Thread: 2022 Midterm Elections

If you have an opinion, spit it out.
So, some early thoughts without having dug into the numbers that deeply. A lot here is based on early perceptions, but in politics, perception is often reality.

(1) Turnout. Democrats were able to match or come close to matching Republican enthusiasm. This was big for Democrats, especially in President Biden's first midterm where historically speaking, Republicans should have trounced Democrats on turnout.

(2) Women and young voters turned out to back Democrats, from what I've heard. Again, haven't dug into the numbers on this, but Democrats seem to have gotten what they needed here to blunt a big election for Republicans. It also appears from exit polls that Democrats won Independents, but it was close.

(3) Abortion. Definitely played a role. Republicans just aren't where a strong majority of Americans are on this issue. Dobbs is both a bad decision and a major political blunder. The reaction to Dobbs by Republicans only made it worse.

(4) Trump. He is a drag on the Republican Party right now. This was not a good election for him. Republicans have a big problem on their hands with him. A problem of their own making.

(5) Biden. This election seems, at this point, to essentially be a stay the course election. Which is good news for Biden and says something. Historically speaking, Biden had a good night. If Republicans had won big, everyone would be blaming Biden this morning. However, the fact Republicans didn't, says something about Biden too, especially (again) when historical trends are considered. This election is only going to help Biden's standing with Democrats and it may tamp down, for now, discussions of him not running again. Personally, I'm impressed with what Democrats, under Biden, was able to do last night, historically speaking. I may even have to reconsider my opinion on Biden running again.
So, some early thoughts without having dug into the numbers that deeply. A lot here is based on early perceptions, but in politics, perception is often reality.

(1) Turnout. Democrats were able to match or come close to matching Republican enthusiasm. This was big for Democrats, especially in President Biden's first midterm where historically speaking, Republicans should have trounced Democrats on turnout.

(2) Women and young voters turned out to back Democrats, from what I've heard. Again, haven't dug into the numbers on this, but Democrats seem to have gotten what they needed here to blunt a big election for Republicans. It also appears from exit polls that Democrats won Independents, but it was close.

(3) Abortion. Definitely played a role. Republicans just aren't where a strong majority of Americans are on this issue. Dobbs is both a bad decision and a major political blunder. The reaction to Dobbs by Republicans only made it worse.

(4) Trump. He is a drag on the Republican Party right now. This was not a good election for him. Republicans have a big problem on their hands with him. A problem of their own making.

(5) Biden. This election seems, at this point, to essentially be a stay the course election. Which is good news for Biden and says something. Historically speaking, Biden had a good night. If Republicans had won big, everyone would be blaming Biden this morning. However, the fact Republicans didn't, says something about Biden too, especially (again) when historical trends are considered. This election is only going to help Biden's standing with Democrats and it may tamp down, for now, discussions of him not running again. Personally, I'm impressed with what Democrats, under Biden, was able to do last night, historically speaking. I may even have to reconsider my opinion on Biden running again.
You needed to wait till morning to come up with these thoughts? I can see why SI calls you part of the "slow 10".
A little good news. We will have the House. The Senate will be 50-49 with a GeoRiga runoff upcoming. If (big if) Trump will stay out of Georgia & let Kemp & Desantis campaign with Hershel along with no Libertarian, that should get us to 51. Also we kicked ass in state! Which I was concerned about. So not all sucks.
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A little good news. We will have the House. The Senate will be 50-49 with a GeoRiga runoff upcoming. If (big if) Trump will stay out of Georgia & let Kemp & Desantis campaign with Hershel along with no Libertarian, that should get us to 51. Also we kicked ass in state! Which I was concerned about. So not all sucks.
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Georgia AG just on with Kilmeade. Georgia will be going to run off. Not enough votes out for either to get to 50%. Run Hershel run.
Georgia AG just on with Kilmeade. Georgia will be going to run off. Not enough votes out for either to get to 50%. Run Hershel run.
He was fully cleated up when his campaign chief explained to him what that actually meant.