America: A World Class Bully

I also have a story, Dan. A very close friend of mine, since childhood, who was with a a Fotune 20 company was called into HR years ago. When he arrived there was an FBI agent present, also, asking him bout his female Chinese intern. Long story short, she was a Chinese communist government spy plant and was deported.

Yeah, the company I work for just this past December had 1.5 Billion dollars in tech research stolen by a Chinese national. I guess according to Dan that's 'free trade'.

Maybe... american companies shouldn't do business with an authoritarian enemy and then be surprised when the enemy acts like an enemy?

You have a real problem with comparisons I’ve noticed.


you’re not an OSU grad, etc.

Exqueeze me?

That's your best name yet, imo.
I never went to osu. I knocked up my wife and just stayed at the grocery store until a few years ago.
When and if American soldiers have to be sent into battle, then the ROE's need to be Old Testament for a complete, unequivocal and total victory or we have no business there.

I could not agree more. It would only take doing this one time and from then on the mere threat of US military intervention would put a halt to what ever is going wrong.[/QUOTE]
I like Gen. Sherman's thinking about war.

"War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over."
I could not agree more. It would only take doing this one time and from then on the mere threat of US military intervention would put a halt to what ever is going wrong.
I like Gen. Sherman's thinking about war.

"War is cruelty. There is no use trying to reform it. The crueler it is, the sooner it will be over."[/QUOTE]

You are either with us or against us.
Who? And "us?" You included in dropping this hammer?

I would think most freedom loving Americans would be. Of course liberals do not believe in freedom, they believe in serfdom to government so I'm not sure about you.
And when I asked you the consequences of tens of millions of Non English speaking poor coming across the border you said something along the lines of “I can’t predict such a thing.” Can you explain how it would work when 50 million illegals get sick and injured? You aren’t paying to educate them, they are going to have babies every 12 months of course. No free abortions. No free hospitals. How will they pay? In your fantasy this country erodes into chaos and the rich isolate themselves behind walls ironically while the have nots deteriorate even further.

And of course you would allow Russia and China to carve up the world with their state operated economies and brutal disregard for human rights while we sat over here and turned into an idiocracy.

That’s quite a combination you would leave for your future generations.

For the time being I’ll skip responding to the immigration portion of your statement. We have gone back and forth on that so many times it is obvious there will never be a settlement.

But let me address your concern that a non-interventionist foreign policy “would allow Russia and China to carve up the world with their state operated economies...” I wonder if you thought that statement through, if you recognize you are avowing state run economies (socialist economies) would out compete capitalist ones, contrary to historical evidence proving state run economies have crashed and burned every time they have been put into practice.

I had not realized you believe state run (socialist) economies are superior to privately run free trade (capitalist) economies.

In fact I still don’t think you believe that. I think you said it because you thought it would strengthen your argument that America should be on a war-ready footing at all times against our Russian and Chinese enemies. Therefore we should oppose them at every turn, bristling with military threat 24/7. IMO that’s an attitude guaranteeing eventual military confrontation. In this nuclear age such a confrontation should be unthinkable to any sane person.

A non-interventionist country should have an unparalleled military prepared to defend its territories. A military no perceived enemy would want to test. But it wouldn’t be sent into every corner of the globe Don Quixotic-like, tilting at windmills. Our government has us tilting at windmills. It behaves like a bully in every encounter.

If we want to believe we are a free people we should be ashamed at how our government operates on the world stage. It does not act like a representative of a free society.
For the time being I’ll skip responding to the immigration portion of your statement. We have gone back and forth on that so many times it is obvious there will never be a settlement.

But let me address your concern that a non-interventionist foreign policy “would allow Russia and China to carve up the world with their state operated economies...” I wonder if you thought that statement through, if you recognize you are avowing state run economies (socialist economies) would out compete capitalist ones, contrary to historical evidence proving state run economies have crashed and burned every time they have been put into practice.

I had not realized you believe state run (socialist) economies are superior to privately run free trade (capitalist) economies.

