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You are going to convert me to a libertarian one of these days.Could you recommend
some books on the subject.

Three books to get you started:

1). The Law by Frederic Bastiat
(Then read everything he wrote that you can get your hands on.)

2). Our Enemy the State by Albert J. Nock

3). The Road To Serfdom by F.A. Hayek

For enjoyment read Ayn Rand’s novels, especially The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Rand never called herself a libertarian (for that matter Hayek eschewed the term as well), but her philosophy of Objectivism has been the starting point for many libertarians, myself included.

I hope you’ll read some of these and let me know what you think!

Here’s The Law online:
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Kind of a weird article because very few people, okay maybe 0 go to a "welfare office" to get benefits. Most of those committing fraud have stolen a SSN and or are misrepresented themselves some way or another so while they may have to go there once to turn in forms and whatnot, they would most likely never go there again. How does one not know that people working there illegally don't have SSN's and in parallel are claiming all the goodies the fed/state offers if below a certain income threshold?

Tyson foods should be taken to the cleaners on the other hand. They are exploiting these people and probably paying cash, which in and of itself is a magnet to bring someone's cousins, in-laws, siblings a running. I know a family that has a chicken operation in OK, its family owned and run and they pay all their workers well. So Tyson, who sells to Wal-mart is using cheap labor to keep prices artificially lower so they can basically out compete people who are hiring Americans and paying a good wage.

I do agree that the leftos are crying crocodile tears. The difference now is the political activist masquerading as journalists would never cover an event like this under the ex-rodent and chief as they cover it now. They really are a enemy of the state and aside from politicians the most dishonest manipulative sub species of cockroaches on the planet.
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Three books to get you started:

1). The Law by Frederic Bastiat
(Then read everything he wrote that you can get your hands on.)

2). Our Enemy the State by Albert J. Nock

3). The Road To Serfdom by F.A. Hayek

For enjoyment read Ayn Rand’s novels, especially The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Rand never called herself a libertarian (for that matter Hayek eschewed the term as well), but her philosophy of Objectivism has been the starting point for many libertarians, myself included.

I hope you’ll read some of these and let me know what you think!

Here’s The Law online:
I have read Fountain Head great book. I will look for others.

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