America: A World Class Bully

Sorry we dont get US govt aid anymore.There are some US aid projects going on I think.
No we cannot trade with Iran, you have to realize what a bully your govt can be.
As far as Obama bombing through drones, yes it did bring a lot of civilian casualities
but I couldn't decide which side I was on,not because Obama was a man of color but because I hated the terrorist so much.They mostly bombed south wazirstan it was not like they were bombing Karachi.
I will not go into the saga of bin laden.

BS, Pakistan has received 33 billion in foreign aid since 2002, both economic and military, that's quit a large sum for a country with a total annual GDP of around 300 billion. That money comes with expectations of being friendly to US policy in the region.
Why would your country want to trade with a country that threatens the destruction of other countries, is intent on developing a nuclear bomb, screams death to America and treats it's people just a little better than animals?
Damn, Pakistan must be worse than I thought. No Red Lobsters and no cheddar biscuits. Sucks to be you.
You won't see any Chik-fil-A's either. Hell, they are not wanted in some cities here. It's a religious thing and PC diversion.
BS, Pakistan has received 33 billion in foreign aid since 2002, both economic and military, that's quit a large sum for a country with a total annual GDP of around 300 billion. That money comes with expectations of being friendly to US policy in the region.
Why would your country want to trade with a country that threatens the destruction of other countries, is intent on developing a nuclear bomb, screams death to America and treats it's people just a little better than animals?
Most of that aid came after 9/11 when america needed Pakistan desperately.It dwindled after few years then it wen to services provided.
Iran is our neighbour and regardless of our friendship with the US we should have the freedom to trade with any one, like you do.or dont trade with the countries we dont want to.
Please try to understand the politics of the mideast and not only from American point of view.
Most of that aid came after 9/11 when america needed Pakistan desperately.It dwindled after few years then it wen to services provided.
Iran is our neighbour and regardless of our friendship with the US we should have the freedom to trade with any one, like you do.or dont trade with the countries we dont want to.
Please try to understand the politics of the mideast and not only from American point of view.
Wow. Pakistani people are a bunch of feckless women if they share the same attitude as you. Every problem you have is the fault of someone else. Every ill thing that happens in your country is because of big bad America and our heavy handed policies. The systemic problems in your society 'aren't so bad' since, well... look at the problems in other places (that don't compare at all on size or scope).

America isn't stopping you from trade with Iran. If that's what you want, go for it. Quit being a pussy about it. Just don't think any American aid or trade money will continue to flow your way. If you are saying that is preventing you then you suckle on the American teat just like a poor welfare person in Oklahoma. Except the welfare person doesn't blame America but thanks them for their support. Unlike you.
Wow. Pakistani people are a bunch of feckless women if they share the same attitude as you. Every problem you have is the fault of someone else. Every ill thing that happens in your country is because of big bad America and our heavy handed policies. The systemic problems in your society 'aren't so bad' since, well... look at the problems in other places (that don't compare at all on size or scope).

America isn't stopping you from trade with Iran. If that's what you want, go for it. Quit being a pussy about it. Just don't think any American aid or trade money will continue to flow your way. If you are saying that is preventing you then you suckle on the American teat just like a poor welfare person in Oklahoma. Except the welfare person doesn't blame America but thanks them for their support. Unlike you.
They believe accountability is about debits and credits.
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Most of that aid came after 9/11 when america needed Pakistan desperately.It dwindled after few years then it wen to services provided.
Iran is our neighbour and regardless of our friendship with the US we should have the freedom to trade with any one, like you do.or dont trade with the countries we dont want to.
Please try to understand the politics of the mideast and not only from American point of view.

My step father is Iranian. He and my mother married in 1979 when I was in high school, right in the middle of the Iranian Hostage crisis. I caught hell for it but learned to deal with it. I also have many long time friends that currently live in Iran, along numerous family members. We speak quite frequently and I have a good understanding of not only what is going on in Iran but the Middle East as well. Please save your breath trying to tell me I have only an American point of view.
My college physics professor was an Iranian refugee who fled when the Ayatollah took over. We talked a lot.

But we are just ignorant Americans with no real world perspective. You know, despite me having been to many of these places and talked to many of the people from there.
My college physics professor was an Iranian refugee who fled when the Ayatollah took over. We talked a lot.

But we are just ignorant Americans with no real world perspective. You know, despite me having been to many of these places and talked to many of the people from there.

