Asking A Hypothetical Question For Sheer Amusement

If the election was between Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton who would you want to see win?
Asking for a friend: If you support part of a terrorist organization, are you a terrorist supporter?

Edit: Just to answer your question, it would be irrelevant. They both serve the same financial masters who push the same globalist agenda.
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Part time supporter? Are you accusing me of supporting part of a terrorist organization? Which part of which organization?
Yes. You stated that you were for the 'non-violent' portion of Hamas. You know the ones that build hospitals and schools. Well, they are part of Hamas (and build said Hospitals on their money laundering banks, and build weapon armories in those schools). So by your own words, you agree that you are a part-time supporter of Hamas, which last I checked was a terrorist organization.
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Yes. You stated that you were for the 'non-violent' portion of Hamas. You know the ones that build hospitals and schools. Well, they are part of Hamas (and build said Hospitals on their money laundering banks, and build weapon armories in those schools). So by your own words, you agree that you are a part-time supporter of Hamas, which last I checked was a terrorist organization.
I see your point. It is a good one. If Israel’s strongest ally, the USA, designates Hamas as a terrorist organization then one must not “support” the civil wing that provides services to its people but participates in no violence or else by default one is supporting the terrorist organization. Therefore the proper course of action is to upend the civil wing so that no services are provided at all. It makes sense in its own twisted cruelty.
I see your point. It is a good one. If Israel’s strongest ally, the USA, designates Hamas as a terrorist organization then one must not “support” the civil wing that provides services to its people but participates in no violence or else by default one is supporting the terrorist organization. Therefore the proper course of action is to upend the civil wing so that no services are provided at all. It makes sense in its own twisted cruelty.
Yep. The Civil wing of a terrorist organization is still PART of the terrorist organization. Glad we're in agreement that you have posted and confirmed that you support Hamas.

And btw, the US has designated Hamas a terrorist organization. My use of that designation is not correlated to Israel's classification of Hamas.
I see your point. It is a good one. If Israel’s strongest ally, the USA, designates Hamas as a terrorist organization then one must not “support” the civil wing that provides services to its people but participates in no violence or else by default one is supporting the terrorist organization. Therefore the proper course of action is to upend the civil wing so that no services are provided at all. It makes sense in its own twisted cruelty.
Oh look, one of those part of the Civil Wing you speak about is on video.

Hmmm, maybe it's just me but her answers are the same as the terrorist. Gee I wonder why?
I see your point. It is a good one. If Israel’s strongest ally, the USA, designates Hamas as a terrorist organization then one must not “support” the civil wing that provides services to its people but participates in no violence or else by default one is supporting the terrorist organization. Therefore the proper course of action is to upend the civil wing so that no services are provided at all. It makes sense in its own twisted cruelty.
Is this "civil wing" of Hamas the folks who purchase humans from ISIS?
Is this "civil wing" of Hamas the folks who purchase humans from ISIS?
Ponca's all for the civilian arm of Hamas such as this peaceful and pious doctor:

Dr. Aljamal, 74, was a general practitioner and also led the call to prayer at the local mosque, waking early every day to get there before dawn.

“He was a pious man,” neighbor Abdelrahman El Tahrawi said. “He leads the prayer, then he goes back to his home. He didn’t mix with people, didn’t complain about other people, and no one complained about him. He was a man who minded his own business.”

Dr. Aljamal’s son Abdallah, 36, was a freelance journalist who most recently wrote for the US-based Palestine Chronicle, for which he filed regular dispatches on the war in Gaza.
(I bet those dispatches were highly accurate depictions of the atrocities that Israel has committed on innocent Gazan's like his father. You know the one's that Ponca likes to link to on a daily basis.)

Neighbors told CNN it was no secret that the family had links to Hamas. “We were worried about the Aljamal house. They are with Hamas,” said a neighbor and family acquaintance.

Ponca's all for the civilian arm of Hamas such as this peaceful and pious doctor:

Dr. Aljamal, 74, was a general practitioner and also led the call to prayer at the local mosque, waking early every day to get there before dawn.

