Bernie Sanders: 'we have a president who is a racist'

Imagine thinking that anything Bernie says is meant to persuade the "you can't prove Trump is racist" crowd.
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Imagine thinking that anything Bernie says is meant to persuade the "you can't prove Trump is racist" crowd.
Conversely, anyone nut who'd consider voting for such an incoherent windbag already believes Trump is an Uber-racist.
Conversely, anyone nut who'd consider voting for such an incoherent windbag already believes Trump is an Uber-racist.
Yes, but they have lots of windbags to choose from so it is important to ritually virtue signal on Trump being a racist. Gotta play the game if you want to win.
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Bernie may be right for the first time, but he needs to take a look in the mirror.
Absolutely despise Bernie.
Takes advantage of capitalism and says the US should be more like Venezuela or some other European countries.
Despise was maybe too strong. Should have said do not like.

Oh boy you don’t get these board liberals at all. You don’t have to practice something in order to tell others how to live. Come on dude.

Ask them what they do to protect the earth. It’s a hoot.
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I mean, how do they not boo this guy off the stage, how has he cleansed himself of his original sin of white privilege? Dems believe it can not be cleansed, unless of you are a hypocrite and believe their identity politics is only for those who do not believe in their religion. He is as “privileged” as they come.
I mean, how do they not boo this guy off the stage, how has he cleansed himself of his original sin of white privilege? Dems believe it can not be cleansed, unless of you are a hypocrite and believe their identity politics is only for those who do not believe in their religion. He is as “privileged” as they come.
Well, he does talk a good "LOTS OF FREE STUFF!!!!! game and plenty of Democratic voters aren't the sharpest tools in the shed. I'm sure they're willing to look past his white privilege when he's promising to shower them in government largesse. Welfare queens, dipshit college kids, and career freeloaders love free stuff.
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Takes advantage of capitalism and says the US should be more like Venezuela or some other European countries.
Despise was maybe too strong. Should have said do not like.
I don't like to play the game Monopoly with the rule that landing on "free parking" is a huge jackpot. But if everyone else insists on that rule, you better believe I am taking the jackpot.
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Takes advantage of capitalism and says the US should be more like Venezuela or some other European countries.
Despise was maybe too strong. Should have said do not like.

I think he has a pretty low ceiling if some other smart libs get in the race. I swear his success was just filling the void of no other alternative. I voted for him but couldn't get excited.
I mean, how do they not boo this guy off the stage, how has he cleansed himself of his original sin of white privilege? Dems believe it can not be cleansed, unless of you are a hypocrite and believe their identity politics is only for those who do not believe in their religion. He is as “privileged” as they come.
What a hypocrite. Democrats believe if you are white you should just kill yourself. How dare he still draw breath?!?
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But 07pilt, how can you advocate for full automated luxury gay space communism, when you are neither gay nor live in space? Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?
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But 07pilt, how can you advocate for full automated luxury gay space communism, when you are neither gay nor live in space? Doesn't that make you a hypocrite?

Damn I love it when you do your voodoo.
Oh boy you don’t get these board liberals at all. You don’t have to practice something in order to tell others how to live. Come on dude.

Ask them what they do to protect the earth. It’s a hoot.
True about righters too.
Do not get me started on global worming, or is it called climate change?
True about righters too.
Do not get me started on global worming, or is it called climate change?
Brilliant move by the deniers to play dumb about global warming and point out the it has gotten colder in some places. Stupid move by the science believers to adjust the name of the phenomenon instead of just ridiculing the deniers for being dumb. Now people like Knoblock can forever play the "it must not be real if it has been called two names" card.
Brilliant move by the deniers to play dumb about global warming and point out the it has gotten colder in some places. Stupid move by the science believers to adjust the name of the phenomenon instead of just ridiculing the deniers for being dumb. Now people like Knoblock can forever play the "it must not be real if it has been called two names" card.
Haha. Member of the American Association of Petroleum Geologist and Society of Petroleum Engineers.
Lecture me.
Experts mean nothing anymore, we are an aggregate of knowledge and that's the way we like it.
This is when pilt slinks away on his raft of question marks.
I am just surprised that a member of such prestigious organizations pulled the "they have called it by two different names" card first. Usually SPE members open with impugning the sources of funding for global warming research.
Experts mean nothing anymore, we are an aggregate of knowledge and that's the way we like it.

The level of person engaged in social discourse has plummeted. Do you think the twitter horde would have picked up a newspaper 30 years ago? Losers are skewing the numbers.

Experts on border security? Border patrol. Makes sense to you and me.
I am just surprised that a member of such prestigious organizations pulled the "they have called it by two different names" card first. Usually SPE members open with impugning the sources of funding for global warming research.

You people leave a lot of windows open and then gripe about which one gets climbed through first.