It's hilarious that some of these left wing loons think they alone are the experts on the subjects they pontificate. My step father was just in Iran two weeks ago. The economy is in shambles, meat is next to impossible to buy. One of my friends had to shut down his brick plant, layoff all of his employees and now only has a security staff employed to protect his building from being looted. Hell even getting something as basic as clean water has been tough in some of the big cities. The Iranian regime is just like liberals, they don't give a damn about the people they only desire power.
It's hilarious that some of these left wing loons think they alone are the experts on the subjects they pontificate. My step father was just in Iran two weeks ago. The economy is in shambles, meat is next to impossible to buy. One of my friends had to shut down his brick plant, layoff all of his employees and now only has a security staff employed to protect his building from being looted. Hell even getting something as basic as clean water has been tough in some of the big cities. The Iranian regime is just like liberals, they don't give a damn about the people they only desire power.
Allahu akbar
I agree with you as far as the corrupt govt is concerned.During cold war US literally controlled the govt. and encouraged corruption to keep the leaders under control.
As far as Trump is concerned he thinks China is paying the tariffs. Lets keep the conversation intelligent.
That's hilarious coming from your lying ass
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You're TDS is really sad
That's a surprising comment considering Trump's name is not mentioned even once in the article. Did you read it? Or did you just decide you would know what was in it so you didn't need to?

No, the article is aimed at what has become of our government, what our government now does in our name. Our government has become exactly what JQ Adams worried about. Sometimes being faced with the truth is very painful.

I believe most of us don't want our government to do most of the things it does, particularly on the foreign policy front. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe most Americans don't care that our government created a situation, for one example, in which 500,000 Iraqi children were allowed to die a slow and painful death from dysentery, starvation and dehydration. I hope we are better than our government.
Wow. Pakistani people are a bunch of feckless women if they share the same attitude as you. Every problem you have is the fault of someone else. Every ill thing that happens in your country is because of big bad America and our heavy handed policies. The systemic problems in your society 'aren't so bad' since, well... look at the problems in other places (that don't compare at all on size or scope).

America isn't stopping you from trade with Iran. If that's what you want, go for it. Quit being a pussy about it. Just don't think any American aid or trade money will continue to flow your way. If you are saying that is preventing you then you suckle on the American teat just like a poor welfare person in Oklahoma. Except the welfare person doesn't blame America but thanks them for their support. Unlike you.
Dont get so angry. We cannot do what we should do we will have sanctions and would be thrown into the arms of two authoritarian regimes, Russia and China.
To me America is lesser of an evil than these two.
We have always had good relations with China in fact in Nixon's approach to China we played the middle man..
Middle eastern politics are very complicated, there is Israel America's biggest ally. Then Saudi and and the other kingdoms which are sunnis. Iran and Iraq have majority shia population.Until the father of the present ruler of UAE lived
there was comparative harmony in the region,now it is getting divided Saudi and UAE have cut of their relations with Qatar (US largest base in the mideast is in Qatar). Oman is playing a neutral role.Dubai being part of UAE had great trade relations with Iran and Qatar which are in jeopardy. Syria,Turkey and Iran are getting into
Russia's pocket.
After years in Afghanistan America has not been able to dislodge the talibans they still control half of Afghanistan,how long would the present Afghan govt last
after America leaves.
That leaves Pakistan all alone, India our mortal enemy on one side and talibans on the other side.
We are in a mess to complicate things further China is building a road from Gwadar(new port in baluchistan) to China,the same road can be used by Iran and Iraq to supply oil to China.
As Trump said that without American support Saudi Kingdom would not last.
6 months.
Trump foreign policies if they continue as they are in the present,would have
the mideast under Russian influence. Isralel realizes that and are trying to
improve their relations with Russia.
I dont even know what to think about the this situation.
Dont get so angry. We cannot do what we should do we will have sanctions and would be thrown into the arms of two authoritarian regimes, Russia and China.
To me America is lesser of an evil than these two.
We have always had good relations with China in fact in Nixon's approach to China we played the middle man..
Middle eastern politics are very complicated, there is Israel America's biggest ally. Then Saudi and and the other kingdoms which are sunnis. Iran and Iraq have majority shia population.Until the father of the present ruler of UAE lived
there was comparative harmony in the region,now it is getting divided Saudi and UAE have cut of their relations with Qatar (US largest base in the mideast is in Qatar). Oman is playing a neutral role.Dubai being part of UAE had great trade relations with Iran and Qatar which are in jeopardy. Syria,Turkey and Iran are getting into
Russia's pocket.
After years in Afghanistan America has not been able to dislodge the talibans they still control half of Afghanistan,how long would the present Afghan govt last
after America leaves.
That leaves Pakistan all alone, India our mortal enemy on one side and talibans on the other side.
We are in a mess to complicate things further China is building a road from Gwadar(new port in baluchistan) to China,the same road can be used by Iran and Iraq to supply oil to China.
As Trump said that without American support Saudi Kingdom would not last.
6 months.
Trump foreign policies if they continue as they are in the present,would have
the mideast under Russian influence. Isralel realizes that and are trying to
improve their relations with Russia.
I dont even know what to think about the this situation.
I'm not angry. I just think you decry the speck in America's eye while ignoring the plank in your own. Quit blaming others for your plight. You aren't a victim. Take ownership of your situation or be called a pussy.
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I'm not angry. I just think you decry the speck in America's eye while ignoring the plank in your own. Quit blaming others for your plight. You aren't a victim. Take ownership of your situation or be called a pussy.
I wish you lived in world outside USA. Things are not as simple for countries
who are not the biggest power in the world.
Let me know when foreign countries start to pay shit tons of cash to the US in foreign aid, I would be happy cutting off all foreign countries of financial aid and staying the hell out of their business. Put that money in the military to create a more robust deterrent and give tax breaks to Americans. No one gives a shit around the world about America, most countries hate us despite being the most generous country on the planet, I say screw em. MAGA.
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I wish you lived in world outside USA. Things are not as simple for countries
who are not the biggest power in the world.

