Bad day for Trump

Still baffled at the performance and his 'corrections' yesterday. You simply don't side with Russia over US intelligence agencies.

Why are you baffled?

There is one of two things going on here, and perhaps even a combination of both.

First, Trump's ego won't allow him to differentiate between Russian's interference with the 2016 election and charges of collusion between his campaign and Russia. The two are separate issues, but to Trump, they aren't. It appears that Trump can't bring himself to admit that Russia interfered with the election, because to do so, he thinks, would render his election illegitimate. Add to that the paranoia he has in relation to the Mueller investigation (not to mention the political spin he is trying to place on that investigation) and our intelligence agencies, and you have a mind that is unbalanced when it comes to Russia.

Second, either Putin (and by extension, Russia's intelligence agencies) has something on Trump and/or there was some level of collusion between Trump's campaign and Russia in 2016. This second option may or may not be true. If it is, it is mixed into what we are observing from Trump at the moment.
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