Blow my Whistle Baby

Did I stutter?

I get that the modern democratic party is the world authority on abusing power, but you can't even articulate a crime.
Witholding aid in exchange for an investigation into his political opponent is abuse of power.

Now explain how this is a frame? You do know what frame means right?
Witholding aid in exchange for an investigation into his political opponent is abuse of power.

Now explain how this is a frame? You do know what frame means right?

Never thought I'd see the day of Pilt putting so much effort into straw grasping.

Acting like a real, live boy, yes.
Grasping at straws with a hard-on, never saw it coming.
Never thought I'd see the day of Pilt putting so much effort into straw grasping.

Acting like a real, live boy, yes.
Grasping at straws with a hard-on, never saw it coming.
You have problems brad
Witholding aid in exchange for an investigation into his political opponent

First of all, I reject your clumsy propaganda.

1. There was no quid pro quo. We've all seen this shitty movie before. We've all read the transcript. We've all read the supporting texts. Nothing about your statement is factually true.

2. His "political opponent" is on video admitting to being guilty of exactly what you are fantasizing Trump did. Thats what actual corruption and shakedowns look like.

3. Biden is also part of the ongoing investigation into the 2016 election, and was the VP of that corrupt administration currently being rightfully investigated. When did you guys decide you didn't want truth regarding the 2016 election? Surely that wasn't disingenuous.

4. Since when are candidates exempt from investigations? Someone should've told Brennan that 3 years ago and saved us all a lot of arguing hmm?

Framed. <- Look it up.
You have problems brad
First of all, I reject your clumsy propaganda.

1. There was no quid pro quo. We've all seen this shitty movie before. We've all read the transcript. We've all read the supporting texts. Nothing about your statement is factually true.

2. His "political opponent" is on video admitting to being guilty of exactly what you are fantasizing Trump did. Thats what actual corruption and shakedowns look like.

3. Biden is also part of the ongoing investigation into the 2016 election, and was the VP of that corrupt administration currently being rightfully investigated. When did you guys decide you didn't want truth regarding the 2016 election? Surely that wasn't disingenuous.

4. Since when are candidates exempt from investigations? Someone should've told Brennan that 3 years ago and saved us all a lot of arguing hmm?

Framed. <- Look it up.
1. I have read the supporting texts and it is very clear that there was quid pro quo
2. His political opponent admitted to getting a prosecutor fired on video, but he did on behalf of the United States and against the interests of his son, which is why he so openly bragged about it.
3. How is Biden even tangentially connected to your conspiracy theory about the 2016 election? In fact why don't you spell out that conspiracy theory
4. Candidates aren't exempt from investigations, they are exempt from the president of the United States withholding foreign aid appropriated by congress in exchange for a foreign country announcing a phony investigation.
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FRAME: produce false evidence against (an innocent person) so that they appear guilty.
What is the false evidence in this case?
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I'll put my track record against yours any day of the week.

I've done it. I gave up, as megaprocessing your outlandish sources and consistently wrong theories and lies when I caught you (remember the cut and paste with bullshit stats?) takes too much energy and there's no real end game. See the next paragraph.

Ahh... good ol Seth Rich. That's one of my favorite things you go to because not only has his case never been solved, no theory about him being the hacker has ever been debunked.

There it is, lol. How many years now? And you're still on it.

Convictions? Shouldn't he reveal his indictments first?

Yes, and have several other hearings too. I like to cut to the bottom line with you guys and go straight to convictions. Okay, so indictments.

Is Hillz getting INDICTED any time soon?

You pissed down both legs when I offered a bet on McCabe. I'll go through the same exercise on these other toofless theories if you like. Smart move, bitching out on the McCabe wager. You know deep down I'm right.
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remember the cut and paste with bullshit stats?

you realize that's searchable and played out for everyone to see/read? That didn't happen in your imagination, so anyone who's curious about the lie you are telling and might be interested in the truth can do a search with your name (not the anon you changed to), my name and "cut and paste" or some combo thereof. Beyond that, I agree it's not a pissing contest anyone needs to have to read again. Not very interesting other than to say every word you typed on it just now is a lie.

I think you may have found your speed here. Maybe stay in your lol lane, hmm?
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1. I have read the supporting texts and it is very clear that there was quid pro quo

vErY clEar. (is this not cool anymore?)

And yet, reasoned people say otherwise - as do my own eyes. If you want a shred of credibility in this conversation, maybe drop the "very clear" part. At best it's a tortured justification for something you really really want to be true.

