
Poor delivery from trump but he's right that we have a lot of illegals here like the one that killed BBJ.

And your statement about BBJ is so ridiculous you should be embarrassed. No, better yet, f*ck you for saying that. Happy 4th, dickhead.

Admin, I'll gladly take a week ban for that.

I can't read what you responded to since the d-bag is on ignore, but add me to the "f*ck you for saying that". :D
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Meantime Donald Duck Trump--who since 2008 has accused Commander in Chief of being an undocumented immimgrant still with support of most of the extremist REPUBLICANS on this board and across the US-- has thousands of illegals whom he calls druggies, criminals, murderers and rapists working for his empire...Even the Duck's suits are Made in Mexico...Hey Duck are you ready to fine employers of illegals like yourself??!! Where's your outrage on the employers. (Never mind all Duck apologists on this board who have hired many illegals in their lifetimes--cheap)

This is gonna hurt, so I hope you're sitting down. According to Politico, the birther rumors began among Hillary Clinton supporters:

"Then, as Obama marched toward the presidency, a new suggestion emerged: That he was not eligible to serve. That theory first emerged in the spring of 2008, as Clinton supporters circulated an anonymous email questioning Obama’s citizenship."
Meantime Donald Duck Trump--who since 2008 has accused Commander in Chief of being an undocumented immimgrant still with support of most of the extremist REPUBLICANS on this board and across the US-- has thousands of illegals whom he calls druggies, criminals, murderers and rapists working for his empire...

Stinging allegation. Have you examined the personnel files of the thousands of employees to know that they are illegal? How have you made this determination? Is there a credible source for this news or did somebody named Joe Dickhead on Daily Kos post this?

Hey CowboyUp, it must suck for you that Trump may just be right about the illegals you and Barry are enamored with. What us regular folk see as criminals, you and Barry see as another registered Democrat.
Like dragging a Kenyan birth certificate through a Hillary for president rally!
Unfortunately C Cup, plenty more of those Barry failures where those came from. Your rectum sure is rosy isn't it? At least it must be a shelter from the truth.
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Guy forget the illegal alien part the guy made an illegal u turn and not even that gets blamed with CUP just the fact he didn't have a helmet on. This thread has opened my eyes to these crazy liberals. They honestly are wackos with no sense of reality. Guys we need to start letting gay marriage and pot go and start bring in the people in the middle. If these idiots get ahold of the government again we won't be able to recover. They need to preach closing the border and then have a solution to illegals here. That is all the republicans lack in this debate is a solution to the illegals here. We can't let any more nut jobs who blame everything but the problem back in power.
I'm with Aggiesboy on this. I had to take a time out from cup and sys last week and put them on ignore. I usually don't do that, but couldn't take the no fault homer ism they have for their party. obama could tell them they have purple skin and the earth is really flat, and they'd believe him.
Oops. Another one. This one in the Barry created sanctuary city of Philadelphia. Just like the liberal sanctuary city of San Fran where a multi deported violent criminal took refuge and shot an innocent lady to death. Way to go Barry. Trump? He doesn't believe in sanctuaries for rapists and murderers.
Just another Republican who believes in sanctuary for racists.
As a Democrat I love it. Trump's putting final nails in GOWP coffin.
Grand Ol War Party cant even keep homeland safe from terrorists.
If we're not at war--they'll lie about it to start one.
"To tell you the truth I don't worry about bin Laden."--Last GOWP president in history

For me, voting for Trump would be infinitely more palatable then Bush. Not saying I hope he's the nominee either, but one will be a pandering RINO the other...well who knows what he'll do but it would be entertaining to watch.
Again, can you identify exactly what part of Trump's statement was racist?
The Duck has been a racist for years, possibly for all his life. During a time of war he publicly accused the Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces of being an undocumented alien, illegally elected, even when provided with a birth certificate. Why? Because Obama's a liberal Democrat whose mom was white and dad was black. Only reason. Prima facie racism...Further evidence--He detests Hispanics too. You notice he doesn't have a problem with rapist US citizens. Only rapists from Mexico...
The Duck has been a racist for years, possibly for all his life. During a time of war he publicly accused the Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces of being an undocumented alien, illegally elected, even when provided with a birth certificate. Why? Because Obama's a liberal Democrat whose mom was white and dad was black. Only reason. Prima facie racism...Further evidence--He detests Hispanics too. You notice he doesn't have a problem with rapist US citizens. Only rapists from Mexico...
Well in his defense the rapist US citizens are effing US citizens.
Well in his defense the rapist US citizens are effing US citizens.

