ACA repeal bill

You don't mind that it is a federal mandate prohibiting states from regulating the insurances products being sold in their state?

Interstate commerce clause authorizes it. As Thor says, the ship of hands off federalism in favor of state control unfortunately left the port long ago. Not happy about that, but it is reality.
So, here's obviously so important of an issue (and so commonplace) the the Republican Plan, devotes 10% of its content dealing with those who win Lotteries! Seriously, there's 6 pages (out of 60) devoted to how winning the lottery would impact an individual. Glad to see they've got their eyes on the prize, because clearly healthcare coverage has been completely fouled up by lottery winners.

What is your plan to fix it?
Interstate commerce clause authorizes it. As Thor says, the ship of hands off federalism in favor of state control unfortunately left the port long ago. Not happy about that, but it is reality.
Fine by me. But isn't this a brand new erosion of federalism? Correct me If I am wrong, but I can't think of another situation where the federal government forbids the regulation of a product by states (via legislation, courts do of course).
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Fine by me. But isn't this a brand new erosion of federalism? Correct me If I am wrong, but I can't think of another situation where the federal government forbids the regulation of a product by states (via legislation, courts do of course).

Brand new?

No, I don't think so.

Basically there are two types of preemption....conflict preemption and field preemption. This would be an effectively field preemption.

NLRB Act. Preempts state laws directed at conduct that is actually or arguably prohibited or protected by the NLRA or Congress intended to leave unregulated. Machinists v. Wisconsin Employee Relations Board, 427 US 132.

Bankruptcy Act preempts the entire field of bankruptcy regulation by states except for establishing personal exemptions/homestead exemptions to the bankruptcy estate.

So there are two.

Your assertion that this is an erosion of federalism is well taken and agreed with by me though.
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FDA drug testing and approval process is another area directly product related where the Feds have arguably preempted the entire field of regulation. I don't think that states have the authority to regulate the testing and approval process. They do have the authority to bar the sale of federal approved drugs if they wanted, but don't think they can regulate required safety testing beyond that.

This one is just often the top of my head without adequate research, so I could be off base.
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Then it's a failure. Plain and simple.
It's my understanding they can only repeal/replace those parts of Obamacare originally passed via reconciliation (51 votes). Anything not originally contained in Obamacare (buying across state lines) would have to be passed via 60 votes.
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It's my understanding they can only repeal/replace those parts of Obamacare originally passed via reconciliation (51 votes). Anything not originally contained in Obamacare (buying across state lines) would have to be passed via 60 votes.

Haven't done enough research to refute or support one way or the other, but I am interested where and how you came to that "understanding" since President Trump tweeted essentially exactly the same contention recently. Did you do any research on your own?
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Haven't done enough research to refute or support one way or the other, but I am interested where and how you came to that "understanding" since President Trump tweeted essentially exactly the same contention recently. Did you do any research on your own?
I saw that Trump tweeted (didn't read it). However, it's been said by others previously that they were limited in what they could do under reconciliation.
The House Republicans’ American Health Care Act would block federal funding to Planned Parenthood .. Didn't say anything about insurance payments from insurance plans. I choose what doctor I go see based on what my insurance has as on their plan, so does my wife, my daughters, my extended family and I am guessing you as well .. Are you saying there is no one that gives pap smears and breast exams? .. because all my girls have theirs and not once did they go to PP for them.

I think you way over estimate the amount of things they do that can be done by a multitude of clinics, everywhere they are, that do not center their business around abortions and selling off fetus parts
So the fact that you don't like one of the legal offerings of PP means they can't or shouldn't be in business at all. Are you saying you should be the one to decide where women go for PAP smears and breast exams? Interesting how someone who has never used PP is the expert on their business model. Interesting that someone who wants less government regulation feels quite happy to regulate one particular company out of business.
So the fact that you don't like one of the legal offerings of PP means they can't or shouldn't be in business at all. Are you saying you should be the one to decide where women go for PAP smears and breast exams? Interesting how someone who has never used PP is the expert on their business model. Interesting that someone who wants less government regulation feels quite happy to regulate one particular company out of business.
You struck out looking with all those points.

