Biff really is running the government like one of his businesses!

Do I need to get you a puppy dog? What stage of Mueller report grief are you in? You seem to be fluctuating between several stages. Bet the Board would pitch in to fund your doctor visits if you need counseling, we understand if the ACA priced you out of health coverage.

The dunce double down!
They can have an impact and still not be the driving force. It’s not their baby. They like to claim it is when it’s good and not when it’s bad.

There have been three Presidents that have had a huge effect on the economy. Obama was a disaster while Reagan and Trump were great.
Am I the only one that appreciates the outpouring of anger and energy any time someone is critical of Fatass?
The funny thing is Sys is I am not a huge Trump fan. But there is a wide gap of knowledge between you and me. I recognize the MSM is heavily biased. I realize Trump is absolutely correct on fake news claims. I knew from the beginning that Russia collusion and Mueller investigation was political and fruitless. I see that Dems and the MSM will never stop doubling and tripling down on “fake noise” to distract low income voters who blindly watch CNN or MSNBC and receive news heavily edited for anti-Trump purposes. And I understand that TDS is real.

Lots of things you can get on Trump, but people rightly laugh at you for trying to make fun of Trump’s booming economy while somehow attempting to give Obama credit. Asinine is not a strong enough word.
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The funny thing is Sys is I am not a huge Trump fan. But there is a wide gap of knowledge between you and me. I recognize the MSM is heavily biased. I realize Trump is absolutely correct on fake news claims. I knew from the beginning that Russia collusion and Mueller investigation was political and fruitless. I see that Dems and the MSM will never stop doubling and tripling down on “fake noise” to distract low income voters who blindly watch CNN or MSNBC and receive news heavily edited for anti-Trump purposes. And I understand that TDS is real.

Lots of things you can get on Trump, but people rightly laugh at you for trying to make fun of Trump’s booming economy while somehow attempting to give Obama credit. Asinine is not a strong enough word.

Obama afterglow. Two termer. Had 8 years of growth in the sails. Let's see if he gets a second term and if he goes out with a good economy, then I'll give him credit. That's not a good faith analysis that any republican on this board gave Obama.
Obama left with black America worse than when he found it. Signs of what we saw when Robert Mugabe came to power in Southern Rhodesia in the early eighties. The white minority got it first. This usually happens when Marxist economic policies are introduced.

Under President Obama, black America poverty went up and home ownership went down. The Federal Bureau of Investigation tells me black-on-black crime set records.

The smartest woman in the world inexplicably ran for Obama's third term. 14 percent black men voted Trump. Heavily black Wayne County , Michigan and Cuyhoga County, Ohio did not deliver for the Godmother of the Clinton crime mob as they did for Obama.

Obama is our only president to never oversee an annual 3 percent GDP growth rate. Over regulation in the style of Robert Mugabe.

Voting Trump was a no brainer for me. I have skin in the game. BLEXIT!
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Obama afterglow. Two termer. Had 8 years of growth in the sails. Let's see if he gets a second term and if he goes out with a good economy, then I'll give him credit. That's not a good faith analysis that any republican on this board gave Obama.

Only a liberals would claim how good an economy is when welfare and social service rolls were at record highs.
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Only a liberals would claim how good an economy is when welfare and social service rolls were at record highs.

Very easy analysis

Bush I - inherited a great economy, recession.

Clinton: Great expansion.

Bush II - inherited a great economy, recession.

Obama: - inherited recession, economy kicking it when left office.

Trump - inherited great economy, ---?

Now the talking point is Obama's recovery from the Republican-induced recession wasn't fast enough. You drive your car in a ditch and complain because someone doesn't pull it out fast enough, I guess.
Business cycle. Sophomore Econ. Whoever inherited the Economy in 2000 would be president during the upswing. That was inevitable. The interest rates have been explained to you. The outrageous rating system for mortgage backed securities has been explained to you, you are out of your element. What’s going on now was not expected. Trump was a shot of b12. Guess what, that won’t go on forever. There will be another recession. No matter who is president.

And here you will come with your stick banging on the bucket trying to say look at what biff did!!
Business cycle. Sophomore Econ. Whoever inherited the Economy in 2000 would be president during the upswing. That was inevitable. The interest rates have been explained to you. The outrageous rating system for mortgage backed securities has been explained to you, you are out of your element. What’s going on now was not expected. Trump was a shot of b12. Guess what, that won’t go on forever. There will be another recession. No matter who is president.