Obama was a US citizen duly elected by 59 million Americans... HOWEVER-- Duck never said one positive thing about Obama in his life. Why not? Obama's black.
It's just so obvious Trump hates minorities--racism personified.

John McCain was born in Panama. Obama was born in the USA with a valid birth certificate and two newspaper articles to verify. Who did he go after and NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT IT??? The black guy.
Now he's lying about Mexicans. Why? He's a racist. Hates minorities and hates foreigners unless their white Euros like him... Racist.

If you're a rich white guy running for POTUS and you lose pro golf and NASCAR based on comments you made about Mexicans--you're a racist..

If it looks like a Duck, quacks like a Duck, walk's like a Duck--it's a racist
The Duck has been a racist for years, possibly for all his life. During a time of war he publicly accused the Commander in Chief of our Armed Forces of being an undocumented alien, illegally elected, even when provided with a birth certificate. Why? Because Obama's a liberal Democrat whose mom was white and dad was black. Only reason. Prima facie racism...Further evidence--He detests Hispanics too. You notice he doesn't have a problem with rapist US citizens. Only rapists from Mexico...

OK, so let's examine this response and see what we come up with.

First, you state that Trump has been a racist for years because he questioned the citizenship of the president. Then, apparently because you possess clairvoyant powers, you were able to determine that the reason Trump did this is because the president is biracial. Never mind the fact that the birther allegation originated from the Hillary camp.

Second, you determine that Trump is a racist because he has a problem with Mexican rapists.

Does that just about sum up the evidence we have accumulated so far?
Cup, it's way too early to be that drunk.
Interesting. What lies has he said about Mexicans?
When Mexico sends its people they're not sending the best. They're not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting.
When Mexico sends its people they're not sending the best. They're not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems. They're bringing drugs, they're bringing crime. They're rapists and some, I assume, are good people, but I speak to border guards and they're telling us what we're getting.

The last stats I saw reflected that a little over a third of Mexican residents graduate from high school. I don't intend for that to be demeaning. But if true, then I think it's safe to say that we aren't getting a highly educated work force that will help our economy compete.

Dunno about the crime stats. I'll look into it.
"Jeb has to like the Mexican illegals because of his wife."--Donald Duck Trump moments ago
Native born white people are way more likely to commit crimes than Mexican immigrants.
"Jeb has to like the Mexican illegals because of his wife."--Donald Duck Trump moments ago

It's hard to know if that's an actual quote or not, given your tendency to just pull shit out of the air and post it as fact.

It's hard to know if that's an actual quote or not, given your tendency to just pull shit out of the air and post it as fact.

All you have to do is google "Terrorist fist jab." There was a controversial New Yorker cover on the subject.
All you have to do is google "Terrorist fist jab." There was a controversial New Yorker cover on the subject.

I was referring to his previous post regarding Rush Limbaugh and Fox News and how they purportedly reported this for three years as a secret terrorist signal that the Obamas used.

Now that I know the exact term to google, I found the video clip in question from Fox News. I watched it. It was painful. To summarize, it was a segment from a program about body language and included the Obama fist bump and a George W. Bush chest bump. Yes, the Fox anchor said, "A fist bump? A pound? A terrorist fist jab? The gesture everyone seems to interpret differently" to describe the range of interpretation options.

Seems idiotic to have included "terrorist fist jab" as a potential descriptor, but if you decide to waste three minutes of your life to watch the video clip, you just can't come away with the idea that this was used for three years by Rush Limbaugh and Fox News as a secret signal to rally terrorists to the cause...because it wasn't.