“He was a pious man,” neighbor Abdelrahman El Tahrawi said. “He leads the prayer, then he goes back to his home. He didn’t mix with people, didn’t complain about other people, and no one complained about him. He was a man who minded his own business.”

Dr. Aljamal’s son Abdallah, 36, was a freelance journalist who most recently wrote for the US-based Palestine Chronicle, for which he filed regular dispatches on the war in Gaza.
(I bet those dispatches were highly accurate depictions of the atrocities that Israel has committed on innocent Gazan's like his father. You know the one's that Ponca likes to link to on a daily basis.)

Neighbors told CNN it was no secret that the family had links to Hamas. “We were worried about the Aljamal house. They are with Hamas,” said a neighbor and family acquaintance.

Careful now, aix. Dan sees the posting of factual information as unnecessary personally insulting rhetoric directed towards him.
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Careful now, aix. Dan sees the posting of factual information as unnecessary personally insulting rhetoric directed towards him.
Its funny watching him run from the threads that he posted when he gets called out for his own statements, only to watch him post yet another new thread pushing the same propaganda narrative. What's really sad is that he even admits his links are propaganda, but he is so sure that Israel is evil, that he gobbles the propaganda up anyway.
Its funny watching him run from the threads that he posted when he gets called out for his own statements, only to watch him post yet another new thread pushing the same propaganda narrative. What's really sad is that he even admits his links are propaganda, but he is so sure that Israel is evil, that he gobbles the propaganda up anyway.
I don’t need propaganda to convince me that what the state of Israel does is evil. It surprises me that you either can’t see it or are so infatuated with Israel you see it but don’t care.
I don’t need propaganda to convince me that what the state of Israel does is evil. It surprises me that you either can’t see it or are so infatuated with Israel you see it but don’t care.
I'm not infatuated with Israel. But as someone who has spent a significant amount of time in several countries throughout the Middle East (can you say the same?), I understand the Israeli plight and support them. I suspect that you, on the other hand, know nothing of the multi-generational conflict of the region beyond what you read on someone's blog.

Edit: Btw, being so sure that Israel is evil without the need of reading propaganda really is the definition of antisemitism.
I don’t need propaganda to convince me that what the state of Israel does is evil. It surprises me that you either can’t see it or are so infatuated with Israel you see it but don’t care.
You've been duped into believing a long standing religious conflict is a white vs brown conflict, Dan. Who convinced you of that?
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I'm not infatuated with Israel. But as someone who has spent a significant amount of time in several countries throughout the Middle East (can you say the same?), I understand the Israeli plight and support them. I suspect that you, on the other hand, know nothing of the multi-generational conflict of the region beyond what you read on someone's blog.

Edit: Btw, being so sure that Israel is evil without the need of reading propaganda really is the definition of antisemitism.
It's impressive that you can spend time in several countries throughout the Middle East and come away sympathizing with only the Zionists. Tell me, when you were in Israel did you spend many days and nights with Palestinians living in Gaza or the West Bank? No, I have not spent any time in any country in the Middle East. I therefore rely on people, historians and scholars who have spent their entire lives there. Some of what I have linked has been propaganda from the Palestinian perspective. I have never pretended otherwise. But many of the links are from Israelis who are disgusted with what their government is doing in their name. The ones with the means to get the hell out are leaving in droves. Perhaps they see what Zionism is leading to, and they don't want to be around to witness it. And congratulations: you've found a new definition of antisemitism.
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It's impressive that you can spend time in several countries throughout the Middle East and come away sympathizing with only the Zionists. Tell me, when you were in Israel did you spend many days and nights with Palestinians living in Gaza or the West Bank? No, I have not spent any time in any country in the Middle East. I therefore rely on people, historians and scholars who have spent their entire lives there. Some of what I have linked has been propaganda from the Palestinian perspective. I have never pretended otherwise. But many of the links are from Israelis who are disgusted with what their government is doing in their name. The ones with the means to get the hell out are leaving in droves. Perhaps they see what Zionism is leading to, and they don't want to be around to witness it. And congratulations: you've found a new definition of antisemitism.
That would be fine if you didn't only rely on links from people or sites that meet your pre-conceived notions of the events occurring. You've been given a number of links that dispute your positions and have happily stated that "no, you didn't read it." Anything that is pro-Israel is, in your mind, Israeli propaganda and not worth reading, yet you happily slurp up the Hamas-sponsered propaganda even when its clearly proven as false. You're like a liberal who ONLY watches MSNBC or a Republican who ONLY reads FoxNews. You only get half the truth (if that) and every story is twisted to fit the narrative that they want you to believe.
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Some of what I have linked has been propaganda from the Palestinian perspective. I have never pretended otherwise.

