

Heisman Candidate
Gold Member
Sep 2, 2005
That's the total cost of President Obama's vacations while he's been in office. Over seventy million dollars.

If you're self-employed, don't forget to send in your quarterly tax payment. It's due by the 15th.
but but but Bush went to Crawford all the time and never worked.....blah blah blah.

Said it before and will say it again, him and the first wookie act like first round NBA picks. Can't believe they drone on about rich people paying "their fair share" when those fools haven't met a vacation destination yet they don't like and don't pay a dam dime for it.

If they didn't spend one more penny on a vacation for the rest of his pathetic term, that would come to an average of $23,972 per day spent on vacations for his entire worthless 8 years. Veterans and inner city folks must love that stat.
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He is to limped wristed to golf during a storm. I bet he just either has NSA spy on some congressmen or maybe he will have the IRS target some registered republicans. Oh hell maybe he will write some more laws through executive action and just completely go around congress. Who knows.
Is that all///?Bush vacation cost estimated to have been > 1/4 billion $.
McClennan Co., the ENTIRE county was staffed by us Secret Service under Bush for 8 years. Much of the bob wire had to be removed to rewire the entire 8 county region after 9/11. Hell we got to know George w and Putin's security detail at the Bu game in 2001...Quarter bil probably WAY on low side for all the getaways he and deadeye Dick took...Cheney vacation hunts to shoot othr peoplle were more than 70 million
the medical bills alone for this poor man shot in the face by his hunting guest Dick Cheney was in several million, inncluding the lawsuit., paid for by US taxpaayers
When the hell did Bush become the measure stick? I mean WTF I just can't take this level of stupid thinking anymore. How about we as in you and me hold this country to a higher measuring stick then the last guy and I am talking about both sides. Then again you are a troll trolling for other trolls. I wonder how many presidents will pass and CUP and Sys will still be measuring them to Bush. What was Bill Clinton's vacation total? How about George H. W. Bush. IF you are going to promote your guy then at least throw more then one stat out on Bush. See I just explained how you could be taken more seriously on here.
under bush for the Western White House (every president should have a second WH fully staffed) just the chain saw and dirt bike expenses alone topped $250,000--coutesy US taxpayers
George w spent more than 2 years of his reign on vacation. He flew over katrina drowning victims after San Diego guitar strumming vacation but didn't have time to stop...
Every POTUS should have taxpayers furnish them a second White House to vacation at. Just one WH ain't worth a f-ck...

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