A note to this board on the eve of the election...

I love how OP starts his troll off by attempting to insult those who disagree with him/her politically.
and how he's not wrong. I'm a Republican, but am saddened so many have forgotten what it really means to be a patriot. The only definition that is accurate is that we support fully the constitution as it is already written, the only thing that guarantees our freedom. It starts with the right to vote and that means all legal citizens, from there we can work it out. If you can't get a majority to agree with your platform, then the platform needs to change somewhat. Our GOP ancestors are rolling in their graves. The vast majority of them would never agree this movement is good for the US.
I have avoided this space for a number of reasons, mainly because it is a cesspool of racism, misogyny, and ignorance.

That said, I want to invite the vast, vast majority on this space to prepare for what will likely transpire over the course of next evening. You need to prepare yourselves for what is both inevitable and has been driven by one of the worst political electoral strategies we have seen in the modern era of presidential elections.

I realize that you don't get this information in the echo chambers of Fox News or whatever lunatic right-wing websites from where most of you get your news and political commentary.

To begin, women are the majoritarian voting gender in the United States. Women, by and large, do not like Trump--at a margin anywhere between 10 and 25 percent, depending upon the state in question--as you are soon to observe tomorrow evening. You can debate or discuss the reasons why this is the case, but it is an objective characteristic of the composition of the current American electorate. This means that Trump operates at an inherent deficit in most states. To win, he must generate enough turnout to overcome the structural disadvantage. This simply isn't going to happen, particularly given the impact of the Dobbs decision. Women are motivated in a way that they haven't been in decades and they will vote for Harris by large margins.

Next, despite Trump's unhinged and largely unchecked attempt to portray the economy as a hellscape: this doesn't square with reality. The stock market is at an all-time high, we are operating at full employment, crime is down, and the notorious "Misery Index" is among the lowest it has been in the past 50 years. While Trump has been free to project this dystopian view of American society, most Americans are not trapped in the right-wing echo chambers of the typical Trump supporter. They do not watch Fox News and they don't even know about the bizarre websites where many of you get the oft-contrived stories that you enjoy reading and sharing with your other like-minded friends.

The potential bellwether tomorrow evening is the State of North Carolina: results will be known there by around 10 pm CT, and if Harris has won there, then the results of the election will be known by midnight. If Trump eeks out a victory in North Carolina, then attention will turn to monitoring the conventionally known swing states, but the only question will be when Harris is declared the winner. Not if. The composition of the electorate means that this result will not be in question.

And so, in the wake of this inevitable result, the question will become whether adults will wrest control of the Republican Party from the Trumpists and their ilk. If adults commandeer the party by rejecting the tenets of Trumpism and focusing instead on winning fiscal issues like being pro-business, favoring regulatory reform, and advocating for deficit reduction and enhancing government efficiency, then the GOP may yet rise from the ashes. If not, it will go the way of the Whigs and be replaced by a coalition of moderate Dems and Republicans who are likely to become the majoritarian party in America. The silver lining in all of this turmoil will be that, ultimately, our politics will revert back to the mean and we can look forward to turning the page on a very sorry chapter of American history.

Enjoy your evenings tomorrow night.
Someone representin' the party of assassination, censorship, lawfare, political incarceration, and political home raids lecturing on sad chapters in American history.

