Pelosi - I think folks give way to much weight to Twitter and other social media outlets. There's real power and then fake power. AOC can't move the needle on anything.
Does she? I just don't see her having much influence, she has celebrity but I don't see her actually having much power. Is she campaigning somewhere and getting someone more votes? I just don't see it. Plus the more she talks the more she's exposed for an absolute nut.
I don't think these states will go as blue as some people believe, it is pretty well documented that people who move up in life and start paying taxes, health insurance and dealing with our public education system become much more conservative.AOC’s power is going to grow immensely — especially once Texas flips permanently blue (2024) along with Georgia, Florida, AZ.
Pelosi has 10x the power that AOC has. Pelosi actually made a good decision on the Emergency Funding bill that was passed from the Senate and got it overwhelming approved in the house, with bi-partisan support. The progressives bitched about not being able to negotiate when the children they are screaming so loudly about to protect were suffering at the hands of Nazis. One is all talk, one has some bite.Don’t sell the bartender short. She’s got tremendous influence. For now though I agree.
I think more and more folks are realizing that Twitter outrage doesn't really reflect the real world. I didn't really see anything but her being mocked for her Green New Deal idea, certainly didn't see her making much of an impact beyond folks thinking she was delusional. I could be wrong but until she delivers something tangible I think most folks look at her as nothing more than another Maxine Waters. Someone who wouldn't be elected from anywhere other than her own district (I'm curious to see how AOC does if the D's try to put someone else up against her, she's not too popular in her own district after the Amazon debacle, now that was months ago so maybe she's regained her position).
You may be right but right now I just don't see her as powerful. A celebrity, yes. AOC talks tough but Nancy will cut a bitch and not lose a wink of sleep. You don't rise to her position twice without knowing how to bury a few bodies.
I don't think these states will go as blue as some people believe, it is pretty well documented that people who move up in life and start paying taxes, health insurance and dealing with our public education system become much more conservative.
Of course if you don't pay taxes or see yourself as victim you'll stick with Democrats.
They hate this country and this country’s history and they want to fundamentally change it.
I fear you may be correct but hope you are not.I think you’re underestimating the power of the cultural Marxist indoctrination that these young people have undergone. It’s like speaking to an alien when you talk to a lot of them. They hate this country and this country’s history and they want to fundamentally change it. Paying higher taxes isn’t going to deter most of them from their goal.
These long time experienced members of Congress must love being talked down to by an ignorant know nothing who is basically a human parrot that spits out what's she fed every day by her radical handlers without whom she'd still be a bad bartender.