Pressure on deer thread


Heisman Winner
Gold Member
Nov 25, 2005
Part of the reason most of us love to hunt is because of the unexpected things that seem to happen outdoors. Whether that be a big buck, banded waterfowl or just plain crazy sites like an owl swarming turkeys, coyotes. I've had many things happen afield that are just plain cool to witness.

I've had other things that aren't so cool to witness. Like hunting an area that you can see from the road and having somebody try to break into your vehicle. I have seen deer get shot from the road while in the stand. I have had cameras and stands vandalized...or watched guys from a stand walk across your hunting property.

Well, I had another issue and it may have solved some previous issues.

Sunday, I was rehanging a stand closer to some trails that are used to go to bedding areas. While I was in the tree hanging the stand, I heard some voices, then some loud banging. Once I started looking in the direction of the banging, I noticed several men standing less than 100 yards from my tree and in the dang trails that the deer use to enter/leave the bedding area. Of course, I jump down and walk is a class of 40 college kids from sNorman and their two professors on a freaking field trip...several hundred yards from the fence line, very close to my stands and exactly on the trails my deer use.

After telling them they are on private property, the PHD from goonville proceeds to tell me they have been walking this creek for the last three years on the last weekend of September and first two weeks of October. This entire time, I thought the deer were just that good. I have actually quit hunting this area until later in the year because of the lack of activity that seems to drop off during this time. No wonder I haven't done well in this stand setting...there are over 120 people walking through the place at the beginning of the season...without permission.

The uO prof wasn't too cool about us telling him he didn't need to be there, and told us he was going to go ahead and finish their trip. Then he told us he would go ahead with the scheduled trips, but not come back next year. Now given, I don't own this spot, but I lease it and hunt with the owner and his son...but it pissed me off. He argued with me about being there #1, even though he was trespassing, and #2, he tried to imply that it was my duty to allow him access.

So my questions are this...

1. Do I report him to the school and law?
2. Is it him that is hurting my deer activity for the early season?
3. Do I email him and ask him his plans on re-visiting the area? I would like to know if he is trying to gain permission to access?
Not sure you have any legal recourse without the support of the actual land owner. Have called the owner and asked if he gave them permission at some point in the last 3 years?
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Several years ago, another PHD from the department gained access to "study" the rocks...but not take 120 kids in there over the course of three weeks.

The owner also hunts out there now, so there is now some support. He doesn't want them in there either, but he isn't upset over last weekend. It will be interesting to see what happens.
I agree with TC and your course of action. It's got to be the landowner who sets the rules here, but a strategically placed call about him not respecting property owners rights might go far.
Unfortunately, if the property isn't marked according to state regulations nothing will happen except maybe the group doesn't come out again. And even if it is marked, it would be pretty hard to show any harm in order to prosecute him. That's the problem with trespass laws as they stand in OK
panhandle - check the latest laws. They've been strengthened, strongly in landowner's favor. The posted signs are a thing of the past and not necessary for trespass charges.

I have had a problem with my signs being removed.

My new plan is to put "video surveillance" with "no trespassing" signs as well as a few well-placed live traps.
Originally posted by TexasCowPoke:
Bear traps? Rabid dogs, Hybrid not rattlin rattlesnakes, zombies, your mo in law with a shotgun. All things that might deter, depending on how big the bucks in your area are.....
No, but one might hurt a bear? Big enough to break a foot. Also, there are two things I don't screw with, snakes and condoms; so the snakes is out.

I don't believe in zombies, and I'm not going anywhere near my mother in law while she is in possession of a gun.

So for, now, its traps and signs and cameras. Not that I have any bruisers this year, but I don't want to keep it that way.

Be careful. Because you aren't the landowner you have no legal right to tell anyone they can or can't be there. Also if someone gets hurt in a trap, even if they are trespassing you could find yourself in a ton of hot water.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

Do you think that with signs of "no trespassing," "video surveillance" and "live traps in use" that there could be some problems?

The landowners don't want anybody on them without permission and a signed release form, so they are on board with all of this outside of hurting somebody. The traps are more for people dropping their hog dogs off on the property...but a hunter could possibly step in one, resulting in an injury.
I think you're good if all of that is in place. Just make sure you document (photos) the fact you put the signs up and if they get taken down make sure and replace them.
Posted from Rivals Mobile