Thanks for showing up.
and how he's not wrong. I'm a Republican, but am saddened so many have forgotten what it really means to be a patriot. The only definition that is accurate is that we support fully the constitution as it is already written, the only thing that guarantees our freedom. It starts with the right to vote and that means all legal citizens, from there we can work it out. If you can't get a majority to agree with your platform, then the platform needs to change somewhat. Our GOP ancestors are rolling in their graves. The vast majority of them would never agree this movement is good for the US.
Exactly. The irony, of course, is that I (was) actually a Republican until 2016. Left the circus when they allowed clowns to run the show. A hard reset is in order and tonight will be the beginning of that process. Everything you read on this cesspool of a forum is why the GOP lost the plot.
and how he's not wrong. I'm a Republican, but am saddened so many have forgotten what it really means to be a patriot. The only definition that is accurate is that we support fully the constitution as it is already written, the only thing that guarantees our freedom. It starts with the right to vote and that means all legal citizens, from there we can work it out. If you can't get a majority to agree with your platform, then the platform needs to change somewhat. Our GOP ancestors are rolling in their graves. The vast majority of them would never agree this movement is good for the US.
I doubt Limbaugh is rolling in his grave. If he were alive, he would tell us to remember the prime directive — defeat leftists and liberals at all costs. Victory for them is NEVER in the country’s best interest. @keegerosu was clearly not a Limbaugh republican, and neither are you. RINOs at best.
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I hope you're right but never underestimate what evil corrupt people in the Democrat Party are willing to do to win.
OMG, do you have no insight into your own party? You seem to be just repeating what the talking heads have told you to believe. Have you not heard Trump at all, know his long and disgusting history? Who is influencers are? Who he admires and wants to emulate? (primarily other dictators) The democrats know not to cheat, so I don't worry about that....this is the most monitored and watched election in history. Trump's say and do anything to win is the real art of the deal. His most obvious and ingenious way to cheat is to claim the other side is cheating when they are not, and then convince followers that "any means to an end" (him winning at any and all costs, including overthrowing the govt) is warranted. And many will mindlessly follow him. He will start a war if he can, if he doesn't win. he will hurt anyone and burn the place down to win. Never in American history have we allowed someone like him to take the reins. He's a piss poor American. As a Republican, we could and should have done so much better. God help us get on the right path.
OMG, do you have no insight into your own party? You seem to be just repeating what the talking heads have told you to believe. Have you not heard Trump at all, know his long and disgusting history? Who is influencers are? Who he admires and wants to emulate? (primarily other dictators) The democrats know not to cheat, so I don't worry about that....this is the most monitored and watched election in history. Trump's say and do anything to win is the real art of the deal. His most obvious and ingenious way to cheat is to claim the other side is cheating when they are not, and then convince followers that "any means to an end" (him winning at any and all costs, including overthrowing the govt) is warranted. And many will mindlessly follow him. He will start a war if he can, if he doesn't win. he will hurt anyone and burn the place down to win. Never in American history have we allowed someone like him to take the reins. He's a piss poor American. As a Republican, we could and should have done so much better. God help us get on the right path.
Did you just OMG? Sweet.
Exactly. The irony, of course, is that I (was) actually a Republican until 2016. Left the circus when they allowed clowns to run the show. A hard reset is in order and tonight will be the beginning of that process. Everything you read on this cesspool of a forum is why the GOP lost the plot.
I left in 2016 also. Did it the day after he got enough votes to become the nomination.

I wonder if he loses tonight how long it will take for the purge of all things MAGA and who will lead the purge.
OMG, do you have no insight into your own party? You seem to be just repeating what the talking heads have told you to believe. Have you not heard Trump at all, know his long and disgusting history? Who is influencers are? Who he admires and wants to emulate? (primarily other dictators) The democrats know not to cheat, so I don't worry about that....this is the most monitored and watched election in history. Trump's say and do anything to win is the real art of the deal. His most obvious and ingenious way to cheat is to claim the other side is cheating when they are not, and then convince followers that "any means to an end" (him winning at any and all costs, including overthrowing the govt) is warranted. And many will mindlessly follow him. He will start a war if he can, if he doesn't win. he will hurt anyone and burn the place down to win. Never in American history have we allowed someone like him to take the reins. He's a piss poor American. As a Republican, we could and should have done so much better. God help us get on the right path.
LMAO tell me I listen to talking heads while promoting the talking head's narrative Trump admires and wants to emulate dictators.
OMG, do you have no insight into your own party? You seem to be just repeating what the talking heads have told you to believe. Have you not heard Trump at all, know his long and disgusting history? Who is influencers are? Who he admires and wants to emulate? (primarily other dictators) The democrats know not to cheat, so I don't worry about that....this is the most monitored and watched election in history. Trump's say and do anything to win is the real art of the deal. His most obvious and ingenious way to cheat is to claim the other side is cheating when they are not, and then convince followers that "any means to an end" (him winning at any and all costs, including overthrowing the govt) is warranted. And many will mindlessly follow him. He will start a war if he can, if he doesn't win. he will hurt anyone and burn the place down to win. Never in American history have we allowed someone like him to take the reins. He's a piss poor American. As a Republican, we could and should have done so much better. God help us get on the right path.
Whatever, McCain. 🙄
I have avoided this space for a number of reasons, mainly because it is a cesspool of racism, misogyny, and ignorance.