And here you will come with your stick banging on the bucket trying to say look at what biff did!!

Oh I know. THere's always a reason -- some explanation to explain away what our eyes see. Don't believe what you see. We're in a post fact world per Lewandowski. ALternative facts, as Kellyanne says. You're fittin' in.
Oh I know. THere's always a reason -- some explanation to explain away what our eyes see. Don't believe what you see. We're in a post fact world per Lewandowski. ALternative facts, as Kellyanne says. You're fittin' in.

Lost cause
Clinton: Great expansion.

Bush II - inherited a great economy, recession.
Did ThinkProgess tell you this? Bush 2.0 inherited a recession. Whether it began in January 2001 or March of 2001 is up for debate, but it started at the end of Clinton's presidency.
Very easy analysis

Bush I - inherited a great economy, recession.

Clinton: Great expansion.

Bush II - inherited a great economy, recession.

Obama: - inherited recession, economy kicking it when left office.

Trump - inherited great economy, ---?

Now the talking point is Obama's recovery from the Republican-induced recession wasn't fast enough. You drive your car in a ditch and complain because someone doesn't pull it out fast enough, I guess.

Revisionist history. The recession was caused by Bill Clinton era policies. Yes Republicans in Congress during the Clinton years deserve some blame for repealing Glass Steagall. Bush tried to head it off but Democrats refused to listen. Making matters worse for you is it was Bush's policies that ended the recession and nothing Obama did.
Did ThinkProgess tell you this? Bush 2.0 inherited a recession. Whether it began in January 2001 or March of 2001 is up for debate, but it started at the end of Clinton's presidency.

LOL more alternative facts. The economy went to shit after 911 (which he let happen because he was too thick and arrogant to listen to the previous administraton) and then went to shit AGAIN in '08.
Revisionist history. The recession was caused by Bill Clinton era policies. Yes Republicans in Congress during the Clinton years deserve some blame for repealing Glass Steagall. Bush tried to head it off but Democrats refused to listen. Making matters worse for you is it was Bush's policies that ended the recession and nothing Obama did.

Always a reason why we see these recessions at the tail end of the republican administrations. Always a reason. Keep digging boys, we can explain it away. Ignore the facts.

And wait until the next one hits -- Biff is spending $$$ hand over fist, but this time doesn't have Daddy's trust fund or a bankruptcy court to bail him out.
Oh I know. THere's always a reason -- some explanation to explain away what our eyes see. Don't believe what you see. We're in a post fact world per Lewandowski. ALternative facts, as Kellyanne says. You're fittin' in.

Lol. You're literal LEE poo-pooing educating yourself and having a more accurate understanding than the loose associations you draw.
Always a reason why we see these recessions at the tail end of the republican administrations. Always a reason. Keep digging boys, we can explain it away. Ignore the facts.

What's the reason? What's the facts?
LOL more alternative facts. The economy went to shit after 911 (which he let happen because he was too thick and arrogant to listen to the previous administraton) and then went to shit AGAIN in '08.
Uhhh, no. Try again. 9/11 did have an effect on the economy, but the recession started before then. Use your google.

Hey, remember when Bill Clinton got rough with bin Laden? Chuckle.
Uhhh, no. Try again. 9/11 did have an effect on the economy, but the recession started before then. Use your google.

Hey, remember when Bill Clinton got rough with bin Laden? Chuckle.

Tell us about it, Cliff.
Always a reason why we see these recessions at the tail end of the republican administrations. Always a reason. Keep digging boys, we can explain it away. Ignore the facts.
This is why people laugh at you. You chug narratives and accept them as fact without any independent thought. You're exactly what the Democrats worked hard to create, the unaware and compliant citizen.
This is why people laugh at you. You chug narratives and accept them as fact without any independent thought. You're exactly what the Democrats worked hard to create, the unaware and compliant citizen.

Your accusations are confessions Scatman. Every time.
It's almost as if... you don't have the credibility to justify spending time convincing you of anything, ya know?

What? I'm asking you to provide causal reasons that support your assertion?

Is this how to win a case?
Always a reason why we see these recessions at the tail end of the republican administrations. Always a reason. Keep digging boys, we can explain it away. Ignore the facts.

And wait until the next one hits -- Biff is spending $$$ hand over fist, but this time doesn't have Daddy's trust fund or a bankruptcy court to bail him out.

Might have something to do with Democrats screwing things up just like Clinton did.
Tell us about it, Cliff.

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