In fact I still don’t think you believe that. I think you said it because you thought it would strengthen your argument that America should be on a war-ready footing at all times against our Russian and Chinese enemies. Therefore we should oppose them at every turn, bristling with military threat 24/7. IMO that’s an attitude guaranteeing eventual military confrontation. In this nuclear age such a confrontation should be unthinkable to any sane person.

A non-interventionist country should have an unparalleled military prepared to defend its territories. A military no perceived enemy would want to test. But it wouldn’t be sent into every corner of the globe Don Quixotic-like, tilting at windmills. Our government has us tilting at windmills. It behaves like a bully in every encounter.

If we want to believe we are a free people we should be ashamed at how our government operates on the world stage. It does not act like a representative of a free society.

Again you skip what would happen with open borders. That’s unacceptable. You can’t have your open border fantasy without addressing the obvious results. That’s disappointing again that you are able to block that out but telling.

China and Russia are giant gangster operations. Their ability to maneuver in a world without the US pushing back has not been tested. This isn’t Stalin stealing the farmers grain. Or Venezuela nationalizing the oil industry. These massive criminal and fearless countries have the ability to do what we could have done in the last century. Exploit all of Africa’s resources with zero conscious. They have the finances to underwrite predatory lending in South America and Africa. Their wars on Muslims aren’t done by mealy mouthed liberals, they get results without any concern for human rights.

It would take a few decades before we are begging for trade if they are able to get their tentacles everywhere.

You could also kiss Israel goodbye when Iran/Syria/Lebanon are running on full China/Russia backing.

I will fully admit what America has done in our name has been wrong in a 2019 context in countless instances. I wish we could be isolationist. However the vacuum would be worse and I don’t think you are giving the respect that Russia and China deserve when it comes to their imperialist desires.

In my humble opinion.
Harry, I’ve commented multiple times on the open borders/illegal immigrant issue. I would have open borders with the understanding there would be no free ride for any noncitizen. I’ve made that comment repeatedly.
@Ponca Dan,

I have a proposal that would satisfy your open border/everyone pays their way idea and @HighStickHarry's and my concerns about illegals snarfing up taxpayer dollars that I think you would love.

Build a wall. Stop the flow of illegals. When a potential immigrant has acquired enough resources to be able to take complete care of themselves and their familiy in the US, such as plenty of starter cash, a place to live, transportation, health insurance, and a job that will provide enough income for the person/family to live at least at 150% of the poverty level, they can apply to immigrate to the US. The US can verify all of their information, screen for criminal history, work history, etc. If an immigrant can't meet the resource requirements but has found a US citizen sponsor that guarantees to provide the resources for the immigrant and their family to meet the requirements, a contract can be signed for sponsorship to include all required funds be paid up front to cover 5 years of expenses. That way the millionaire and billionaire philanthropist types can spend whatever funds they'd like to give less than fortunate prospective immigrants a shot at entry.

If the immigrant meets all of the requirements, he/she and their family can enter the US with a green card ready to start fulfilling their American dream. The US can provide an expedited path to citizenship. If they continue to work hard, stay out of trouble, and contribute to their community, they can become a citizen in 5 years at zero cost. The green card period would be a probationary period with a three strike rule. If you quit your job, commit crimes, try to become taxpayer dependent, cancel your health insurance etc, three strikes and you're deported back to where you started.

How can you not love this proposal? The border would be wide open for anyone who can actually take care of themselves and their family in the US. If they can't, they don't get to come in. This might need its own thread, but I think I have a winner.
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@Ponca Dan,

I have a proposal that would satisfy your open border/everyone pays their way idea and @HighStickHarry's and my concerns about illegals snarfing up taxpayer dollars that I think you would love.

Build a wall. Stop the flow of illegals. When a potential immigrant has acquired enough resources to be able to take complete care of themselves and their familiy in the US, such as plenty of starter cash, a place to live, transportation, health insurance, and a job that will provide enough income for the person/family to live at least at 150% of the poverty level, they can apply to immigrate to the US. The US can verify all of their information, screen for criminal history, work history, etc. If an immigrant can't meet the resource requirements but has found a US citizen sponsor that guarantees to provide the resources for the immigrant and their family to meet the requirements, a contract can be signed for sponsorship to include all required funds be paid up front to cover 5 years of expenses. That way the millionaire and billionaire philanthropist types can spend whatever funds they'd like to give less than fortunate prospective immigrants a shot at entry.

