A little help here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_prosecutorI wonder why Mueller is referred to a special counsel as opposed to a special prosecutor.
A little help here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_prosecutorI wonder why Mueller is referred to a special counsel as opposed to a special prosecutor.
Probable cause? Like.... your best couple of bud admits to having weed and were seen picked up right outside your house high as a kite? I will defer to the actual JDs but I do believe the AG, Deputy AG, the Director of the FBI, House and Senate committees chaired by Republicans all agree there is sufficient Probable Cause to actually launch investigations. Just saying...
It says a lot to me when Dianne Feinstein isn't willing to climb out on that limb.I can't count the conservative stampedes on this board over the years that have been based on nothing more than piss and wind. Now there's not enough proof. The hypocrisy is astounding. At least 10 of you self-described conservatives would be screaming for armed insurrection if this was a democrat.
A little help here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_prosecutor
You clearly don't know the difference between a Special Prosecutor, Independent Counsel, and Special Counsel. A hint, there is none, they are fundamentally the same.It was a rhetorical question. The answer is simple enough. There isn't evidence of a crime to be prosecuted. Maybe that will develop into something that we can all be excited about together in the future. But it isn't there now.
You clearly don't know the difference between a Special Prosecutor, Independent Counsel, and Special Counsel. A hint, there is none, they are fundamentally the same.
Laughing at this... dig your hole a bit deeper please!A prosecutor would prosecute a case in court, meaning that charges have been filed. RIght? Mueller is an investigator. I just think you're getting ahead of yourself in your zeal to crucify all things Trump.
Laugh away. I'm experiencing Russia fatigue. I'm tired of hearing how Russian hookers pissed on a Moscow hotel bed. I'm tired of hearing about a super secret trump server connected to a Russian bank. I'm tired of hearing how anonymous sources are the new gold standard in journalism. I'm sick and tired of rumors getting treated as though they are credible.Laughing at this... dig your hole a bit deeper please!
Laughing at this... dig your hole a bit deeper please!
NO! Because then they call the ambulance, fire department, and police department because she didn't answer the door. Then we find out she's just hungover at a friend's house. Then she wants to sue us all for smashing her door into a million pieces. Then I have to field the complaint that we smashed her door into a million pieces because the police and fire departments told her it was our decision.Nope. But if one of my employees didn't show up to work, and no one was able to reach her, I would like them to show up at her house.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Because I need the break.So, back to my employee. She didn't show up. She is very dependable. No one can reach her. Should the police investigate? There is no concrete evidence that a crime has been committed. But isn't investigation a good idea?
I'm tired of hearing how anonymous sources are the new gold standard in journalism. I'm sick and tired of rumors getting treated as though they are credible.
If you have credible information about crimes that have been committed and who committed them, please list the offenses and the statutes which were broken
That sounds like a circa 1973 Nixon apologist.
As an attorney, I would have thought you would take a more factual based approach to this. Maybe there's dozens of felonies that have been committed. Who knows at this point? The more convicted felons that are in prison, the better.
But nobody's in prison because anonymous sources heard a rumor that was given credibility by a rah rah media.
Not sure how all that translates into Nixon horseshit, but whatever.
There's going to be an investigation whether there needs to be or not. I'll wait and see what happens. That's not the same as saying Trump or anybody else is innocent. But what I really would hate to see is an investigation that will last for years with nothing to show for it except that the mere existence of an investigation that can be exploited for purely partisan purposes. When the criminal justice system is used for political purposes, then there is no justice. I hope that's not what we have here.
Time will tell.
But nobody's in prison because anonymous sources heard a rumor that was given credibility by a rah rah media.
Good grief.
Tonight @wyomingosualum is out behind the woodshed handing out whoopings to anybody looking for them.
Anonymous sources are not permitted to testify in court.Anonymous sources put G. Gordon Liddy behind bars.
Anonymous sources are not permitted to testify in court.
Well. Except for the part where he thinks that investigations should only occur when there is definitive evidence that a crime has occurred. That's just dumb.
Full Investigation Law and Legal Definition
A full investigation refers to the careful search or examination with an intention to discover facts. This may include questioning of witnesses, forensic examination and investigation of financial records.
Please disclose your financial records, then, so that we may see if any criminal activity has occurred.
You see, what is necessary before a search warrant is issued to allow the invasion of privacy into your personal finances, for example, is probable cause that a crime has been committed and that you committed it. Pretty dumb, huh?
So? What's that got to do with anything?
Did you see the reddit cut and paste i posted a week or 2 ago with the list of Biff russia connections?
Did you see the reddit cut and paste i posted a week or 2 ago with the list of Biff russia connections?
Witness credibility?
I can't count the conservative stampedes on this board over the years that have been based on nothing more than piss and wind. Now there's not enough proof. The hypocrisy is astounding. At least 10 of you self-described conservatives would be screaming for armed insurrection if this was a democrat.
https://oklahomastate.forums.rivals...ump-russia-collusion.61280/page-3#post-998140I have fallen behind recently on this board. I admit that I haven't read everything. If you direct me to the proper place, I'll try to take a look.
What does court admissibility have to do with what is going on? Do you think someone is wanting to charge or impeach with anonymous sources as the evidence?
Which ten would be calling for armed insurrection?
That's only 5. Clearly you need better genetics and more fingers.You, head, imp, mega, frank... Ya'll are ready for it under normal circumstances. Nobody else deserves to be publicly labeled.
You, head, imp, mega, frank... Ya'll are ready for it under normal circumstances. Nobody else deserves to be publicly labeled.
Commie.I don't own any guns so you've fingered me incorrectly.
Dude... that is pretty personal. You guys should take this offline.I don't own any guns so you've fingered me incorrectly.
Nobody is fingering you but your wife. Your fantasies are gross and I'm a sooner fan saying this.I don't own any guns so you've fingered me incorrectly.
Laughing at this... dig your hole a bit deeper please!