Stunning Brady Docs Exonerate Michael Flynn

The FBI had no reason to interview Flynn. They already knew what he had said to Kislyak; they had the transcript of the conversation and had already concluded that the notion that Flynn was an agent of Russian power was ludicrous. Then someone at DOJ dreamed up the Logan Act line and decided they would attempt to entrap Flynn.
And Flynn played right into their hands by lying
Thought experiment: imagine, if you will, the GW Bush appointed FBI Director sending agents over to get incoming Obama NSA Susan Rice to lie about violating the Logan Act or some other obscure law that no one ever gets prosecuted for.

Would the press/media reaction be similar? Do you think it would have gotten to this juncture without a journalist or member of the media asking Bush one single question about it?
so does fbi agents in coordination with
the DOJ the SCO and the otard socialist admin
fabricating and entrapping

the NSA and 3star general because he knew where the bodies were buried

qualify as exoneration?
And Flynn played right into their hands by lying

which contemplates confessing under oath to lying. In the white house. To the FBI. For no good reason.

Amazing to see the mental gymnastics to justify the criminality and lying. And they didn't charge him with everything they could, either.

And let's not forget the MAGA judgment regarding who they DO want to charge. McCabe. Literally couldn't get a grand jury to indict him, lol. They tried an Obama appointee for a trumped up deal and he was acquitted. Surprised we haven't seen more ink on the board about those. Oh well.
so does fbi agents in coordination with
the DOJ the SCO and the otard socialist admin
fabricating and entrapping

the NSA and 3star general because he knew where the bodies were buried

qualify as exoneration?

If proven objectively somewhere beside your chosen echo chamber....sure.

Hell, if all that is clear as day, surely Flynn will be allowed to withdraw his guilty plea. Surely charges will be dismissed or he’ll be acquitted. Surely Barr and the boys will charge some people with treason. Right?

Again....objective standards...verifiable standards...something other than echo chamber and your opinion.
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Thought experiment: imagine, if you will, the GW Bush appointed FBI Director sending agents over to get incoming Obama NSA Susan Rice to lie about violating the Logan Act or some other obscure law that no one ever gets prosecuted for.

Would the press/media reaction be similar? Do you think it would have gotten to this juncture without a journalist or member of the media asking Bush one single question about it?
Why do you think he lied?

And why didn't he register as a foreign agent?
Who said that Flynn lied? Pence didn’t say it, the agents who questioned him didn’t, oh yeah, the people on the 7th floor of the fbi claimed he lied.

He did. Under oath. In writing. And out of his mouth.
You answer any of the questions I’ve asked you about Schiff first.

LOL atta boy. If you think he's unfarily charged you'd think you might have some idea of what he said and did. Criminal culpability is usually analyzed by looking at the actions of the accused.
LOL atta boy. If you think he's unfarily charged you'd think you might have some idea of what he said and did. Criminal culpability is usually analyzed by looking at the actions of the accused.

Naw lil George, I’m just trying to figure out how you quantify lies.
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If proven objectively somewhere beside your chosen echo chamber....sure.

Hell, if all that is clear as day, surely Flynn will be allowed to withdraw his guilty plea. Surely charges will be dismissed or he’ll be acquitted. Surely Barr and the boys will charge some people with treason. Right?

Again....objective standards...verifiable standards...something other than echo chamber and your opinion.

that’s the conversation
with goalposts in the middle

i give judge sullivan a lot of credit at the sentencing hearing

his line of questioning gave the monkey time
to grind

the spotlight sits squarely on the prosecution
i wonder what will exonerate them?

when you ask a question you get opinions
that’s how it works

as far as echo chamber
i’m on the record
i got my own drummer
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that’s the conversation
with goalposts in the middle

i give judge sullivan a lot of credit at the sentencing hearing

his line of questioning gave the monkey time
to grind

the spotlight sits squarely on the prosecution
i wonder what will exonerate them?

when you ask a question you get opinions
that’s how it works

as far as echo chamber
i’m on the record
i got my own drummer

Your spotlight sets squarely on the prosecution. Mine is on defining what Flynn exoneration looks like so we can determine objectively in the end whether he was exonerated. He very well may be. He very well may not be..

You may think you have your own drummer....but you’re obviously dancing to a tune being drummed up for you in the Twitter Trumpesphere. It may turn out to be correct. It may not.
You may think you have your own drummer....but you’re obviously dancing to a tune being drummed up for you in the Twitter Trumpesphere. It may turn out to be correct. It may not.

my opinion came sentencing hearing
real real time

how’s that post mueller obstruction case working?

your bias is blatant
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