Sure it is, there is only one right and one wrong.
Sure the US is not perfect but it is so far above any other country out there that for anyone to want to side against the US is either radically evil or just plain stupid.
I wish you lived in world outside USA. Things are not as simple for countries
who are not the biggest power in the world.
Why not? Take ownership of your plight and own your own problems. You sound like a whiny bitch.
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That's a surprising comment considering Trump's name is not mentioned even once in the article. Did you read it? Or did you just decide you would know what was in it so you didn't need to?

No, the article is aimed at what has become of our government, what our government now does in our name. Our government has become exactly what JQ Adams worried about. Sometimes being faced with the truth is very painful.

I believe most of us don't want our government to do most of the things it does, particularly on the foreign policy front. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe most Americans don't care that our government created a situation, for one example, in which 500,000 Iraqi children were allowed to die a slow and painful death from dysentery, starvation and dehydration. I hope we are better than our government.

The US Government "created" a situation in which 500,000 Iraqi children died? How so? That is a complete myth

The foreign policy issues are directed related to feckless world bodies that lie and hate the US. So many issues could be solved if the UN were anything remotely resembling a backbone. Just like The League of Nations and government organizations worldwide they prefer appeasement to sternness/action. Once action has to be taken it is too dam late to prevent a much bigger conflagration than action previous to the "last shoe dropping" would have taken.

Do you really think NATO's European members could collectively defend Europe? Of course not, and history proves that multiple times. The same crowds that holds up bogus reports as a means to deride the US or push the US into action are the same crowds that will turn on a dime and proceed with the opposite roles of defender/accuser when it benefits their agenda. If you were going to remove Saddam, it should have been the first time action was taken and don't give a dam if the puss muslims would have withdrawn from the coalition. No instead the UN mandate is fulfilled, Saddam signs a treaty he has no intention of following and his lack of compliance finally helps push the US over the edge to another conflict there.

With the exception of Israel, Australia, NZ and Japan I really am indifferent to the rest of the ME, Asia and Europe. Running about 3 or 4 time zones either side of CST, there are enough resources, vacation spots and potential security to justify never sending another American soldier anywhere else in the world. The US needs to get out of the UN, WHO, NATO and any other organization that represents a free-loading or partial free-loading organization that exists because the US taxpayer foots the majority of the bills.

When and if American soldiers have to be sent into battle, then the ROE's need to be Old Testament for a complete, unequivocal and total victory or we have no business there.
Will this be the same song and dance you do with the border? Where you cry for open borders but refuse to comment on 45 million Latinos spilling across? What should we do with Iran dan? What would happen with a blank check for hamas and a nuclear Iran? Spell it out for us.
Harry, I’ve commented multiple times on the open borders/illegal immigrant issue. I would have open borders with the understanding there would be no free ride for any noncitizen. I’ve made that comment repeatedly.

