Another favorite from my Sixty.....

I hiked 3 km south from my tent. I turned east and hiked 3 km. I turned north and hiked 3 km and found a bear eating my food in my tent. What color was the bear?
Not knowing your original datum nor if there was food in your tent, my obvious answer is that the bear transported your tent/supplies 3-miles east of your original tent site or that your food was not in your original tent site. Obvioulsy there is a mensa component that will explode my terrestrial mapping logic.
Not knowing your original datum nor if there was food in your tent, my obvious answer is that the bear transported your tent/supplies 3-miles east of your original tent site or that your food was not in your original tent site. Obvioulsy there is a mensa component that will explode my terrestrial mapping logic.
Polar bears are white. My tent was pitched at the North Pole.
As I've stated before, Who was the US president when the Japanese surrendered, effectively ending WWII does nothing for me? I love the questions that measure one's ability to reason.

My favorite: Are there any among us who has a fear of heights? I thought what kind of question is this? I checked the "no" box. I reasoned the answer had to be no or why would the question be asked. The administrator checked me correct.

All my life I've had people tell me they were afraid of heights. No one ever got an argument from me. Some humans have a fear of edges or falling. None from heights.

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