2. His political opponent admitted to getting a prosecutor fired on video, but he did on behalf of the United States and against the interests of his son, which is why he so openly bragged about it.

Gonna need you to provide some sourcing here skippy. This is literally the first I've heard of white knight Biden only bragging about getting a guy fired because it was in the interest of the US and against the interests of his son. I'm inclined to laugh and say "bullshit." But I'll hear you out.

3. How is Biden even tangentially connected to your conspiracy theory about the 2016 election? In fact why don't you spell out that conspiracy theory

Tangentially, he was the VP of the corrupt Obama administration. And the Ukraine is ground zero for several aspects of the coup against candidate and eventually President Trump. C'mon man, it's unfair to call this a conspiracy theory - it's not like I'm claiming Biden is colluding with Russia.

4. Candidates aren't exempt from investigations, they are exempt from the president of the United States withholding foreign aid appropriated by congress in exchange for a foreign country announcing a phony investigation.

I would agree - if only that were actually what happened.

You are way over your skis here. Trump is dragging his nuts over these people because he has the intelligence (data, proof etc.) to back it up. He isn't a green candidate now, and this isn't as well conceived a plan as the collusion hoax was. This is already boomeranging and you don't even realize it.
vErY clEar. (is this not cool anymore?)

And yet, reasoned people say otherwise - as do my own eyes. If you want a shred of credibility in this conversation, maybe drop the "very clear" part. At best it's a tortured justification for something you really really want to be true.

Gonna need you to provide some sourcing here skippy. This is literally the first I've heard of white knight Biden only bragging about getting a guy fired because it was in the interest of the US and against the interests of his son. I'm inclined to laugh and say "bullshit." But I'll hear you out.

Tangentially, he was the VP of the corrupt Obama administration. And the Ukraine is ground zero for several aspects of the coup against candidate and eventually President Trump. C'mon man, it's unfair to call this a conspiracy theory - it's not like I'm claiming Biden is colluding with Russia.

I would agree - if only that were actually what happened.

You are way over your skis here. Trump is dragging his nuts over these people because he has the intelligence (data, proof etc.) to back it up. He isn't a green candidate now, and this isn't as well conceived a plan as the collusion hoax was. This is already boomeranging and you don't even realize it.

Wtf is your objective?! Jesus you oughta be embarrassed to be such a bornfollower.
vErY clEar. (is this not cool anymore?)

And yet, reasoned people say otherwise - as do my own eyes. If you want a shred of credibility in this conversation, maybe drop the "very clear" part. At best it's a tortured justification for something you really really want to be true.

Gonna need you to provide some sourcing here skippy. This is literally the first I've heard of white knight Biden only bragging about getting a guy fired because it was in the interest of the US and against the interests of his son. I'm inclined to laugh and say "bullshit." But I'll hear you out.

Tangentially, he was the VP of the corrupt Obama administration. And the Ukraine is ground zero for several aspects of the coup against candidate and eventually President Trump. C'mon man, it's unfair to call this a conspiracy theory - it's not like I'm claiming Biden is colluding with Russia.

I would agree - if only that were actually what happened.

You are way over your skis here. Trump is dragging his nuts over these people because he has the intelligence (data, proof etc.) to back it up. He isn't a green candidate now, and this isn't as well conceived a plan as the collusion hoax was. This is already boomeranging and you don't even realize it.
Wtf is your objective?! Jesus you oughta be embarrassed to be such a bornfollower.

My objective? Truth, and reminding you guys of all the establishment lies you believed and propagated.

3 years ago, the clumsy propaganda known as Russian collusion hit the national vernacular. It was obvious to me in that week - as you can see from what I said at the time - that it was a lie and it was meant to overturn an American election that went off script.

blah blah blah. Trust Mueller. Emoluments. Rape accusations. and so on. (I'll see if I can find a comprehensive list). You idiots bought every. single. lie. All because your establishment overlords told you to hate Donald Trump. And so, you wiped off your chin and said yes sir.

The funniest thing on this board is you calling anyone a born follower.
1. I have read the supporting texts and it is very clear that there was quid pro quo
2. His political opponent admitted to getting a prosecutor fired on video, but he did on behalf of the United States and against the interests of his son, which is why he so openly bragged about it.
3. How is Biden even tangentially connected to your conspiracy theory about the 2016 election? In fact why don't you spell out that conspiracy theory
4. Candidates aren't exempt from investigations, they are exempt from the president of the United States withholding foreign aid appropriated by congress in exchange for a foreign country announcing a phony investigation.