That said, I want to invite the vast, vast majority on this space to prepare for what will likely transpire over the course of next evening. You need to prepare yourselves for what is both inevitable and has been driven by one of the worst political electoral strategies we have seen in the modern era of presidential elections.

I realize that you don't get this information in the echo chambers of Fox News or whatever lunatic right-wing websites from where most of you get your news and political commentary.

To begin, women are the majoritarian voting gender in the United States. Women, by and large, do not like Trump--at a margin anywhere between 10 and 25 percent, depending upon the state in question--as you are soon to observe tomorrow evening. You can debate or discuss the reasons why this is the case, but it is an objective characteristic of the composition of the current American electorate. This means that Trump operates at an inherent deficit in most states. To win, he must generate enough turnout to overcome the structural disadvantage. This simply isn't going to happen, particularly given the impact of the Dobbs decision. Women are motivated in a way that they haven't been in decades and they will vote for Harris by large margins.

Next, despite Trump's unhinged and largely unchecked attempt to portray the economy as a hellscape: this doesn't square with reality. The stock market is at an all-time high, we are operating at full employment, crime is down, and the notorious "Misery Index" is among the lowest it has been in the past 50 years. While Trump has been free to project this dystopian view of American society, most Americans are not trapped in the right-wing echo chambers of the typical Trump supporter. They do not watch Fox News and they don't even know about the bizarre websites where many of you get the oft-contrived stories that you enjoy reading and sharing with your other like-minded friends.

The potential bellwether tomorrow evening is the State of North Carolina: results will be known there by around 10 pm CT, and if Harris has won there, then the results of the election will be known by midnight. If Trump eeks out a victory in North Carolina, then attention will turn to monitoring the conventionally known swing states, but the only question will be when Harris is declared the winner. Not if. The composition of the electorate means that this result will not be in question.

And so, in the wake of this inevitable result, the question will become whether adults will wrest control of the Republican Party from the Trumpists and their ilk. If adults commandeer the party by rejecting the tenets of Trumpism and focusing instead on winning fiscal issues like being pro-business, favoring regulatory reform, and advocating for deficit reduction and enhancing government efficiency, then the GOP may yet rise from the ashes. If not, it will go the way of the Whigs and be replaced by a coalition of moderate Dems and Republicans who are likely to become the majoritarian party in America. The silver lining in all of this turmoil will be that, ultimately, our politics will revert back to the mean and we can look forward to turning the page on a very sorry chapter of American history.

Enjoy your evenings tomorrow night.
It is entirely possible that Harris wins. It's a proven fact that American's IQ has diminished over the past years. The stock market will adjust to whoever wins. You are correct, if people dislike you as a person, it's hard for them to vote for them...I think we saw that in the last election. Biden; seriously? No matter which way you vote, Harris is a horrible candidate. If she wins it's because people do not like the person DJT. It won't be because of her policies...she never gives details. Both candidates slogans should be "a chicken in every pot". High population states favor dependence vs independence...that is why the Dems do so well; more government to take care of me. This chapter of American government should be titled "Attack on Government Overreach".
I left in 2016 also. Did it the day after he got enough votes to become the nomination.

I wonder if he loses tonight how long it will take for the purge of all things MAGA and who will lead the purge.
Trump will never run for president again. That is axiomatic. Now, what part of the “MAGA” platform do you find so disgusting that it needs to be purged from the Republican Party? Smart money says you’ll dodge that question.
and how he's not wrong. I'm a Republican, but am saddened so many have forgotten what it really means to be a patriot.
I left in 2016 also. Did it the day after he got enough votes to become the nomination.
Exactly. The irony, of course, is that I (was) actually a Republican until 2016.
I see the Liz Cheney stans have shown up. Perhaps the greatest thing Trump did for the Republican party was he exorcised the Mitt Romney/Liz Cheney/JohnMcCain ass-kissers from the party who bent over for the left and let them destroy America.

