a dumb ass.
Comments are great:

“similarly, i read about a study regarding incoming college freshmen. all sorts of things are measured, including beliefs and attitudes, but one struck me as almost miraculous - the average incoming freshman boy has a grip strength THIRTY PERCENT WEAKER than the average from thirty years ago. i'd say the fittest boys today are as athletic and strong and fit as me and my peers, perhaps more so - but the rest are outright weaklings. again, THIRTY PERCENT! when i see pictures of 'Bernie bros' and guys at occupy wall street, or that pathetic david hogg character, all i can think is 'no wonder'. of course it's not the boys' faults themselves, they've been raised like that.”
Comments are great:

“similarly, i read about a study regarding incoming college freshmen. all sorts of things are measured, including beliefs and attitudes, but one struck me as almost miraculous - the average incoming freshman boy has a grip strength THIRTY PERCENT WEAKER than the average from thirty years ago. i'd say the fittest boys today are as athletic and strong and fit as me and my peers, perhaps more so - but the rest are outright weaklings. again, THIRTY PERCENT! when i see pictures of 'Bernie bros' and guys at occupy wall street, or that pathetic david hogg character, all i can think is 'no wonder'. of course it's not the boys' faults themselves, they've been raised like that.”
Sorry babe, ask a boomer or gen-xer.
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