Except when you try to pass that propaganda off as factual evidence to support your Israel is evil narrative, you haven't pretended otherwise I guess.
You seem to think the "enemy's" propaganda cannot be true. Yet you accept everything the Israelis say as pure fact.
Dan, you claimed Palestinians are a race and the majority of Israelis are white. I'm not plagued by such silly and avoidable misinformation for a reason. I'll take my sources over yours all day every day.
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That would be fine if you didn't only rely on links from people or sites that meet your pre-conceived notions of the events occurring. You've been given a number of links that dispute your positions and have happily stated that "no, you didn't read it." Anything that is pro-Israel is, in your mind, Israeli propaganda and not worth reading, yet you happily slurp up the Hamas-sponsered propaganda even when its clearly proven as false. You're like a liberal who ONLY watches MSNBC or a Republican who ONLY reads FoxNews. You only get half the truth (if that) and every story is twisted to fit the narrative that they want you to believe.
For the record I don't watch either MSNBC or Fox. I supply links from "the other side" of the conflict because you* have made it clear you only indulge in the Israeli perspective. Once I started reading the Palestinian perspective, I realized it has much validity to it and other people, who ordinarily don't even know there is another perspective, ought to see it. I can't force any of you to read my links. But that is not going to stop me from posting them.

*By "you" I do not mean it personally, I mean the indefinite "you" that comprises virtually every poster on this board besides me.
Dan, you claimed Palestinians are a race and the majority of Israelis are white. I'm not plagued by such silly and avoidable misinformation for a reason. I'll take my sources over yours all day every day.
Of course you will. And you should. Your sources would never lead you astray.
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For the record I don't watch either MSNBC or Fox. I supply links from "the other side" of the conflict because you* have made it clear you only indulge in the Israeli perspective. Once I started reading the Palestinian perspective, I realized it has much validity to it and other people, who ordinarily don't even know there is another perspective, ought to see it. I can't force any of you to read my links. But that is not going to stop me from posting them.

*By "you" I do not mean it personally, I mean the indefinite "you" that comprises virtually every poster on this board besides me.
I get that you don't mean me specifically, but I have indulged you and read both sides of the story, and as such, I support Israel. The fact you choose not to read multiple sides and think critically for yourself, simply demonstrates the ease in which others can manipulate you.
You seem to think the "enemy's" propaganda cannot be true. Yet you accept everything the Israelis say as pure fact.
Dan, your reading on the conflict appears to have led you to believe that the conflict is a white vs brown one. That's not based on anything factual at all, but it is purposely framed that way by the Hamas propagandists for a reason. Have you ever asked yourself why they would mislead you on purpose?
Dan, your reading on the conflict appears to have led you to believe that the conflict is a white vs brown one. That's not based on anything factual at all, but it is purposely framed that way by the Hamas propagandists for a reason. Have you ever asked yourself why they would mislead you on purpose?
No, Medic, I have not been led to believe the conflict is brown vs white. It is a conflict between indigenous people that have been forced off their land by interlopers. That's it in a nutshell.
The Jews that show up from Brooklyn and claim their birthright? Yeah, they're indigenous and the Palestinians who are thrown off their land, or worse, murdered for refusing to leave, are the interlopers.
Whoopsie, there's that white vs brown narrative not based on fact once again. You might want to look at actual history for a change, Dan. Brooklyn didn't exist in 200 BCE.