It is my opinion that America should be a nation of free people acting freely. I would like for us to have a totally non-interventionist foreign policy. Stay out of the affairs of other countries. Be a nation of free traders. Feel sorrow when other nations act against each other, but remain neutral. Have a foreign policy of friendship and diplomacy with anyone that seeks the same, and butt out of the affairs of those that don’t. Withdraw our military troops from other nations, beginning with those whose purpose is to act as a trip wire for war.
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Let me know when foreign countries start to pay shit tons of cash to the US in foreign aid, I would be happy cutting off all foreign countries of financial aid and staying the hell out of their business. Put that money in the military to create a more robust deterrent and give tax breaks to Americans. No one gives a shit around the world about America, most countries hate us despite being the most generous country on the planet, I say screw em. MAGA.
I think we should charge countries for our military protection. :)
Harry, I’ve commented multiple times on the open borders/illegal immigrant issue. I would have open borders with the understanding there would be no free ride for any noncitizen. I’ve made that comment repeatedly.

It is my opinion that America should be a nation of free people acting freely. I would like for us to have a totally non-interventionist foreign policy. Stay out of the affairs of other countries. Be a nation of free trad

And when I asked you the consequences of tens of millions of Non English speaking poor coming across the border you said something along the lines of “I can’t predict such a thing.” Can you explain how it would work when 50 million illegals get sick and injured? You aren’t paying to educate them, they are going to have babies every 12 months of course. No free abortions. No free hospitals. How will they pay? In your fantasy this country erodes into chaos and the rich isolate themselves behind walls ironically while the have nots deteriorate even further.

And of course you would allow Russia and China to carve up the world with their state operated economies and brutal disregard for human rights while we sat over here and turned into an idiocracy.

That’s quite a combination you would leave for your future generations.
And when I asked you the consequences of tens of millions of Non English speaking poor coming across the border you said something along the lines of “I can’t predict such a thing.” Can you explain how it would work when 50 million illegals get sick and injured? You aren’t paying to educate them, they are going to have babies every 12 months of course. No free abortions. No free hospitals. How will they pay? In your fantasy this country erodes into chaos and the rich isolate themselves behind walls ironically while the have nots deteriorate even further.

And of course you would allow Russia and China to carve up the world with their state operated economies and brutal disregard for human rights while we sat over here and turned into an idiocracy.

That’s quite a combination you would leave for your future generations.
Don’t burst his ideological ballon Harry. He likes living in a world of puppy dogs and roses. Well, when he’s not worried that Trump (orange man bad) isn’t about to singlehandedly take down our constitution.
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When and if American soldiers have to be sent into battle, then the ROE's need to be Old Testament for a complete, unequivocal and total victory or we have no business there.[/QUOTE]

I could not agree more. It would only take doing this one time and from then on the mere threat of US military intervention would put a halt to what ever is going wrong.
Thought I'd share my ignore list. You might get a kick out of it. Basically trolls and spammers get ignored.

NZ Poke
Orange Roberto

And then we have:
Thought I'd share my ignore list. You might get a kick out of it. Basically trolls and spammers get ignored.

NZ Poke
Orange Roberto

And then we have:
That's completely crazy and shouldn't be allowed.
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For whom? You? Why would you be embarrassed? We have no connection whatsoever...not politically similar, you’re not an OSU grad, etc.

How does it feel to have once been anointed “50 points higher” in IQ by a former disgraced poster? only to know it’s not true haha.

I’m not embarrassed by a bunch of dipshits I wouldn’t give the time of day to lol

I meant that your personality is so off putting that you are banned from this cesspool and that you are so needy that you have to make 25 email accounts to get your fix of being tossed around like a beach ball at a football game.

Your iq is a badge of failure. You’ve squandered what you were given. You have zero footing by any metric when it comes to life.

You may have a high iq. You have a mongrol like eq however. That’s why this is such a draw for you. Your self loathing is on display for anyone who has a basic understanding of psychology.
For whom? You? Why would you be embarrassed? We have no connection whatsoever...not politically similar, you’re not an OSU grad, etc.

How does it feel to have once been anointed “50 points higher” in IQ by a former disgraced poster? only to know it’s not true haha.

I’m not embarrassed by a bunch of dipshits I wouldn’t give the time of day to lol
Everyone that knows you is embarrassed by you and for you. Even your parent's who let you live in their basement. Get professional mental help

P.S. - Greenshoe in OKC is a great program. It's free if you complete the week long course
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