Alert: Another Republican wanting to take our guns

Some observations:

  1. A (former) USSC Justice opining in favor of repealing the 2nd Amendment appears to be a tacit admission/recognition of the fact that the 2nd Amendment bars sweeping gun control.
  2. The framers of the Constitution intended the Bill of Right to enunciate what they considered to be natural rights. It's a little unclear if it could even be amended, really, without a constitutional convention. At any rate, it's clear the framers would not have intended for it to be amendable.
  3. There is more chance that an amendment banning abortion will be passed than there is an amendment repealing the 2nd amendment.
  4. I hope the Democrats pursue this, with vigor.

“I like that responsibility,” Trump said. “I really do. It’s time that a President step up.”

“The police saw that he was a problem; they didn’t take any guns away. Now, that could’ve been policing. They should’ve taken them away anyway, whether they had the right or not.”

“I like taking the guns early. Take the guns first, go through due process second.”
“I like that responsibility,” Trump said. “I really do. It’s time that a President step up.”

“The police saw that he was a problem; they didn’t take any guns away. Now, that could’ve been policing. They should’ve taken them away anyway, whether they had the right or not.”

“I like taking the guns early. Take the guns first, go through due process second.”
I know it's confusing to you, given your unhealthy love affair with B. Obama, but the President can't legally do anything as regards guns.
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