
Originally posted by CrazyChuckCarbo:

Did he just get screwed on that supposed takedown???
That he did, such bull shit in that challenge.
posted this in the session 3 thread He in fact lost 5-3 I didn't think it was 2 till I saw the replay his hand went down in front of the line
Cactus nailed it. When you try to win matches by one point, you are susceptible to a bad call or one fluke move. If you push tempo earlier, it doesn't come down to that.
No reason in the world to lose that match. Think what he could do if he cranked it up to 70%.

This post was edited on 3/20 1:19 PM by ostatement
I hate the way he wrestles! I hate the way Crutchmer wrestles...but it worked this time. I like watching most all of our others, but Marsden wrestles like he's worried about his energy levels?

Our studs have always been scoring machines!
Marsden quit wrestling about a month ago.

It makes me mad to watch Marsden and Crutcher wrestle like they did last night and watch the other wrestlers at their weight taking shots and moving around like they are 125 pound wrestlers. Now Crutchmer wrestled like a Poke today and got screwed or he might have finished third.