Top 100 recruits incoming

mike tognetti

Jan 27, 2012
Flo has came out with the top 100 recruits this summer. Oklahoma has 8 in the top 100 and of them 7 in the top 50. In the top 11 recruits in the nation #5 Nick Piccininni (126)NJ, #6 Freddy Stroker (145) IA, #7 Kaid Brock (126) OK, has wrestled 132 in high school, #9 Joe Smith (152) I say 149 in college, #11 Ke-Shawn Hayes (132) MO, All has shown interest in OSU and on our radar. Don't know what is left in scholarships after the big recruiting class coming in but some of them are in state and there are always the academic scholarships.
Actually Mike I think there are nine ok wrestlers in top 100. The 7 in the top 50 plus Moran and Childers. Cody Karstetter was in the last one. With good years I think both dierenger and Z Moore could make it in. It is amazing we have all these guys in this class and none ranked in the junior class.
If you have academic scholarships, I believe you still count against the limit. Maybe that has changed.
They have updated the junior rankings and OK has some in there, but one stuck out. They have Kennedy Monday listed as being in Stillwater. Have they moved back to Stillwater or is it just an over site by Flo?
May be an oversight, but Monday left the MMA group he was with out there (I can't even type the name of that group without LOL' I won't).
According to a friend, Monday is expected to wrestle for Stillwater, but this is second hand so I am not sure how reliable.

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