Was it Biden’s daughter or niece that he molested?

It has been reported, based on Ashley Biden's dairy, Joe showered with his young daughter (Ashley). Other reports I've seen they said Hunter banged his under age niece. When the contents of Hunter's laptop were released there were incriminating photos of Hunter and his niece. No sex acts but definitely not pictures anyone that is not a sexual deviant would take with their under age niece.
Jfc lol…you’re supposed to be one of the smarter - or FaSt ones on here, Gary. The fact you gullibly choke down this Project Veritas bullsh!t is exemplary of how bad the right on this board has fallen into the abyss haha.

So fvcking dumb.

carry on
You doubt the authenticity of Ashley Biden’s diary?
Jfc lol…you’re supposed to be one of the smarter - or FaSt ones on here, Gary. The fact you gullibly choke down this Project Veritas bullsh!t is exemplary of how bad the right on this board has fallen into the abyss haha.

So fvcking dumb.

carry on
What does Project Veritas have to do with it? The diary turned out to be real.

You saying Ashley Biden lied to her own diary?
What does Project Veritas have to do with it? The diary turned out to be real.

You saying Ashley Biden lied to her own diary?
Project Venita’s bought the diary off the person that was in the rehab room after Ashley. Veritas did not run with it because they got major heat. They could not prove it was Ashley’s diary at the time.

I have read several articles about this and the room is changing from a rehab room to a friends house. That’s odd huh
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smh lol…cmon man…

carry on
I believe the diary purported to belong to Ashley Biden is authentic, meaning it is genuine and belongs to Ashley Biden. Anybody who looks down upon me enough to call me “fvcking dumb” should be able to understand this. Please stop doing this sort of thing. I don’t do that to you, please return the respect.

Your article about the FBI not validating the claims within the diary is a separate issue and has nothing to do with my belief that the diary is authentic.
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I believe the diary purported to belong to Ashley Biden is authentic, meaning it is genuine and belongs to Ashley Biden. Anybody who looks down upon me enough to call me “fvcking dumb” should be able to understand this. Please stop doing this sort of thing. I don’t do that to you, please return the respect.

Your article about the FBI not validating the claims within the diary is a separate issue and has nothing to do with my belief that the diary is authentic.
He's crying out loud.
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I believe the diary purported to belong to Ashley Biden is authentic, meaning it is genuine and belongs to Ashley Biden. Anybody who looks down upon me enough to call me “fvcking dumb” should be able to understand this. Please stop doing this sort of thing. I don’t do that to you, please return the respect.

Your article about the FBI not validating the claims within the diary is a separate issue and has nothing to do with my belief that the diary is authentic.

Your first post was about Biden’s daughter and niece both being molested by him, which is the post I called fvcking dumb…and you know it is.

Have the respect to know what I posted and what I didn’t and stop twisting things around…The contents of said diary are the fodder of rightwing batsh!t conspiracy theories and nothing more.

carry on
Your first post was about Biden’s daughter and niece both being molested by him, which is the post I called fvcking dumb…and you know it is.

Have the respect to know what I posted and what I didn’t and stop twisting things around…The contents of said diary are the fodder of rightwing batsh!t conspiracy theories and nothing more.

carry on

Pee pee tape, Russia Collusion, Pussy grabbing well that ones true, you lefties prove that every single day.🤣

Your first post was about Biden’s daughter and niece both being molested by him, which is the post I called fvcking dumb…and you know it is.

Have the respect to know what I posted and what I didn’t and stop twisting things around…The contents of said diary are the fodder of rightwing batsh!t conspiracy theories and nothing more.
What makes you think the allegations are not true?
Your first post was about Biden’s daughter and niece both being molested by him, which is the post I called fvcking dumb…and you know it is.

Have the respect to know what I posted and what I didn’t and stop twisting things around…The contents of said diary are the fodder of rightwing batsh!t conspiracy theories and nothing more.

carry on
My first post was sarcastic, based upon my belief that President Biden is a pervert. And it was actually a question.

If you’re saying that you were referring to the post as being “fvcking dumb“ instead of me personally, then I accept that. Thanks for the clarification.

The contents of the diary are what they are. Ashley said daddy took inappropriate showers with her. Can you prove she’s wrong?
My first post was sarcastic, based upon my belief that President Biden is a pervert. And it was actually a question.

If you’re saying that you were referring to the post as being “fvcking dumb“ instead of me personally, then I accept that. Thanks for the clarification.

The contents of the diary are what they are. Ashley said daddy took inappropriate showers with her. Can you prove she’s wrong?

If you can prove she said that in the first place…

carry on
If you can prove she said that in the first place…

carry on
The dairy is far more proof of anything you have alleged against Trump yet you've gone full throttle on Trump while you are on reverse on Biden.
All one needs to highly suspect the dairy allegations are true is the actions of the FBI against a journalist and the court case against the folks that pleaded guilty but no you suspect nothing like a good little sheep.
If you can prove she said that in the first place…

carry on
1. I can’t see the FBI wasting time on a diary if it didn’t contain exactly what it was claimed to contain.

2. While Ashley hasn’t publicly confirmed that she wrote this, I find it odd that she hasn’t denied it, either. Very odd. What child wouldn’t step up and defend their parent against a false allegation of this nature?

3. No defamation lawsuits. Again, odd. The diary contents remain publicly available.

My belief that the diary contains the inappropriate showers allegation is based on circumstantial evidence. If you have better evidence to the contrary, go for it. I will gladly read and ponder.
Is everyone OK with the FBI raiding the home of a right wing journalist who thought to of had highly suspected damaging information on a sitting President? I thought everyone would be against a President abusing it's power like this but I guess not. Democrat voters support it, Republicans and their voters are either to distracted or to big of pussies to make an issue out of it. I know my Congressman was not much interested in it.
Your first post was about Biden’s daughter and niece both being molested by him, which is the post I called fvcking dumb…and you know it is.

Have the respect to know what I posted and what I didn’t and stop twisting things around…The contents of said diary are the fodder of rightwing batsh!t conspiracy theories and nothing more.

carry on

Everyone seems surprised that this was a true story. An allegation that vile and disgusting would have been sued to oblivion if even one 'i' wasn't dotted correctly. The fact it wasn't was VERY telling. Bravo to @wyomingosualum for making that same statement last year.

Not surprised at all. Watch his videos groping young'uns and you can tell he likes the kiddos way too much. That and he is just an unlikable old perv crook that is aBoVe tHe LaW.

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