I will as soon as you tell me how much evidence of NON-science in the name of "doing something" and shutting down debate, doctoring of results to promote the agenda, years of climate models being way wrong (always in the same direction) will it take for you to acknowledge that those trying to drive the agenda really have no idea what they are talking about in terms of the future, have no idea what they are doing in terms of actually trying to fix the alleged problem and that they don't even really care for the most part.
There are plenty of world-class scientists in atmospheric fields who are skeptical of some/several/many aspects of the AGW global warming thesis.
There is quite a bit of circumstantial evidence (e.g. in ice cores) that warming of the planet produces (or at least did in the past) an increase in carbon dioxide, rather than the other way around.
I have never, at any time, stated that there hasn't been any global warming, in any specific timeframe. The reporting that 2016 was "the hottest year ever" was just silly n the face of it. And the methodology they used in creating that measurement and conclusion is incredibly flawed, shot full of holes, and the data was and has been doctored.
Likewise, the idea that global temperatures have moved inexorably and methodically upward is also wrong and silly. There is no evidence to support the idea extreme that weather events are becoming more common.