It maybe be a bit contrived. I heard Sanderson partnered with a Psychologist faculty member at PSU who has a unique approach to competition. It maybe campfire stories though.
I'm looking at injuries from a perspective of 61 years watching OK State wrestling. I believe for the most part this year is an aberration. I do not believe it is in any way a fault of the coaching or the wrestlers. If you have a torn ACL, continuous shoulder separations or pec muscle tears you are just not going to be able to wrestle or wrestle effectively and young athletes today are no lazier, weaker or less inclined to wrestle hurt than those of the past Sheets and Plott for example are wrestling with serious injuries and this takes dedication and courage. No amount of psychology or mind set is going to make these injuries go away There always has been and always will be injuries in wrestling. It is just the nature of the sport.It maybe be a bit contrived. I heard Sanderson partnered with a Psychologist faculty member at PSU who has a unique approach to competition. It maybe campfire stories though.
What will get us #35 is better Oklahoma wrestling HS, JH , and Elem. Best high school wrestling is in Pennsylvania which is why Penn State and Iowa are recruiting and winning period.I never said anything about laziness or weaker, and I maybe looking at this from a myopic perspective, but it seems that there has been a rash of injuries in the past few years. I don’t think there is anything wrong with questioning the status quo. I can guarantee that Cael Sanderson does all the time. It is healthy to question and redirect efforts. No one is immune to mistakes, not saying that I know more than John Smith, but if in some way I can help OSU win another championship, I will do it
I never said anything about laziness or weaker, and I maybe looking at this from a myopic perspective, but it seems that there has been a rash of injuries in the past few years. I don’t think there is anything wrong with questioning the status quo. I can guarantee that Cael Sanderson does all the time. It is healthy to question and redirect efforts. No one is immune to mistakes, not saying that I know more than John Smith, but if in some way I can help OSU win another championship, I will do it
I never said anything about laziness or weaker, and I maybe looking at this from a myopic perspective, but it seems that there has been a rash of injuries in the past few years. I don’t think there is anything wrong with questioning the status quo. I can guarantee that Cael Sanderson does all the time. It is healthy to question and redirect efforts. No one is immune to mistakes, not saying that I know more than John Smith, but if in some way I can help OSU win another championship, I will do it
🤷🏼♂️I’m not sure this is going to help win another national title.