A federal judge’s ‘tell’ in his order forcing Trump to turn over financial records to House committe


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
Edmond, Oklahoma
May 21, 2019
A federal judge’s ‘tell’ in his order forcing Trump to turn over financial records to House committee
By Thomas Lifson

The political zealotry of the federal judge who ordered ten years’ worth of Donald Trump’s financial records be turned over to the House Oversight and Reform Committee chaired by Elijah Cummings has been revealed with a highly unusual provision of his order. Jacqueline Thomsen of The Hill lays out the facts of the case:

In a 41-page opinion, Judge Amit Mehta, an Obama appointee, found that the panel, under the leadership of Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), had valid reasons for requesting the president’s financial records from the accounting firm Mazars, even though they predated his entering office.

"These are facially valid legislative purposes, and it is not for the court to question whether the Committee’s actions are truly motivated by political considerations," Mehta wrote.

Judge Mehta is not only an Obama appointee the federal bench, he is an Obama donor:

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Andrew Surabian


Oh look, the Federal Judge who just ruled that President Trump must turn over his financial records to Congressional Dems, also just so happens to be an Obama-Biden donor. I'm sure one has nothing to do with the other though. Nothing to see here folks! …


Judge Amit Mehta (official court photo)

The remedy for potential political bias in a federal judge’s ruling consists of the appeals process, with the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and ultimately the Supreme Court able to reverse such a decision. But Judge Mehta’s order forbids this.

Mehta also denied a request from Trump lawyer William Consovoy that he issue a stay on the ruling while they appeal the decision to a higher court, meaning that the House Democrats could quickly obtain the president's financial records if Mazars complies with the request before an appeals court potentially intervenes.

“The court is well aware that this case involves records concerning the private and business affairs of the President of the United States,” Mehta wrote. “But on the question of whether to grant a stay pending appeal, the President is subject to the same legal standard as any other litigant that does not prevail.”

The judge stated in his opinion that both parties of the lawsuit have agreed to a seven-day waiting period after any ruling before Mazars releases any documents. The president's attorneys have indicated that they will appeal any ruling not in their favor.

A stay of a ruling with irreversible consequences is standard operating procedure. In this case, once the records would be turned over before the appeals process could play out, any appeals reversal would be moot, since the records, once disclosed, cannot be made private and confidential once again. In effect, Judge Mehta has made himself the Supreme Court of the United States as far as litigant Donald Trump is concerned.

This is a “tell” - an unintentional indication that the judge is biased and willing to deny the right to appeal his decision in order to advance the political agenda of the House Democratic Caucus, as expressed through Representative Cummings’s committee’s subpoena.

I wonder how many Democrats have thought through the precedents being established here? Republican-led committees in the current Senate or a future House could, for instance, subpoena Nancy Pelosi’s tax returns. Or those of, for instance, George Soros or other major donors to progressive causes. Once personal tax returns are fair game for political fishing expeditions, all the statutory protections of privacy for taxes are out the window.

I expect an immediate appeal of the order to the DC Court of Appeals requesting an immediate stay while the appeals process plays out.
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May 21, 2019
A federal judge’s ‘tell’ in his order forcing Trump to turn over financial records to House committee
By Thomas Lifson

The political zealotry of the federal judge who ordered ten years’ worth of Donald Trump’s financial records be turned over to the House Oversight and Reform Committee chaired by Elijah Cummings has been revealed with a highly unusual provision of his order. Jacqueline Thomsen of The Hill lays out the facts of the case:

In a 41-page opinion, Judge Amit Mehta, an Obama appointee, found that the panel, under the leadership of Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), had valid reasons for requesting the president’s financial records from the accounting firm Mazars, even though they predated his entering office.

"These are facially valid legislative purposes, and it is not for the court to question whether the Committee’s actions are truly motivated by political considerations," Mehta wrote.

Judge Mehta is not only an Obama appointee the federal bench, he is an Obama donor:

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Andrew Surabian


Oh look, the Federal Judge who just ruled that President Trump must turn over his financial records to Congressional Dems, also just so happens to be an Obama-Biden donor. I'm sure one has nothing to do with the other though. Nothing to see here folks! …


Judge Amit Mehta (official court photo)

The remedy for potential political bias in a federal judge’s ruling consists of the appeals process, with the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia and ultimately the Supreme Court able to reverse such a decision. But Judge Mehta’s order forbids this.

