You're simply wrong, it's not that ANY action taken by the police would be "Wrong" it was the Police Officer was in VIOLATION OF THE LAW by the actions he took under the circumstances.
JD and I have already explained numerous times now that there exists a SCOTUS decision on this very issue, which lays out a spectrum of behavior based on three principal points. 1. The nature of the offense (severity); 2. The imminent threat of harm the suspect poses; and 3. The amount of resistance or threat to flee the suspect poses.
With this case, in what should have been a 2 or 3 on the LEGAL spectrum of violence the PO could lawfully take to subdue (at least in the initial apprehension attempt) someone (a 16 yr old girl who is virtually no physical threat to a hulking weightlifting man twice her size) who is being arrested for the most minor of misdemeanor offenses, this guy started off right out of the gate with somewhere around 8-9 on the scale.
That is the issue. You can't simply allow the police to be judge, jury and executioner and if you want her to comply with the law as part of living in a peaceful, orderly society you cannot simply look the other way while this particular PO fails to comply with his legal obligations and somehow use her failure to comply as a defense. You remember when your mom told you: Two wrongs don't make a right? Well, she was right.
If the PO was attempting to arrest a full grown man who had just mugged someone by brute force and was fleeing the scene, he would be perfectly within the law to start at the 8-9 range. But that is NOT the case here and what he did was way out of proportion to the offense and his obligation to use the minimal force necessary to make the arrest.
Granted, the following comes from her attorney who may not be the most objective source, but reportedly she had to have a cast place on one arm and has neck and back injuries.