If the immigrant meets all of the requirements, he/she and their family can enter the US with a green card ready to start fulfilling their American dream. The US can provide an expedited path to citizenship. If they continue to work hard, stay out of trouble, and contribute to their community, they can become a citizen in 5 years at zero cost. The green card period would be a probationary period with a three strike rule. If you quit your job, commit crimes, try to become taxpayer dependent, cancel your health insurance etc, three strikes and you're deported back to where you started.

How can you not love this proposal? The border would be wide open for anyone who can actually take care of themselves and their family in the US. If they can't, they don't get to come in. This might need its own thread, but I think I have a winner.

Didn't you hear? Mexico is gonna pay for a wall.

If the rest of Pakistan thinks like this Alibaba guy, we need to talk to India and see if they are more receptive to American interest.
America is more interested in India with a billion people market.You know what you should put a fence around the entire country, no new immigration of any kind.
Since the entire world is taking advantage of innocent sweet generous US
stop all imports and exports after all you are Americans the country of super heroes you dont need any one else.
Live in your cocoon and you would be envy of the world.
Could you show me where the plans are for this big ol' wall?
America is more interested in India with a billion people market.You know what you should put a fence around the entire country, no new immigration of any kind.
Since the entire world is taking advantage of innocent sweet generous US
stop all imports and exports after all you are Americans the country of super heroes you dont need any one else.
Live in your cocoon and you would be envy of the world.

Let’s keep the conversation intelligent.
Now you're asking him to be Batman. That's jyst not possible.

I did like his fence around the country. I’m not sure why we can’t put a laser fence around our border. It’s 2019 what’s the deal? Why can’t satellites or drones detect illegals all the way across the border?
For the time being I’ll skip responding to the immigration portion of your statement. We have gone back and forth on that so many times it is obvious there will never be a settlement.

But let me address your concern that a non-interventionist foreign policy “would allow Russia and China to carve up the world with their state operated economies...” I wonder if you thought that statement through, if you recognize you are avowing state run economies (socialist economies) would out compete capitalist ones, contrary to historical evidence proving state run economies have crashed and burned every time they have been put into practice.

I had not realized you believe state run (socialist) economies are superior to privately run free trade (capitalist) economies.

In fact I still don’t think you believe that. I think you said it because you thought it would strengthen your argument that America should be on a war-ready footing at all times against our Russian and Chinese enemies. Therefore we should oppose them at every turn, bristling with military threat 24/7. IMO that’s an attitude guaranteeing eventual military confrontation. In this nuclear age such a confrontation should be unthinkable to any sane person.

A non-interventionist country should have an unparalleled military prepared to defend its territories. A military no perceived enemy would want to test. But it wouldn’t be sent into every corner of the globe Don Quixotic-like, tilting at windmills. Our government has us tilting at windmills. It behaves like a bully in every encounter.

If we want to believe we are a free people we should be ashamed at how our government operates on the world stage. It does not act like a representative of a free society.
Ponca dan thank you I was trying to say the same thing but you have put it much better.
Have you seen RT TV, it is a russian govt. run propaganda channel. Recently several of our local channels are showing clips from this channel which puts America in a very bad way, Yesterday they showed an American scholar(Talked like an American)who said how America was trying to divide Pakistan.
poncadan I want to ask you a question are most of the people on this board
have been to okla state and graduated?
The British should have left the Indians (dot not Elizabeth Warren) in charge. Giving the Muslims their own country was retarded.
Thank you Sahib for your wisdom, I will print it out, frame it and put in front of my pot so when I sit down doing my stuff I can read and reread your words of wisdom.
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Maybe some US aid will give you decent toilet paper. In the meantime, I can suggest the pages of a religious book...
Thank you Sahib again for your generosity ask one of the minions of Your great leader to fly over and throw the boxes of bathroom rolls to us poor folks Just like the great leader did in Puerto Rico. Thant you, thankyou
@Ponca Dan,

I have a proposal that would satisfy your open border/everyone pays their way idea and @HighStickHarry's and my concerns about illegals snarfing up taxpayer dollars that I think you would love.

