Winter is Coming

What about the king of Dorne being killed. Am I just forgetting that he was killed in the books? Seems like they have went way off the path in this story line.
What about the king of Dorne being killed. Am I just forgetting that he was killed in the books? Seems like they have went way off the path in this story line.
Prince Doran is still alive in the books. I really have no idea what the storyline is for the dornish in the show but its not good.
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Prince Doran is still alive in the books. I really have no idea what the storyline is for the dornish in the show but its not good.

Yeah that whole thing feels like something from a low budget Showtime original.
Prince Doran is still alive in the books. I really have no idea what the storyline is for the dornish in the show but its not good.

The three biggest storylines they have completely eliminated or cut 90% of from the books are Doran, The Iron Islands, and Lady Stoneheart. They have also move da lot of characters around and combined roles. The biggest change to date being Sansa going to Winterfell and marring Ramsey. For the most part the TV show seems to be triming the story down. To date I haven't really seen them add anything significant to it. I'm assuming they will end up in the same place as the books but the paths to that destination are growing farther and farther apart.
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Also, in the books it appears Dorne is going to heavily align with (f)Aegon. Since he is not in the books it makes sense to cut down that storyline. Plus it hasn't been that great.
Prince Doran is still alive in the books. I really have no idea what the storyline is for the dornish in the show but its not good.

I saw one show critique where they said something along the lines of "The Land of Dorne is, apparently, the same land where Xena: Warrior Princess lives.

That pretty much sums up what HBO has done with Dorne. Not only did they kill off Doran and Trystane, but they also took our Areoh Hotah (Doran's bodyguard, who is a pretty key figure in the books. The other big criticism of the Dorne storyline is that they have really only shown us 1 palace and a bit of surrounding desert. They have lost the fact that Dorne is actually a huge place with many Houses and a significant army.

It looks pretty likely that they are going for a Dorne v. Kings Landing war. I'm guessing that this is their replacement for GRRM's war between Aegon's (young Griff) forces and King's Landing. In both cases, it seems likely that the large armies south of The Neck will be too caught up in wars and politics to send forces north to battle the White Walkers as they move south.
Technically, they revealed that he did, in fact, die from his wounds.

Until his body is gone (buried or burned) Jon Snow's fate is unknown. We already knew he was dead last season unless he had some magic power that repealed knife wounds.
Also, in the books it appears Dorne is going to heavily align with (f)Aegon. Since he is not in the books it makes sense to cut down that storyline. Plus it hasn't been that great.

Good point. The other plot line they really simplified and eliminated a lot a characters was Tyrion's journey to Maureen. It was tied heavily to the Doran plot line as well as the whole Aegon plot line which is completely dropped
So has anyone else seen HBO's after show - talk show? They are trying to do something like the Talking Dead. No bueno
So has anyone else seen HBO's after show - talk show? They are trying to do something like the Talking Dead. No bueno
Unless it is hosted by Chris Hardwick, I don't want to see it. Ok maybe a bit of hyperbole, but he does a great job with all those shows.
Until his body is gone (buried or burned) Jon Snow's fate is unknown. We already knew he was dead last season unless he had some magic power that repealed knife wounds.

I don't agree. There was some degree of uncertainty, both at the end of last season and in GRRM's 5th book. In both cases, Jon is stabbed repeatedly and collapses in the snow. But, we don't know that his wounds were fatal. It seems unlikely that he could survive such significant stab wounds (in both show and book), but unlikely things happen in works of fiction, and it would not be the first time that a key ASOIAF character appeared to be dead but turned out to be alive. We thought Bran and Rickon were both dead for quite a while. I thought The Hound might have killed Arya with an ax to the head, but later found out that he only knocked her out. Tyrion seemed to drown when the stone men attacked the pole boat, but Connington fished him out and basically used CPR to save his life.
Unless it is hosted by Chris Hardwick, I don't want to see it. Ok maybe a bit of hyperbole, but he does a great job with all those shows.

I think he is annoying. I get tired of him in a hurry and really only watch for the inside information that is shared on the show.
I could stomach Hardwick better if he took a couple tabs of Xanax before the show. When he has a good guest and he asks a good question, he needs to STFU and let them answer the damn question.

I was so aggravated when Chris kept walking all over Jonathon Banks' answers last week after Better Call Saul. Every time Banks would pause for a second as he got to the meat of his answer, Hardwick cut him off and either gave his own answer or asked another question of another guest.

If he had worked in radio for decades, I could understand. Every second of dead air there moves a host closer to losing his job. But not on live TV where viewers can see the guest is just collecting his thoughts in the middle of an answer.
If you ever wanted me to loss my mind give me an unsolvable puzzle. I JUST WANT TO KNOW WTF IS GOING TO HAPPEN WITH JON SNOW. Well six more days till I get another taste... I wouldn't be going through this if ole George would have just dropped the other book by now.
If you ever wanted me to loss my mind give me an unsolvable puzzle. I JUST WANT TO KNOW WTF IS GOING TO HAPPEN WITH JON SNOW. Well six more days till I get another taste... I wouldn't be going through this if ole George would have just dropped the other book by now.
There are rumors that GRRM is going to bring on Neil Gaiman to help him finish the series.
I could have sworn I saw a snip somewhere of Sansa, Littlefinger, Ramsey and Theon inside Winterfell fighting with a giant.
There are rumors that GRRM is going to bring on Neil Gaiman to help him finish the series.
God I hope so. I love reading books and reading his books on this story line is what got me hooked. I am really pissed that these liberal HBO yahoo's are going to tell his story. Has there been any news out there at all on the WOW being released yet? I pondered that he might drop it after the season finale this year. I figured he would at least wait HBO out to see what they did and I think that would be smart.
Also what is the best site for discussions about GOT or ASOIAF?
God I hope so. I love reading books and reading his books on this story line is what got me hooked. I am really pissed that these liberal HBO yahoo's are going to tell his story. Has there been any news out there at all on the WOW being released yet? I pondered that he might drop it after the season finale this year. I figured he would at least wait HBO out to see what they did and I think that would be smart.

No news on a release date yet. He had stated that he wanted to get it in people's hands prior to season 6, but then announced that he was not able to do it. Right now, we don't know if he is still working feverishly to finish it quickly or if he has gone back to his lazy ways and is in no hurry to make it happen.

He has previously said that he won't announce a release date until the final manuscript is complete. At that point, it will be 2-3 months until the publisher can get it printed and distributed.
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God I hope so. I love reading books and reading his books on this story line is what got me hooked. I am really pissed that these liberal HBO yahoo's are going to tell his story. Has there been any news out there at all on the WOW being released yet? I pondered that he might drop it after the season finale this year. I figured he would at least wait HBO out to see what they did and I think that would be smart.

It will be done when its done. As for bringing in a co-writer I would have to considered that just a rumor and not a very good one. As big of control freak as GRRM is I can't see him turning his universe even partially over to anyone else much less a glorified comic book writer. Accept GRRM for what he is, an aging hippy who hit it big. He has always written what he wants to write when he wants to write it and it's not finished until he is satisfied with it. Certainly financial security and a cult following isn't going to do anything but reinforce that.