‘Failing President’ Biden must announce he won’t ‘run for re-election': New York Times column


MegaPoke is insane
Sep 25, 2006
Yikes. From the NY Times. That's the most honest take on Biden's failed leadership that I've seen from any of the leftist rags. @Syskatine, where are those examples of that "10X better than Trump" dipshittery you posted?

‘Failing President’ Biden must announce he won’t ‘run for re-election': New York Times column

LOL if he gets impeached twice, starts a recession, doesn't repeal and replace, doesn't build a wall, lies every day like a moron, gets nothing done, emboldens Putin and North Korea, give me a call, Flailey!

Look what I found. You gotta at least admit its nice not having the Epstein stooge in the WH, right?

LOL if he gets impeached twice, starts a recession, doesn't repeal and replace, doesn't build a wall, lies every day like a moron, gets nothing done, emboldens Putin and North Korea, give me a call, Flailey!

Look what I found. You gotta at least admit its nice not having the Epstein stooge in the WH, right?

Another shit britches blame. No shame.
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LOL if he gets impeached twice, starts a recession, doesn't repeal and replace, doesn't build a wall, lies every day like a moron, gets nothing done, emboldens Putin and North Korea, give me a call, Flailey!

Look what I found. You gotta at least admit its nice not having the Epstein stooge in the WH, right?


desperation is a stinky cologne.
LOL if he gets impeached twice, starts a recession, doesn't repeal and replace, doesn't build a wall, lies every day like a moron, gets nothing done, emboldens Putin and North Korea, give me a call, Flailey!

Look what I found. You gotta at least admit its nice not having the Epstein stooge in the WH, right?

What's ironic is Trump is responsible for all those things and he still had a more competent presidency than the current occupant.
LOL if he gets impeached twice, starts a recession, doesn't repeal and replace, doesn't build a wall, lies every day like a moron, gets nothing done, emboldens Putin and North Korea, give me a call, Flailey!

Look what I found. You gotta at least admit its nice not having the Epstein stooge in the WH, right?

Did you say recession, dickbreath?


You're the consumate incel loser cult member. Have you seen the latest bullshit on the looming recession from the Pedophile in Chief you voted for? It's classic loser speak.

Still waiting on anything "10X better," btw.
Did you say recession, dickbreath?


You're the consumate incel loser cult member. Have you seen the latest bullshit on the looming recession from the Pedophile in Chief you voted for? It's classic loser speak.

Still waiting on anything "10X better," btw.
She doesn't know how to respond, 😂
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LOL if he gets impeached twice, starts a recession, doesn't repeal and replace, doesn't build a wall, lies every day like a moron, gets nothing done, emboldens Putin and North Korea, give me a call, Flailey!

Look what I found. You gotta at least admit its nice not having the Epstein stooge in the WH, right?


Your 5 time draft dodging ('member when you used to screech weekly about draft dodgers when you were against it before you were all for it?) Pedophile in Chief is redefining incompetence and the leftard loser incel cult is just lapping it up (like you at the truckstop).

Conservatives slam Associated Press for tweet saying 'common definition' of recession doesn't count


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