AOC vs Pelosi

Does she? I just don't see her having much influence, she has celebrity but I don't see her actually having much power. Is she campaigning somewhere and getting someone more votes? I just don't see it. Plus the more she talks the more she's exposed for an absolute nut.
Lots of braindead libtards wish Alexandria O' Crazy Ho was old enough to run for President. The Tide Pod Generation loves her, go figure.
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Does she? I just don't see her having much influence, she has celebrity but I don't see her actually having much power. Is she campaigning somewhere and getting someone more votes? I just don't see it. Plus the more she talks the more she's exposed for an absolute nut.

Unfortunately yes. She’s a massive social media influencer. That means she can manipulate other house votes - or at least rhetoric as was the case with the Green New Deal.
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I think more and more folks are realizing that Twitter outrage doesn't really reflect the real world. I didn't really see anything but her being mocked for her Green New Deal idea, certainly didn't see her making much of an impact beyond folks thinking she was delusional. I could be wrong but until she delivers something tangible I think most folks look at her as nothing more than another Maxine Waters. Someone who wouldn't be elected from anywhere other than her own district (I'm curious to see how AOC does if the D's try to put someone else up against her, she's not too popular in her own district after the Amazon debacle, now that was months ago so maybe she's regained her position).

You may be right but right now I just don't see her as powerful. A celebrity, yes. AOC talks tough but Nancy will cut a bitch and not lose a wink of sleep. You don't rise to her position twice without knowing how to bury a few bodies.
AOC’s power is going to grow immensely — especially once Texas flips permanently blue (2024) along with Georgia, Florida, AZ.


I don't think these states will go as blue as some people believe, it is pretty well documented that people who move up in life and start paying taxes, health insurance and dealing with our public education system become much more conservative.

Of course if you don't pay taxes or see yourself as victim you'll stick with Democrats.
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Don’t sell the bartender short. She’s got tremendous influence. For now though I agree.
Pelosi has 10x the power that AOC has. Pelosi actually made a good decision on the Emergency Funding bill that was passed from the Senate and got it overwhelming approved in the house, with bi-partisan support. The progressives bitched about not being able to negotiate when the children they are screaming so loudly about to protect were suffering at the hands of Nazis. One is all talk, one has some bite.

This is the statement of someone who doesn't recognize that her echo chamber only reflects one of many views held around the country. Since all she'll listen too are those who agree with her, she develops a perception that everyone (public sentiment) is on her side. Factor in the one-sided media to enforce it, and viola, you have a far left liberal who thinks she speaks for an entire society when in reality she speaks for very little of it.
I think more and more folks are realizing that Twitter outrage doesn't really reflect the real world. I didn't really see anything but her being mocked for her Green New Deal idea, certainly didn't see her making much of an impact beyond folks thinking she was delusional. I could be wrong but until she delivers something tangible I think most folks look at her as nothing more than another Maxine Waters. Someone who wouldn't be elected from anywhere other than her own district (I'm curious to see how AOC does if the D's try to put someone else up against her, she's not too popular in her own district after the Amazon debacle, now that was months ago so maybe she's regained her position).

You may be right but right now I just don't see her as powerful. A celebrity, yes. AOC talks tough but Nancy will cut a bitch and not lose a wink of sleep. You don't rise to her position twice without knowing how to bury a few bodies.

Going to disagree a bit here. A large number of people mocked the GND, yet its managed to be an actual talking point for multiple candidates running in this campaign. The thing she has done is very simple, and goes back to our poor child rearing behavior. She's mobilized an entire generation that's been taught since birth that throwing tantrums gets you what you want.
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Also, I know that this isn’t AOC but Rep. Tlaib gets called out by a surprising source Martha Raddatz. When Martha is calling you out you know you’ve gone too far and your logic sucks.

I don't think these states will go as blue as some people believe, it is pretty well documented that people who move up in life and start paying taxes, health insurance and dealing with our public education system become much more conservative.

Of course if you don't pay taxes or see yourself as victim you'll stick with Democrats.

I think you’re underestimating the power of the cultural Marxist indoctrination that these young people have undergone. It’s like speaking to an alien when you talk to a lot of them. They hate this country and this country’s history and they want to fundamentally change it. Paying higher taxes isn’t going to deter most of them from their goal.
I think you’re underestimating the power of the cultural Marxist indoctrination that these young people have undergone. It’s like speaking to an alien when you talk to a lot of them. They hate this country and this country’s history and they want to fundamentally change it. Paying higher taxes isn’t going to deter most of them from their goal.
I fear you may be correct but hope you are not.

It may take some extreme financial and social breakdowns to wake these kids up. I look at the rise of populism in Europe as an example of people finally getting fed up with liberal socialist based policies and open boarder immigration.

I'll probably be long gone before that happens.
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Even though I detest the old hag I hope she does the right thing for Merica and sticks a shiv into the folks that brought us these extreme examples of marxist excrement 'young turk' ideologies soon and often
No one is saying social media isn't useful, just that it's not an indicator of power. Let's see if she still has a district in a few years. Not sure there are many other places she could run and win.
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Pelosi.....way to many people in front of the camera and behind the camera owe her. She can be a killer fundraisers and attract crowds that actually have money. AOC on the other hand attracts crowds that might have a few bucks to offer, but they want way more in return.

If by some miracle the R’s win the house back, can see Pelosi in trouble but not from AOC. Won’t be surprised if AOC gets primaried out actually. Her and the two muslim chicks are costing them thousands of middle of the road dems and independents, who while sick of DJT, won’t stand for America to be trashed.