Mehta also denied a request from Trump lawyer William Consovoy that he issue a stay on the ruling while they appeal the decision to a higher court, meaning that the House Democrats could quickly obtain the president's financial records if Mazars complies with the request before an appeals court potentially intervenes.

“The court is well aware that this case involves records concerning the private and business affairs of the President of the United States,” Mehta wrote. “But on the question of whether to grant a stay pending appeal, the President is subject to the same legal standard as any other litigant that does not prevail.”

The judge stated in his opinion that both parties of the lawsuit have agreed to a seven-day waiting period after any ruling before Mazars releases any documents. The president's attorneys have indicated that they will appeal any ruling not in their favor.

A stay of a ruling with irreversible consequences is standard operating procedure. In this case, once the records would be turned over before the appeals process could play out, any appeals reversal would be moot, since the records, once disclosed, cannot be made private and confidential once again. In effect, Judge Mehta has made himself the Supreme Court of the United States as far as litigant Donald Trump is concerned.

This is a “tell” - an unintentional indication that the judge is biased and willing to deny the right to appeal his decision in order to advance the political agenda of the House Democratic Caucus, as expressed through Representative Cummings’s committee’s subpoena.

I wonder how many Democrats have thought through the precedents being established here? Republican-led committees in the current Senate or a future House could, for instance, subpoena Nancy Pelosi’s tax returns. Or those of, for instance, George Soros or other major donors to progressive causes. Once personal tax returns are fair game for political fishing expeditions, all the statutory protections of privacy for taxes are out the window.

I expect an immediate appeal of the order to the DC Court of Appeals requesting an immediate stay while the appeals process plays out.
Totally bogus, biased ruling.
Like the other, overreaching litigation, Trump will push it to the SCOTUS, as well he should.
Bunch of power mad jackals.
I so look forward to the analysis of the Judge's opinion and the valid/rational review of where he is wrong. Please don't forget to cite to the preceding cases to substantiate your opinions and show with some specifics where mistakes were made on his part.
I so look forward to the analysis of the Judge's opinion and the valid/rational review of where he is wrong. Please don't forget to cite to the preceding cases to substantiate your opinions and show with some specifics where mistakes were made on his part.
First, good to see you. How are you getting along nowadays?

Second, I wont argue Congress’ authority to provide oversight to the executive branch, even though it’s not explicitly stated in the constitution. What gripes me about this subpoena is that it demands documents which predate the election of its subject to the executive branch. You want to see private documents and examine them for criminal activity? Find yourself some probable cause and get a search warrant like you’d have to do for everyone else in the country. This isn’t oversight of the executive branch or any of its functions. There’s nothing necessary and proper about this. It’s just a sideshow and I’d resist it as well.

Your thoughts?
If I wer
I so look forward to the analysis of the Judge's opinion and the valid/rational review of where he is wrong. Please don't forget to cite to the preceding cases to substantiate your opinions and show with some specifics where mistakes were made on his part.

I'm no attorney just a person with a little common sense but I would think Congress would need a legitimate reason, like an actual specific crime backed up with at least a little evidence, before they could forcibly receive anyone's tax returns, especially a sitting President. Congress does not have the authority to go looking for a crime just like any prosecutor can not go looking for one.
Democrats want Trump's tax return for one reason and one reason only, so they can misrepresent it during the 2020 election.
I'd also argue the oversight extends to the arms of government, but not the people. Feel free to review every line item of spend by the Pentagon, White House, and other executive agencies. Read every email. But that doesn't give you open access to the employee's personal and private documents.
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I so look forward to the analysis of the Judge's opinion and the valid/rational review of where he is wrong. Please don't forget to cite to the preceding cases to substantiate your opinions and show with some specifics where mistakes were made on his part.
So you'd be cool if Senate Republicans subpoenaed the tax returns and financial records of Nancy and Chuck? How about all the Dem Presidential candidates?