El lol
3 years ago, the clumsy propaganda known as Russian collusion hit the national vernacular. It was obvious to me in that week - as you can see from what I said at the time - that it was a lie and it was meant to overturn an American election that went off script.

Lol a lot more than that hit. Campaign manager in prison. Personal lawyer in prison. NSA guy pled guilty.... definitive report re Russia qorking tonget Trump elected (wonder why?) but you keep the talking point up. My gawd, that litany of awfulness is awfuller than awful but you focus on collusion. That's pitiful.

My objective? Truth, and reminding you guys of all the establishment lies you believed and propagated.

3 years ago, the clumsy propaganda known as Russian collusion hit the national vernacular. It was obvious to me in that week - as you can see from what I said at the time - that it was a lie and it was meant to overturn an American election that went off script.

blah blah blah. Trust Mueller. Emoluments. Rape accusations. and so on. (I'll see if I can find a comprehensive list). You idiots bought every. single. lie. All because your establishment overlords told you to hate Donald Trump. And so, you wiped off your chin and said yes sir.

The funniest thing on this board is you calling anyone a born follower.

You are your fellow Appalachian geniuses are born followers. You literally can't WITH HINDSIGHT separate fact from fiction, much less real time.

Russia picked you off. They focused on the most gullible slice of the electorate - you - and played you like a fiddle to hurt this country. If i came on here under a new name i could, too, in about 39 days. You're that feeble minded.

Revisit our health insurance dialogue if you'd like a pristine example of a rube following demagogues' "thinking" and voting against your self interest.

I know: yay biff, feels great, go heirs and big business. Yay again.
Lol a lot more than that hit. Campaign manager in prison. Personal lawyer in prison. NSA guy pled guilty.... definitive report re Russia qorking tonget Trump elected (wonder why?) but you keep the talking point up. My gawd, that litany of awfulness is awfuller than awful but you focus on collusion. That's pitiful.

You are your fellow Appalachian geniuses are born followers. You literally can't WITH HINDSIGHT separate fact from fiction, much less real time.

Russia picked you off. They focused on the most gullible slice of the electorate - you - and played you like a fiddle to hurt this country. If i came on here under a new name i could, too, in about 39 days. You're that feeble minded.

Revisit our health insurance dialogue if you'd like a pristine example of a rube following demagogues' "thinking" and voting against your self interest.

I know: yay biff, feels great, go heirs and big business. Yay again.

You are such a freaking weirdo. Sometimes I think you believe the shit you type. Other times, I think you are a troll worthy of my respect. I kind of don't want to know which.
@07pilt need something deeper than lol here.

“Our intelligence community wouldn’t wipe its ass with a real whistleblower.”

“Americans who’ve blown the whistle over serious offenses by the federal government either spend the rest of their lives overseas,like Edward Snowden, end up in jail, like Chelsea Manning, get arrested and ruined financially, like former NSA official Thomas Drake, have their homes raided by FBI like disabled NSA vet William Binney, or get charged with espionage like ex-CIA exposer-of-torture John Kiriakou. It’s an insult to all of these people, and the suffering they’ve weathered, to frame the ballcarrier in the Beltway’s latest partisan power contest as a whistleblower.”

You ok with being manipulated by the ClA?
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1. I have read the supporting texts and it is very clear that there was quid pro quo
2. His political opponent admitted to getting a prosecutor fired on video, but he did on behalf of the United States and against the interests of his son, which is why he so openly bragged about it.
3. How is Biden even tangentially connected to your conspiracy theory about the 2016 election? In fact why don't you spell out that conspiracy theory
4. Candidates aren't exempt from investigations, they are exempt from the president of the United States withholding foreign aid appropriated by congress in exchange for a foreign country announcing a phony investigation.

It's this dishonest representation of the facts that will be the reason Democrats will lose the 2020 election.
@07pilt need something deeper than lol here.

“Our intelligence community wouldn’t wipe its ass with a real whistleblower.”

“Americans who’ve blown the whistle over serious offenses by the federal government either spend the rest of their lives overseas,like Edward Snowden, end up in jail, like Chelsea Manning, get arrested and ruined financially, like former NSA official Thomas Drake, have their homes raided by FBI like disabled NSA vet William Binney, or get charged with espionage like ex-CIA exposer-of-torture John Kiriakou. It’s an insult to all of these people, and the suffering they’ve weathered, to frame the ballcarrier in the Beltway’s latest partisan power contest as a whistleblower.”

You ok with being manipulated by the ClA?
lol, the call summary was released and Trump repeated it live in front of cameras. What is the whistleblower deceiving me about?

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