@Ponca Dan,
I have a proposal that would satisfy your open border/everyone pays their way idea and
@HighStickHarry's and my concerns about illegals snarfing up taxpayer dollars that I think you would love.
Build a wall. Stop the flow of illegals. When a potential immigrant has acquired enough resources to be able to take complete care of themselves and their familiy in the US, such as plenty of starter cash, a place to live, transportation, health insurance, and a job that will provide enough income for the person/family to live at least at 150% of the poverty level, they can apply to immigrate to the US. The US can verify all of their information, screen for criminal history, work history, etc. If an immigrant can't meet the resource requirements but has found a US citizen sponsor that guarantees to provide the resources for the immigrant and their family to meet the requirements, a contract can be signed for sponsorship to include all required funds be paid up front to cover 5 years of expenses. That way the millionaire and billionaire philanthropist types can spend whatever funds they'd like to give less than fortunate prospective immigrants a shot at entry.
If the immigrant meets all of the requirements, he/she and their family can enter the US with a green card ready to start fulfilling their American dream. The US can provide an expedited path to citizenship. If they continue to work hard, stay out of trouble, and contribute to their community, they can become a citizen in 5 years at zero cost. The green card period would be a probationary period with a three strike rule. If you quit your job, commit crimes, try to become taxpayer dependent, cancel your health insurance etc, three strikes and you're deported back to where you started.
How can you not love this proposal? The border would be wide open for anyone who can actually take care of themselves and their family in the US. If they can't, they don't get to come in. This might need its own thread, but I think I have a winner.