Slippy slope does not even begin to describe what the Dems are creating.
So you'd be cool if Senate Republicans subpoenaed the tax returns and financial records of Nancy and Chuck? How about all the Dem Presidential candidates?

Slippy slope does not even begin to describe what the Dems are creating.
I want tax returns of Nancy and her husband. He's been in on some shady business deals that came about because of her position.
So you'd be cool if Senate Republicans subpoenaed the tax returns and financial records of Nancy and Chuck? How about all the Dem Presidential candidates?

Slippy slope does not even begin to describe what the Dems are creating.
The Senate should immediately go after George Soros' tax returns and financial records.

We'll likely see an armed raid by US Marshals, prosecutors and a few others at the offices of Trump's CPAs in the near future.
I want tax returns of Nancy and her husband. He's been in on some shady business deals that came about because of her position.

Who objects? Why shouldn't she release her tax returns? Is she refusing?

Why shouoldn't Biff release his? Elected officials releasing tax returns is actually something that needs defended?
The Senate should immediately go after George Soros' tax returns and financial records.

We'll likely see an armed raid by US Marshals, prosecutors and a few others at the offices of Trump's CPAs in the near future.
I don't see that happening under Barr.
Who objects? Why shouldn't she release her tax returns? Is she refusing?

Why shouoldn't Biff release his? Elected officials releasing tax returns is actually something that needs defended?
If we're going to play this game, as usual, Dems won't like what's going to be found under their skirts.

You think once opened, this is going to stop with Trump?

Personally, I don't care.

They'll either get better at cheating, or we'll have honest leaders in DC.
If we're going to play this game, as usual, Dems won't like what's going to be found under their skirts.

You think once opened, this is going to stop with Trump?

Personally, I don't care.

They'll either get better at cheating, or we'll have honest leaders in DC.

Game? What's a "game" about wanting all elected officials to be transparent?
Sys will be the first to screech when the Senate starts asking for Dim tax returns saying their is no basis and it is political payback. Only the Dims get to investigate, once Reps decided to investigate they screech just like they are with Barr and the I.G. investigation in to the dossier, FISA, etc...

So much BS from the left, they think they are so morally superior that they, and they alone, should be the only ones to decide when the government weaponizes itself against political figures and those figures should only be Republican, and if the name is Trump you can break any law to “investigate”.

They hide behind words like transparency, so much BS. If they are so confident no wrongdoing exists with the dossier, FISA, etc...they would welcome it like Trump cooperated with Mueller. It would be a huge political win, instead they screech and yell political pay back
Game? What's a "game" about wanting all elected officials to be transparent?
It's a game when Obama bragged that he was going to have the most transparent ethical administration in US history when in truth it was the most corrupt.

Obama said: "We didn't have a scandal that embarrassed us" during his presidency.

* Bengazhi
* Fast and Furious
* IRS used as a weapon against conservative groups
* NSA mass surveillance
* Bowie Berdahl swap
* Secret Service scandal
* DOJ seizes journalist records
* Solyndra
* The Iran Deal
* Uranium One
* Clinton e-mail scandal
* AP wiretaps
* Trump Tower wiretaps

I don't remember your calls for transparency before 2016.
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It's a game when Obama bragged that he was going to have the most transparent ethical administration in US history when in truth it was the most corrupt.


I don't remember your calls for transparency before 2016.
That and ole Barry was given a huge reparational pass by psuedo guilt ridden honkys.
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If I wer

I'm no attorney just a person with a little common sense but I would think Congress would need a legitimate reason, like an actual specific crime backed up with at least a little evidence, before they could forcibly receive anyone's tax returns, especially a sitting President. Congress does not have the authority to go looking for a crime just like any prosecutor can not go looking for one.
Democrats want Trump's tax return for one reason and one reason only, so they can misrepresent it during the 2020 election.

Congress has inherent powers, in the Constitution, which allow them to act, WITHOUT the protections of the Bill of Rights, when it comes to PUBLIC OFFICIALS.

The problem with your reasoning is that you are trying to apply certain principles that prevent the government from trampling the RIGHTS OF PRIVATE CITIZENS, with those rules in the Constitution (preceding the Bill of Rights) which apply a completely different standard for Public Officials.