I don't want to regulate it .. I don't want to fund it. If their business model is not good enough to stay in business, then they will fail. There is nothing in the law that says pro choice people cannot donate to Planned Parenthood.

PP has every right to be in business and perform any legal medical procedure they want. If they can't afford their business model, that is their issue.
You struck out looking with all those points.

I don't want to regulate it .. I don't want to fund it. If their business model is not good enough to stay in business, then they will fail. There is nothing in the law that says pro choice people cannot donate to Planned Parenthood.

PP has every right to be in business and perform any legal medical procedure they want. If they can't afford their business model, that is their issue.

Here is your red pill davidallen. Take it. It's delicious.
FDA drug testing and approval process is another area directly product related where the Feds have arguably preempted the entire field of regulation. I don't think that states have the authority to regulate the testing and approval process. They do have the authority to bar the sale of federal approved drugs if they wanted, but don't think they can regulate required safety testing beyond that.

This one is just often the top of my head without adequate research, so I could be off base.
In this case the feds are taking CA's authority to bar the sale of MS insurance are they not?

I am okay with all of this because it seems to imply we won't have to wait for Oklahoma to legalize marijuana once there is enough national support for legalization.
You struck out looking with all those points.

I don't want to regulate it .. I don't want to fund it. If their business model is not good enough to stay in business, then they will fail. There is nothing in the law that says pro choice people cannot donate to Planned Parenthood.

PP has every right to be in business and perform any legal medical procedure they want. If they can't afford their business model, that is their issue.
Beautiful, then they can get reimbursed by Medicaid and Medicare for non abortion procedures?

So glad we agree on this important issue. You might want to look up what "defunding" looks like in the law.
I don't want to regulate it .. I don't want to fund it. If their business model is not good enough to stay in business, then they will fail. There is nothing in the law that says pro choice people cannot donate to Planned Parenthood.

PP has every right to be in business and perform any legal medical procedure they want. If they can't afford their business model, that is their issue.
The vast majority of their federal funding is in the form of Medicaid reimbursement for services they render to Medicaid patients. Medicaid doesn't cover abortions except in very restricted cases according to the Hyde Amendment. Some states use their money to fund medically necessary abortions but receive no reimbursement from the federal government for those expenditures. PP does get a some money from Title X, but again those funds are used for family planning and cannot not used to fund abortions. They also get a little from other various federal grants that are purpose specific. The rest comes from private insurance reimbursements and donations. They give a LOT of free healthcare to needy folks.

If Planned Parenthood is barred from receiving Medicaid funds, it will be a public health issue caused by solely by politics.
In this case the feds are taking CA's authority to bar the sale of MS insurance are they not?

I am okay with all of this because it seems to imply we won't have to wait for Oklahoma to legalize marijuana once there is enough national support for legalization.

The other two types of field preemption I mentioned were a response to your claim that this is a brand new type of preemption. This one was, in retrospect, a pretty weak attempt to give you another of the top of my head. When it comes to interstate commerce regulation, federalism and field preemption attempting to distinguish between commerce involving labor or a service and a product is ultimately a difference without in form rather than substance.

The other two examples are admittedly much more directly responsive to your claim than the one to which your responded. You identified this one has weaknesses as an analogy and jumped on it. Kudos.
It's my understanding they can only repeal/replace those parts of Obamacare originally passed via reconciliation (51 votes). Anything not originally contained in Obamacare (buying across state lines) would have to be passed via 60 votes.
you would think trump could negotiate his way to get that to happen. It's still early so this thing will change it makeup many times before anything becomes law.
The other two types of field preemption I mentioned were a response to your claim that this is a brand new type of preemption. This one was, in retrospect, a pretty weak attempt to give you another of the top of my head. When it comes to interstate commerce regulation, federalism and field preemption attempting to distinguish between commerce involving labor or a service and a product is ultimately a difference without in form rather than substance.

The other two examples are admittedly much more directly responsive to your claim than the one to which your responded. You identified this one has weaknesses as an analogy and jumped on it. Kudos.
Nah, I just didn't know what you were talking about except for the FDA.
The vast majority of their federal funding is in the form of Medicaid reimbursement for services they render to Medicaid patients. Medicaid doesn't cover abortions except in very restricted cases according to the Hyde Amendment. Some states use their money to fund medically necessary abortions but receive no reimbursement from the federal government for those expenditures. PP does get a some money from Title X, but again those funds are used for family planning and cannot not used to fund abortions. They also get a little from other various federal grants that are purpose specific. The rest comes from private insurance reimbursements and donations. They give a LOT of free healthcare to needy folks.

