America’s existential threat is the absence of consequences for Democrats


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
May 13, 2024

America’s existential threat is the absence of consequences for Democrats​

By Lewis Dovland

America as we know it is facing its ultimate existential threat, all focused on whatever the left thinks it will take to ensure Donald Trump is not our next President.

Our dear, constitutional America has crossed the political Rubicon (perhaps the River Styx). In addition to foreign policy, border, and economic problems, it now faces a breakdown in our justice system. Those who use governmental powers to cheat or commit politically based crimes have no concerns about punishment. Heavily abetted by the Marxist progressives in control of our educational, media, and justice systems, nothing is out of bounds for them.

Because America’s left has removed religion from the public space and demonstrates immorality at every turn, we then must look at this issue differently because we now have citizens who have no compunction about lawlessness.

With leftists (progressive Marxists), who now include all Democrat politicians, no penalties for lawlessness apply, and that’s for two reasons. One, they have no shame. And two, even where a penalty could be applied, it won’t.

As James Comey explained in 2016, Hillary Clinton was fully caught having committed several serious violations of our secrecy acts. Ignoring a court order to preserve evidence (as well as statutory requirements for government records), she deleted 30,000 emails and smashed multiple cell phones, yet no one was prosecuted. So, lawlessness worked.

Harry Reid lied outright in 2012 on the Senate floor, claiming that Mitt Romney had not paid taxes for 10 years. Once the election ended and the truth came out, Reid was asked about it. His answer? “He didn’t win, did he?” Statements from a leading statesman possibly changed the outcome of an election, but there were no consequences.

The establishment’s burying Hunter’s laptop story until after the 2020 elections very likely changing the outcome of a very close race. None of the 51 ‘officials’ who signed an obviously false letter of denial will ever be prosecuted.

Very few miscreants have paid the price. I can only remember two offhand. In the Duke Lacrosse Case, Mike Nifong, the county prosecutor, figured he had the political-boosting case of his career because it had two major leftist touch points—rich white kids and a black female victim. Nifong was later disbarred, and Duke paid over $100 million to the students, along with an apology. But the young men were forever tainted.

Nick Sandmann, the Covington Catholic High student whom the media accused of racism for allegedly smirking at a Native American at the Lincoln Memorial, also received some measure of justice. That slander cost the media a lot, and Sandmann is wealthier for it. But his life has been affected, just as Kyle Rittenhouse’s life has forever been altered (nearly fatally) by a cabal of the media and the leftist judicial system in Kenosha.

Aside from one politician and a few media, these actors never pay a price for their actions. There is nothing to dissuade them in the future, and there is no penalty for mass fraud in the November elections. Democrats know: 1) they can cheat and manipulate with impunity because winning is the only thing; 2) if caught, their win still stands, just like a football score when the game is over; and 3) nothing will happen to them if caught.

Should a campaign-ending tragedy befall Donald Trump, while a scapegoat will certainly be caught and ‘Epsteined,’ there will be no repercussions for the plotters. And that would tragically warp America to an unrecoverable state.

Democrats don’t just hate Trump, they fear him. They understand that, once elected, the entire deep state, the corrupt structure that all Democrats and most D.C. Republicans support, will be cleaned out like the Augean stable. Therefore, they find acceptable any measures to avoid that outcome.

Should it happen, the voice of the American people will be muffled, and the left will win. We see this playing out in the Soviet-style kangaroo court trials Trump is now facing, with their blatant, egregious, and openly visible in-your-face,’ I dare you’ actions.

We are on very dangerous ground.
Sadly this is the underlying crisis increasing odds of actual Civil War.

The Bi-coastal Elites, DC Establishment and their Globalist counterparts are completely disconnected from the needs, desires, and welfare of the American Citizen. For perhaps first time in American history, or at least since the Civil War, those in power see the average American Citizen as a threat

This is not isolated to the US. Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and all of Wetern Europe are in similar Suthoritarian takeover situations.

Authoritarian Elitists are having to double down on wildy unpopular policies and tactics. Here in Arizona polls show Trump leading by +5 points yet the Dems that stole our Gov and Sec State seats have just served 18 election related subpoenas to Trump campaign staff 6 months before the Nov election.

An interesting side note is that infamous Ray Epps of Jan 6 fame is a local boy. He did not appear to be part of the Democratic machine, but a Deep State Republican -think Speaker Johnson type Swamp gas.
American Thinker lol…the cuck blog where anyone with 1,000 typed words can be published haha.

Didn’t our forefathers remove religion from the public space? Why yes…..they did. For many good reasons.

They understand that, once elected, the entire deep state, the corrupt structure that all Democrats and most D.C. Republicans support, will be cleaned out like the Augean stable.

What makes you fvcking idiots believe Donald Trump has any desire to DrAiN tHe SwAmP? Didn’t his choice of Cabinet members and administration/agency officials confirm that enough?

Dumb af lol

carry on
American Thinker lol…the cuck blog where anyone with 1,000 typed words can be published haha.

Didn’t our forefathers remove religion from the public space? Why yes…..they did. For many good reasons.

What makes you fvcking idiots believe Donald Trump has any desire to DrAiN tHe SwAmP? Didn’t his choice of Cabinet members and administration/agency officials confirm that enough?

Dumb af lol

carry on
Loop Trump GIF
American Thinker lol…the cuck blog where anyone with 1,000 typed words can be published haha.

Didn’t our forefathers remove religion from the public space? Why yes…..they did. For many good reasons.

What makes you fvcking idiots believe Donald Trump has any desire to DrAiN tHe SwAmP? Didn’t his choice of Cabinet members and administration/agency officials confirm that enough?

Dumb af lol

carry on

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