It's similar to how the highest ranking General can give you an order and you (as a private citizan) can lawfully disobey it. However, if you are in the military you CANNOT refuse to obey a lawful order without repercussion.
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It's a game when Obama bragged that he was going to have the most transparent ethical administration in US history when in truth it was the most corrupt.

Obama said: "We didn't have a scandal that embarrassed us" during his presidency.

* Bengazhi
* Fast and Furious
* IRS used as a weapon against conservative groups
* NSA mass surveillance
* Bowie Berdahl swap
* Secret Service scandal
* DOJ seizes journalist records
* Solyndra
* The Iran Deal
* Uranium One
* Clinton e-mail scandal
* AP wiretaps
* Trump Tower wiretaps

I don't remember your calls for transparency before 2016.

Nope, he never did have a scandal that remotely compares with Biff's daily scandals. DAILY. Solyndra? Uranium One?


It's amazing you're simultaneously bitching about government corruption and.... supporting non transparency?
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Nope, he never did have a scandal that remotely compares with Biff's daily scandals. DAILY. Solyndra? Uranium One?


It's amazing you're simultaneously bitching about government corruption and.... supporting non transparency?

(Who is supporting non-transparency? I do know that you cared nothing for transparency until after the 2016 elections.)

WITHOUT HIS KNOWLEDGE Nixon's re-election committee attempted to wiretap a SINGLE PHONE in the opposing party's headquarters (a phone used to hire hookers). Nixon was brought down in disgrace and Watergate is considered the greatest act of political corruption in US history.

AT HIS DIRECTION and with his full knowledge Obama used the FBI not only to wiretap the opposing party's headquarters, but placed a MOLE inside the campaign (Stefan Halper) in order to spy upon and undermine the opposing party. #worsethanwatergate
(Who is supporting non-transparency? I do know that you cared nothing for transparency until after the 2016 elections.)

WITHOUT HIS KNOWLEDGE Nixon's re-election committee attempted to wiretap a SINGLE PHONE in the opposing party's headquarters (a phone used to hire hookers). Nixon was brought down in disgrace and Watergate is considered the greatest act of political corruption in US history.

AT HIS DIRECTION and with his full knowledge Obama used the FBI not only to wiretap the opposing party's headquarters, but placed a MOLE inside the campaign (Stefan Halper) in order to spy upon and undermine the opposing party. #worsethanwatergate

If only everyone could see it so clearly.
(Who is supporting non-transparency? I do know that you cared nothing for transparency until after the 2016 elections.)

WITHOUT HIS KNOWLEDGE Nixon's re-election committee attempted to wiretap a SINGLE PHONE in the opposing party's headquarters (a phone used to hire hookers). Nixon was brought down in disgrace and Watergate is considered the greatest act of political corruption in US history.

AT HIS DIRECTION and with his full knowledge Obama used the FBI not only to wiretap the opposing party's headquarters, but placed a MOLE inside the campaign (Stefan Halper) in order to spy upon and undermine the opposing party. #worsethanwatergate

That is such a molestation of facts and logic that I'm calling that you did not come up with that. Who did? Where did you hear that?

Show me where 1) Obama knew and directed, 2) the FBI to tap Trump's HQ.
Congress has inherent powers, in the Constitution, which allow them to act, WITHOUT the protections of the Bill of Rights, when it comes to PUBLIC OFFICIALS.

The problem with your reasoning is that you are trying to apply certain principles that prevent the government from trampling the RIGHTS OF PRIVATE CITIZENS, with those rules in the Constitution (preceding the Bill of Rights) which apply a completely different standard for Public Officials.

It's similar to how the highest ranking General can give you an order and you (as a private citizan) can lawfully disobey it. However, if you are in the military you CANNOT refuse to obey a lawful order without repercussion.

You are trying to tell us the Congress does not have to consider the Bill of Rights when it comes to public officials? I'm going to call BULLSHIT on that one until you can provide credible evidence to back up your claim.
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AT HIS DIRECTION and with his full knowledge Obama used the FBI not only to wiretap the opposing party's headquarters, but placed a MOLE inside the campaign (Stefan Halper) in order to spy upon and undermine the opposing party. #worsethanwatergate
None of that is true.

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