Or do you think Jews from Brooklyn can time travel? That's something you might think can happen that I'm not aware of.
Whoopsie, there's that white vs brown narrative not based on fact once again. You might want to look at actual history for a change, Dan. Brooklyn didn't exist in 200 BCE.

Or do you think Jews from Brooklyn can time travel? That's something you might think can happen that I'm not aware of.
How about the Jews that show up from Africa, Medic? They don't come from the European (German) sect of Judaism, so they aren't "real" Jews, and are not granted citizenship unless one of them is in the army for at least 18 months. That's not a "white vs brown" thing, I'm not saying it is. I'm saying not all Jews are created equal in the eyes of the Zionists. Besides, in 2024 what difference does it make that 3000 years ago Jews lived in that part of the world? Is that really how you want to distribute land? If so you'd better be ready to hand over your house to the first Comanche or Kiowa that knocks on your door, gun in hand, declaring your property is his birthright. I can't believe someone with your intelligence falls for the "birthright from 3000 years ago" ruse.
How about the Jews that show up from Africa, Medic? They don't come from the European (German) sect of Judaism, so they aren't "real" Jews, and are not granted citizenship unless one of them is in the army for at least 18 months. That's not a "white vs brown" thing, I'm not saying it is. I'm saying not all Jews are created equal in the eyes of the Zionists. Besides, in 2024 what difference does it make that 3000 years ago Jews lived in that part of the world? Is that really how you want to distribute land? If so you'd better be ready to hand over your house to the first Comanche or Kiowa that knocks on your door, gun in hand, declaring your property is his birthright. I can't believe someone with your intelligence falls for the "birthright from 3000 years ago" ruse.
Where did I say anything about "birthright from 3000 years ago?" Those are your words, Dan. You claimed Jews aren't indigenous to the region. I simply showed you once again that you're wrong.

Do you know who the Mizrahi Jews are?
Where did I say anything about "birthright from 3000 years ago?" Those are your words, Dan. You claimed Jews aren't indigenous to the region. I simply showed you once again that you're wrong.

Do you know who the Mizrahi Jews are?
I have never once claimed Jews are not historically indigenous to the land. Indigenous from 3000 years ago. The ones that stayed eventually became Muslims, thus it is more accurate to say they are "more Semite" than the Brooklyn Jew who shows up in 2024. The Palestinians are the rightful indigenous people in today's world, and they should not be moved off their land and murdered if they protest. Jews who show up from Brooklyn and claim "birthright" to a Palestinian's property is wrong. The African Jews claim Jewish heritage, but that goes counter to the Judaism the "European" (German) Jews want to have, so the European (German) Jews make it very difficult for them to practice their faith. I believe they have to deny their religious heritage before they are allowed to become citizens. After all the German version of Judaism is the politically correct version. Others need not apply.
Where did I say anything about "birthright from 3000 years ago?" Those are your words, Dan. You claimed Jews aren't indigenous to the region. I simply showed you once again that you're wrong.

Do you know who the Mizrahi Jews are?
I'm calling it done for the weekend. In spite of your frequent rudeness, I always appreciate talking with you.
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I have never once claimed Jews are not historically indigenous to the land. Indigenous from 3000 years ago. The ones that stayed eventually became Muslims, thus it is more accurate to say they are "more Semite" than the Brooklyn Jew who shows up in 2024. The Palestinians are the rightful indigenous people in today's world, and they should not be moved off their land and murdered if they protest. Jews who show up from Brooklyn and claim "birthright" to a Palestinian's property is wrong. The African Jews claim Jewish heritage, but that goes counter to the Judaism the "European" (German) Jews want to have, so the European (German) Jews make it very difficult for them to practice their faith. I believe they have to deny their religious heritage before they are allowed to become citizens. After all the German version of Judaism is the politically correct version. Others need not apply.
Are you against their religious doctrine or their right to the land? I thought your aggrievement had been about the latter, but this post makes me think your real beef is in how Jews practice their religion.
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