If Planned Parenthood is barred from receiving Medicaid funds, it will be a public health issue caused by solely by politics.
I get where you are coming from but as long as one company is providing both, then you cannot guarantee tax dollars are not paying for abortions .. tax dollars go to pocket A but pocket A already has some funds so they take those out to move to the abortion pocket B.

Why can't women go to any one of these and get their healthcare?

I am sure PP can get enough private donations to provide all the abortions they want to give .. but if they really want to help women, take the tax dollars and help women and only provide Hyde amendment abortions.
Nah, I just didn't know what you were talking about except for the FDA.
OK, went back and read it again. Field preemption just means the feds step in and say "we got this?" Isn't this more like a case of the fed stepping in and saying "Mississippi got this?"
OK, went back and read it again. Field preemption just means the feds step in and say "we got this?" Isn't this more like a case of the fed stepping in and saying "Mississippi got this?"


Field preemption is we got this and.....nobody else does.

Which is what this is as well. Minimum federal standards are established and the insurance companies can sell anywhere.
you would think trump could negotiate his way to get that to happen. It's still early so this thing will change it makeup many times before anything becomes law.
One would think it would get more than 60 votes. Of course, I don't know which entities behind the scenes are pulling the strings. Follow the money.
That's the biggest load of happy horse shit that's been passed around for ages now and its simply wrong and is also a misquote.

That is NOT what she said and it shows a lack of understanding of how the legislative process actually works. Here's the actual quote: "But we have to pass the bill so YOU can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." (Analogy, it's one thing to say - "the garage is locked but I sure would like to see the old car that's in there." Compared to - "the garage is locked, I sure would like to show you what the old car in there looks like (knowing what the car looks like yourself.)) She was NOT saying she did not know what was in the bill and she never said such a thing.

Here's the deal and here's why the "take" on the quote is straight up BS. A bill cannot be voted on, until such times as it has been introduced on the House or Senate floor by its sponsor(s). As soon as it is accepted, an electronic version of the full contents of that bill is forwarded to the Library of Congress who maintains a searchable database. In addition, the bill is forwarded to the Federal Register who likewise publishes the bill within a few days.

In the case of ACA. both the House and Senate bills had been introduced and published (with their contents known to everyone in Congress and the public) in September 2009. Pelosi's quote was made in March, some 6+ months after the bill(s) had been published. She knew what was the bill and the larger context of her speech to the group she was addressing was about what she thought were unfair attacks, including things like "Death Panels." By the time she had made the statement, the bill(s) had been gone over with a fine-tooth comb by both sides of the aisle. Six months is hardly a "rush-job" or an attempt to hide the contents of the legislation.
That's the biggest load of happy horse shit that's been passed around for ages now and its simply wrong and is also a misquote.

That is NOT what she said and it shows a lack of understanding of how the legislative process actually works. Here's the actual quote: "But we have to pass the bill so YOU can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy." (Analogy, it's one thing to say - "the garage is locked but I sure would like to see the old car that's in there." Compared to - "the garage is locked, I sure would like to show you what the old car in there looks like (knowing what the car looks like yourself.)) She was NOT saying she did not know what was in the bill and she never said such a thing.

Here's the deal and here's why the "take" on the quote is straight up BS. A bill cannot be voted on, until such times as it has been introduced on the House or Senate floor by its sponsor(s). As soon as it is accepted, an electronic version of the full contents of that bill is forwarded to the Library of Congress who maintains a searchable database. In addition, the bill is forwarded to the Federal Register who likewise publishes the bill within a few days.

