Biden Oval Office address

Maybe he's stepping down. Then Cackling Kamala can run as an incumbent. I find it hard to sympathize with someone who spent his career grifting the very people he held in such disdain.

"I don't work for you!"

Nope! You never did, and now you never will.
May be resigning, probably has spent the last several days working on a buyout. He won't be able to grift anymore, no speaking engagements for him when he leaves office. Probably doesn't need the money anyway but he lost the Power but he will damn sure take more money.
I wonder how much he will get?
I don't think he's resigning...they don't want harris out there where people can see what she really is....not yet anyway, not before the election. Of course, if he gets lost on the way to the podium, he probably is retiring. Maybe.
May be resigning, probably has spent the last several days working on a buyout. He won't be able to grift anymore, no speaking engagements for him when he leaves office. Probably doesn't need the money anyway but he lost the Power but he will damn sure take more money.
I wonder how much he will get?
In "his" state of mental decline, he doesn't know where he is and money is not a concern he would be having. In my experience, it's the family members squabbling over money.

Glad he gets to rest, it's a shame the way that old man was used. Yes, he did his fair share as well.

I don't think his advisers will let him resign office. Kamala's crew would be taking over positions the DNC elite will not agree with.
May be resigning, probably has spent the last several days working on a buyout. He won't be able to grift anymore, no speaking engagements for him when he leaves office. Probably doesn't need the money anyway but he lost the Power but he will damn sure take more money.
I wonder how much he will get?
My wild guess is at least $100 million.
I emphasize because I have had to deal with the disease and it's horrible. I would not wish it on my enemy.
I have as well and hold the family who enabled it and the fools who voted for him responsible. He has never been fit for the oval office. Worst and most corrupt president in history if not for Obama who has been calling the shots from the get go in this cluster so I call that one a tie. Nice try on the rent a protest today as well. This Soros/Obama crap is beyond old. By the bus loads these paid morons flooded DC to miss one of the best speeches ever. BLM, Occupy Wall Street, Free Palestine. George Floyd, Defund, etc. Same old playbook.
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Sleepy had to be told he was an embarrassment. Took a little too long to sink in though imo. Better late than never. What's the coot do now, sip tea in a wheelchair with a blanket on his lap waiting for his next diaper change? Jackass had 80+ years to find some kinda hobby to pass time in retirement. That's the sad part of all this.
The PedoPrez reminds me of Gollum.

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