Build a wall. Stop the flow of illegals. When a potential immigrant has acquired enough resources to be able to take complete care of themselves and their familiy in the US, such as plenty of starter cash, a place to live, transportation, health insurance, and a job that will provide enough income for the person/family to live at least at 150% of the poverty level, they can apply to immigrate to the US. The US can verify all of their information, screen for criminal history, work history, etc. If an immigrant can't meet the resource requirements but has found a US citizen sponsor that guarantees to provide the resources for the immigrant and their family to meet the requirements, a contract can be signed for sponsorship to include all required funds be paid up front to cover 5 years of expenses. That way the millionaire and billionaire philanthropist types can spend whatever funds they'd like to give less than fortunate prospective immigrants a shot at entry.

If the immigrant meets all of the requirements, he/she and their family can enter the US with a green card ready to start fulfilling their American dream. The US can provide an expedited path to citizenship. If they continue to work hard, stay out of trouble, and contribute to their community, they can become a citizen in 5 years at zero cost. The green card period would be a probationary period with a three strike rule. If you quit your job, commit crimes, try to become taxpayer dependent, cancel your health insurance etc, three strikes and you're deported back to where you started.

How can you not love this proposal? The border would be wide open for anyone who can actually take care of themselves and their family in the US. If they can't, they don't get to come in. This might need its own thread, but I think I have a winner.

I have tried to keep this post on the topic of American intervention in foreign affairs. I understand it is a painful subject. We all want to believe that our country is a shining light on a hill, full of freedom, the place everyone dreams about. When we discover there are people who don't like us, don't like it when our government interferes with their sovereignty, we conclude they hate us and want to destroy us. We convince ourselves that millions upon millions of Muslims wake up every day wondering what they can do to help destroy America. And by convincing ourselves such a threat exists we think it is appropriate to go into their countries with military force, bombing anything that looks scary. They're either going to love us or fear us, but one way or the other they will bow to our superiority! It is my opinion that attitude is in error. I believe the overwhelming majority - overwhelming majority! - of people living in Muslim countries don't give a thought about America, they're busy living their lives like we are. I don't know about any of you, but as for me the only time I think about Muslims or Muslim countries is when I'm on this board, or if I watch the news on tv.

So I understand why it is important for some of you to divert attention away from our ever-increasing interference in the affairs of other countries. It make us look bad, and the last thing we want is to look bad. So you want to combine our regime-change wars with immigration, and turn the conversation into immigration.

So, OK, I give up, lets talk about the immigration problem. I have a counter proposal for you. Let's built a wall of any height and length you desire in an attempt to stop the inflow. Americans can be taxed to pay for the wall, Mexico is off the hook. Hell, let's even shoot anyone that is caught trying to scale the wall! Keep 'em out! You and Harry can set the parameters by which any foreigner is allowed into our country, and the US government will abide by your proposal. You have carte blanche to set it up in whatever way you think is best. It's 100% your baby, no one will protest or seek to stop you. Any wall you want, any height, any length, razor wire, electrified, whatever you think is best, we'll do it your way.

In exchange let's return all soldiers currently stationed outside our border. I think we have troops in something like 57 countries around the world and are involved in 7 or 8 hot-fire military actions. Let's shut it down, bring the troops home, build military installations at various places around our border, but quit sticking our noses in other countries' business. Practice the non-interventionist foreign policy that Adams exhorted us to practice, and which helped to make America great in the first place.

It is interesting to me that Harry suggested non-interventionism is isolationist. It is anything but isolationist, it just doesn't involve our government into the affairs of other countries. If you think about it, building a wall to keep foreigners out is the perfect example of an isolationist policy. So, since you want us to be isolationist, let's do it! Let's shut down our border by building your wall, and at the same time let's bring the troops home, and be isolationist! That's a proposal you should agree with! What do you say? Have we solved the crises, killed two birds with one stone? To quote you: "how can you not love this proposal?"

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