In the case of ACA. both the House and Senate bills had been introduced and published (with their contents known to everyone in Congress and the public) in September 2009. Pelosi's quote was made in March, some 6+ months after the bill(s) had been published. She knew what was the bill and the larger context of her speech to the group she was addressing was about what she thought were unfair attacks, including things like "Death Panels." By the time she had made the statement, the bill(s) had been gone over with a fine-tooth comb by both sides of the aisle. Six months is hardly a "rush-job" or an attempt to hide the contents of the legislation.
Oh, well, that makes it alright, then.
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I get where you are coming from but as long as one company is providing both, then you cannot guarantee tax dollars are not paying for abortions .. tax dollars go to pocket A but pocket A already has some funds so they take those out to move to the abortion pocket B.

Why can't women go to any one of these and get their healthcare?

I am sure PP can get enough private donations to provide all the abortions they want to give .. but if they really want to help women, take the tax dollars and help women and only provide Hyde amendment abortions.
At what rate does Medicaid reimburse? Is it higher for PP?

Flashback (very relevant to today):

Apple CEO Tim Cook, Google co-founder Larry Page, Napster creator and Facebook investor Sean Parker, and Tesla Motors and SpaceX honcho Elon Musk all attended.

So did Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), political guru Karl Rove, House Speaker Paul Ryan, GOP Sens. Tom Cotton (Ark.), Cory Gardner (Colo.), Tim Scott (S.C.), Rob Portman (Ohio) and Ben Sasse (Neb.), who recently made news by saying he “cannot support Donald Trump.”

Grim added: “Federal Aviation Administration records available on show that a fleet of private jets flew into and out of two small airports near Sea Island this weekend.

Fifty-four planes flew out of the airport on St. Simons Island, Georgia, on Sunday — nearly four times as many as departed from the airport the previous Sunday.”
This is very much about Trump, who is just another big government liberal.

So we keep ACA and the rates will likely go up.

Nice job GOP.

It's getting next to impossible for most people to live with what all of those idiots are doing in DC.

Perhaps if everything implodes we'll be better off. (I've got a feeling that the little guy will still get screwed.)
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I listened to part of the press briefing today and the head of the Dept of Health said they wanted insurance to be sold across state lines, etc...and reiterated what Trump has been saying, said this was start. Perhaps if Trump does not get what he wants he does not sign the Bill and allows the GOP members that stonewalls this to be voted out.
So the fact that you don't like one of the legal offerings of PP means they can't or shouldn't be in business at all. Are you saying you should be the one to decide where women go for PAP smears and breast exams? Interesting how someone who has never used PP is the expert on their business model. Interesting that someone who wants less government regulation feels quite happy to regulate one particular company out of business.
I don't give a shit if PP exhists. My issue is with funding their exhistance with tax dollars.
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Ted Cruz would have been a lot smarter about all this.

I hope this idiotic bill dies after it leaves the house and gets in the Senate.

Obamacare is probably better.

Seven years these assholes had to come up with something! 7 years! What a colossal joke. If the republicans could govern just a little bit we could be rid of liberalism for ever but noooo here we go again with the incompetence. My and the guy that soldered my hemroids could have this thing knocked out in a weekend.
I don't give a shit if PP exhists. My issue is with funding their exhistance with tax dollars.
Your tax dollars are not funding their "exhistance" - they exist as a medical provider. And like almost all medical providers they are dependent upon insurance reimbursements for the vast majority of services they provide. Some of that comes from Medicaid and Medicare. Those aren't your tax dollars...
Your tax dollars are not funding their "exhistance" - they exist as a medical provider. And like almost all medical providers they are dependent upon insurance reimbursements for the vast majority of services they provide. Some of that comes from Medicaid and Medicare. Those aren't your tax dollars...

Where does Medicaid and Medicare come from? The Medicaid Forrest?

And PP isn't a medical provider, it's an abortion mill.
Overall rate trailing down about 5% per year. Good progress being made...
and yet they are willing to throw the other 95-97% of other women's health care procedures away to perform elective abortions .. tell me one business that is willing to sacrifice 95-97% of their "supposed business" for 3-5% of fringe business. Those actions do not add up to their words.
and yet they are willing to throw the other 95-97% of other women's health care procedures away to perform elective abortions .. tell me one business that is willing to sacrifice 95-97% of their "supposed business" for 3-5% of fringe business. Those actions do not add up to their words.
Just another example of liberals' philosophy on compromise. "We'll meet you half way once you give us 100% of what we want." It's been this way for decades.

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