Blow my Whistle Baby

lol, the call summary was released and Trump repeated it live in front of cameras. What is the whistleblower deceiving me about?

the first whistle leaker is deceiving you about the content of the call - for which you have a full transcript- not a summary.

The second whistle leaker is deceiving you about the tone AND the content.

You see, Trump was not supposed to release the transcript. But he did. And that’s why this fell apart so fast.
If there’s nothing to hide, why all the secrecy? The fücking transcript is public but the whistle leakers’ identities and key witness testimony is hidden from scrutiny?

You boys sure picked a winner conspiracy hill to die on this time.
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the first whistle leaker is deceiving you about the content of the call - for which you have a full transcript- not a summary.

The second whistle leaker is deceiving you about the tone AND the content.

You see, Trump was not supposed to release the transcript. But he did. And that’s why this fell apart so fast.
What did the whistleblower say was in the call that wasn't? We do not have a full transcript.
show me the lie?

Care to put any money on it?

First one- It's very clear there was quid pro quo. No not clear at all, as usual that is you liberals allowing your bias to interpret something completely out of context. If it were clear you wouldn't have people disagreeing with you.
Second One- Biden did abuse his power or the power of the Obama administration by holding up a billion dollar loan guarantee if they didn't fire a prosecutor. Your story is he was corrupt without the slightest interest in looking further than the Biden preferred prosecutors statement. You might want to look into the guy that headed the corporation where Biden's son was on the board. He just happened to be a Russian Oligarch that received much of the billion dollar loan guarantee for his private bank, which in turn ended up losing hundreds of millions. Not to mention he was forbidden into the US until Biden got involved. Strange huh.
Third One- Biden was the point man for Ukraine, everything was sunder his control including the DNC operative that had the Ukraine government make up allegations against Manafort.
Forth One- You never had that same attitude in regards to Trump. In fact quite the opposite.

Like I said dishonest.
First one- It's very clear there was quid pro quo. No not clear at all, as usual that is you liberals allowing your bias to interpret something completely out of context. If it were clear you wouldn't have people disagreeing with you.
Who is disagreeing? Only the people who would defend Trump for shooting someone on 5th ave.

Second One- Biden did abuse his power or the power of the Obama administration by holding up a billion dollar loan guarantee if they didn't fire a prosecutor. Your story is he was corrupt without the slightest interest in looking further than the Biden preferred prosecutors statement.
All you have to do is look at the contemporaneous accounts of the prosecutor's firing to realize that it was in the interest of the United States. The IMF wanted him fired, Republican Senators wanted him fired, the US State department wanted him fired. Just google "Shokin" and restrict the result to 2016 only.

You might want to look into the guy that headed the corporation where Biden's son was on the board. He just happened to be a Russian Oligarch that received much of the billion dollar loan guarantee for his private bank, which in turn ended up losing hundreds of millions. Not to mention he was forbidden into the US until Biden got involved. Strange huh.
Who is being dishonest now? The owner of Burisma, the company Biden's son was on the board of, is a Ukrainian. And a thorough search didn't reveal any information about a private bank. Maybe you can direct me to this information with a link, unless you are the dishonest one.

Third One- Biden was the point man for Ukraine, everything was sunder his control including the DNC operative that had the Ukraine government make up allegations against Manafort.
That sounds like you are making that up. Any indication at all Biden was involved in any DNC schemes? Any evidence?

Forth One- You never had that same attitude in regards to Trump. In fact quite the opposite.
This is dishonest. I have never advocated any president abusing power.

Now do you care to put your money where your mouth is?
Folks, there is reason to believe brad is stealing my brain worm bit
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Who is disagreeing? Only the people who would defend Trump for shooting someone on 5th ave.

All you have to do is look at the contemporaneous accounts of the prosecutor's firing to realize that it was in the interest of the United States. The IMF wanted him fired, Republican Senators wanted him fired, the US State department wanted him fired. Just google "Shokin" and restrict the result to 2016 only.

Who is being dishonest now? The owner of Burisma, the company Biden's son was on the board of, is a Ukrainian. And a thorough search didn't reveal any information about a private bank. Maybe you can direct me to this information with a link, unless you are the dishonest one.

That sounds like you are making that up. Any indication at all Biden was involved in any DNC schemes? Any evidence?

This is dishonest. I have never advocated any president abusing power.

Now do you care to put your money where your mouth is?

It's already been posted numerous times you just ignore it and keep on with the left wing rhetoric. See Glen Beck's video. I know you don't like him but the information on that video is accurate.
It's already been posted numerous times you just ignore it and keep on with the left wing rhetoric. See Glen Beck's video. I know you don't like him but the information on that video is accurate.
Seriously just send me the link to any article that supports what you are saying about Russian Oligarch's private banks etc, even if Glen Beck wrote it.

Are you going to bet me or not?

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