Asking A Hypothetical Question For Sheer Amusement

I have never once claimed Jews are not historically indigenous to the land. Indigenous from 3000 years ago. The ones that stayed eventually became Muslims, thus it is more accurate to say they are "more Semite" than the Brooklyn Jew who shows up in 2024. The Palestinians are the rightful indigenous people in today's world, and they should not be moved off their land and murdered if they protest. Jews who show up from Brooklyn and claim "birthright" to a Palestinian's property is wrong. The African Jews claim Jewish heritage, but that goes counter to the Judaism the "European" (German) Jews want to have, so the European (German) Jews make it very difficult for them to practice their faith. I believe they have to deny their religious heritage before they are allowed to become citizens. After all the German version of Judaism is the politically correct version. Others need not apply.
So no, you have no clue who the Mizrahi Jews are. It's very clear you have almost no factual historical background about the conflict (or any to be honest) outside of the white vs brown narrative you've fallen so in love with. You confirm it with every post.
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