If it wasn't for them, there would be no Trump. But it's Trump's party now. Y'all can go vote for the left where you belong.
I see the Liz Cheney stans have shown up. Perhaps the greatest thing Trump did for the Republican party was he exorcised the Mitt Romney/Liz Cheney/JohnMcCain ass-kissers from the party who bent over for the left and let them destroy America.

If it wasn't for them, there would be no Trump. But it's Trump's party now. Y'all can go vote for the left where you belong.
Profound post right there. Indeed, if it were not for the pussification of the party brought on by McKeating5, Mittens, the Shrubs, and Lizdick (all of whom gave rise to the “uniparty”), Trump would sort of be an Elon Musk type character constantly speaking from outside American politics.
OMG, do you have no insight into your own party? You seem to be just repeating what the talking heads have told you to believe. Have you not heard Trump at all, know his long and disgusting history? Who is influencers are? Who he admires and wants to emulate? (primarily other dictators) The democrats know not to cheat, so I don't worry about that....this is the most monitored and watched election in history. Trump's say and do anything to win is the real art of the deal. His most obvious and ingenious way to cheat is to claim the other side is cheating when they are not, and then convince followers that "any means to an end" (him winning at any and all costs, including overthrowing the govt) is warranted. And many will mindlessly follow him. He will start a war if he can, if he doesn't win. he will hurt anyone and burn the place down to win. Never in American history have we allowed someone like him to take the reins. He's a piss poor American. As a Republican, we could and should have done so much better. God help us get on the right path.
"as a Republican..." 🤣

You sound like the pro-Hamas Jews ("as a Jew...")
Profound post right there. Indeed, if it were not for the pussification of the party brought on by McKeating5, Mittens, the Shrubs, and Lizdick (all of whom gave rise to the “uniparty”), Trump would sort of be an Elon Musk type character constantly speaking from outside American politics.
Which is where he was prior to 2015.

Trump, Elon, RFK, Tulsi are all old school democrats that left the party due to the shit that the left and the Liz Cheney wing of the pubs were doing.

In a way, we owe people like @keegerosu a thank you, he played a very real (and unwitting) role in saving America.

Rush Limbaugh is smiling down.
OMG, do you have no insight into your own party? You seem to be just repeating what the talking heads have told you to believe. Have you not heard Trump at all, know his long and disgusting history? Who is influencers are? Who he admires and wants to emulate? (primarily other dictators) The democrats know not to cheat, so I don't worry about that....this is the most monitored and watched election in history. Trump's say and do anything to win is the real art of the deal. His most obvious and ingenious way to cheat is to claim the other side is cheating when they are not, and then convince followers that "any means to an end" (him winning at any and all costs, including overthrowing the govt) is warranted. And many will mindlessly follow him. He will start a war if he can, if he doesn't win. he will hurt anyone and burn the place down to win. Never in American history have we allowed someone like him to take the reins. He's a piss poor American. As a Republican, we could and should have done so much better. God help us get on the right path.
Remember that Harris has far more money and a more well-organized ground game in each of the 7 states. They are out there knocking on millions of doors today to encourage folks to vote. 🗳️ I love to see this in action. Country over Party. The promise of America, always and forever!
Remember that Harris has far more money and a more well-organized ground game in each of the 7 states. They are out there knocking on millions of doors today to encourage folks to vote. 🗳️ I love to see this in action. Country over Party. The promise of America, always and forever!
Florida is telling the tale. Pubs are up by a million votes already in a state Trump won by 370,000 in 2020.

Landslide has begun.
Nobody wants to kill unborn babies, dumbass.
Why are you so confident with women then?

Her entire policy platform is Orange Man Bad and I’ll make sure you can kill your baby.

She picked Walz who not only removed the curative care requirement for botched born abortion babies, but he removed reporting requirements.

We know about 5 babies a year are executed post birth in MN.
I have avoided this space for a number of reasons, mainly because it is a cesspool of racism, misogyny, and ignorance.

That said, I want to invite the vast, vast majority on this space to prepare for what will likely transpire over the course of next evening. You need to prepare yourselves for what is both inevitable and has been driven by one of the worst political electoral strategies we have seen in the modern era of presidential elections.

I realize that you don't get this information in the echo chambers of Fox News or whatever lunatic right-wing websites from where most of you get your news and political commentary.

To begin, women are the majoritarian voting gender in the United States. Women, by and large, do not like Trump--at a margin anywhere between 10 and 25 percent, depending upon the state in question--as you are soon to observe tomorrow evening. You can debate or discuss the reasons why this is the case, but it is an objective characteristic of the composition of the current American electorate. This means that Trump operates at an inherent deficit in most states. To win, he must generate enough turnout to overcome the structural disadvantage. This simply isn't going to happen, particularly given the impact of the Dobbs decision. Women are motivated in a way that they haven't been in decades and they will vote for Harris by large margins.

Next, despite Trump's unhinged and largely unchecked attempt to portray the economy as a hellscape: this doesn't square with reality. The stock market is at an all-time high, we are operating at full employment, crime is down, and the notorious "Misery Index" is among the lowest it has been in the past 50 years. While Trump has been free to project this dystopian view of American society, most Americans are not trapped in the right-wing echo chambers of the typical Trump supporter. They do not watch Fox News and they don't even know about the bizarre websites where many of you get the oft-contrived stories that you enjoy reading and sharing with your other like-minded friends.

The potential bellwether tomorrow evening is the State of North Carolina: results will be known there by around 10 pm CT, and if Harris has won there, then the results of the election will be known by midnight. If Trump eeks out a victory in North Carolina, then attention will turn to monitoring the conventionally known swing states, but the only question will be when Harris is declared the winner. Not if. The composition of the electorate means that this result will not be in question.

And so, in the wake of this inevitable result, the question will become whether adults will wrest control of the Republican Party from the Trumpists and their ilk. If adults commandeer the party by rejecting the tenets of Trumpism and focusing instead on winning fiscal issues like being pro-business, favoring regulatory reform, and advocating for deficit reduction and enhancing government efficiency, then the GOP may yet rise from the ashes. If not, it will go the way of the Whigs and be replaced by a coalition of moderate Dems and Republicans who are likely to become the majoritarian party in America. The silver lining in all of this turmoil will be that, ultimately, our politics will revert back to the mean and we can look forward to turning the page on a very sorry chapter of American history.

Enjoy your evenings tomorrow night.
I'm a lurker on this board, because the misogyny and racism are so bad. I thought it was bad when I was student in the early 2000s. Sad to see absolutely nothing has changed. I'm not a US citizen, so I can't vote in this election and I don't click on the political threads. My wife warned me this was a toxic fanbase (and she knows toxic fanbases as a USC alum). It's hard to enjoy sports with fellow fans when this is what you're surrounded by. Great message.
I'm a lurker on this board, because the misogyny and racism are so bad. I thought it was bad when I was student in the early 2000s. Sad to see absolutely nothing has changed. I'm not a US citizen, so I can't vote in this election and I don't click on the political threads. My wife warned me this was a toxic fanbase (and she knows toxic fanbases as a USC alum). It's hard to enjoy sports with fellow fans when this is what you're surrounded by. Great message.
Gotta love these “lurkers” who show up to spew leftist tripe and then run away again. Enjoy your World Cup, twat.
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Pray for your false idol to win, knowing that everyday you support Donald Trump is another day that you fail in your witness for Jesus Christ.
At a Kamala event an attendee shouted 'Jesus is Lord!' She told him he was at the WRONG event.

A day later the same thing happened at a Vance rally, he replied 'Yes, He is!'

MAGA embraces the Lord. Kamala rejects him. This is what happens when you put your politics before God.

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