KKK is ok but get rid of that Confederate flag?


MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Mar 12, 2008
As I watched this play out over the last few weeks I wondered how in the hell no one has brought up the KKK? I mean if anything in this country stood for racism it is the KKK. How do they get such a pass in all this? Now I think they have rights as American so don't turn this into a political debate on free speech. I just wonder with all this racism talk how they have kept out of the news?
They haven't. There is talk of requiring them to provide a list of all their members to the government. If it happens the New Black Panthers should be required to do the same.

For the record, I disagree with such a mandate by the government. I'm just saying that racism is not a one way highway.
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I didn't know that man that is crazy. I just found it unreal how 1. they haven't had a rally of some sort (the KKK) and 2. how people hadn't created a petition a have the group disbanded.
Of course the KKK loves the confederate flag but the KKK as a major terrorist organization (that's what they were) and political force was broken or disbanded by 1970. The KKK you have now is nothing more then a bunch a rednecks sitting around and having a circle jerk.

The current debate has nothing to do with free speech. It's about the use of the flag by official state governments and a lot of major corporations like Wall Mart and NASCAR realizing it not good PR to be associated with it. The KKK or yourself are free the fly and wave the confederate flag all you wish.

Both the KKK and Black Panthers remain on the FBI list of domestic terrorist organization and are monitored although like the KKK I don't think the black panthers had actually been a threat to anyone or anything in forty years if they really ever were. Even in the 60's they were mostly just a bunch of blowhards.
I'm not sure how the KKK has received a pass, ever actually. I believe everyone across the political spectrum finds their views to be repulsive and abhorrent.

Unfortunately, no one can disband them as they do have the First Amendment right to assemble peaceably.
The new black panthers are not affiliated with the black panthers of the 60's. If the leader of the KKK stood out in the street screaming that we needed to kill ni**er babies it would have made national headlines and the outrage would have been massive.
People do realize that the confederate flag hasn't been banned right? Dumb rednecks all across the south are still perfectly free to fly it with pride.
FM I think you missed my point. This isn't about the flag. This is about a racist organization. I just found it odd that they have escaped the press at this time.
The KKK isn't an icon of any state government. The confederate flag is.

It shouldn't be flown above any state building. It isn't even the official flag of the confederacy.

Just like the KKK, it should not be banned. It should be protected by the 1st.

Those calling for a full ban should just go ahead and join ISIS.
FM I think you missed my point. This isn't about the flag. This is about a racist organization. I just found it odd that they have escaped the press at this time.
They haven't. I just saw articles today.

I also saw an article that showed that some southern churches also mysteriously burned overnight. No bueno.
I guess I have just missed them. This was why I posted a thread asking. I would just think the klan would be out in full force but then again a group that has to wear a mask when showing their hate is prolly a bunch of chicken shits anyways.
FM I think you missed my point. This isn't about the flag. This is about a racist organization. I just found it odd that they have escaped the press at this time.

To me that is because the modern KKK is recognize as irrelevant. Most of my post was in response to the post after your that somehow the KKK was being treated more harshly then the Black Panthers by our government.
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When the KKK members get hoisted up on flag poles over state capitals, now that would be a great conversation starter!

The issue with the Confederate Flag (and/or Battle Flag of the Army of Northern VA, which is the one typically flown, which is so Ironic to me when those flying the "Stars n' Bars" are popping off about heritage and "history") is not that it's being flown, but rather it's being flown on Govt Property.
You want to wear some clothing with it, put it on your car, fly it off your front porch, I for one don't give a crap (in fact, I would like to thank you for helping me identify the idiots that much easier). But, flying the flag of a "nation" that rebelled and fought a war against the United States Govt, to honor that by flying the flag on Govt property of the Nation that they hated, just seems "weird" if nothing else. And for those who don't think the flag originated and is based from a government founded nearly exclusively on the concept of slavery and racism (and their desire to keep it), should spend an hour or two reading the secession documents submitted by every Confederate State.

From the VP of the Confederacy, Alexander Stephens detailing all the differences between the US Constitution and the Confederate Constitution, spells out it quite clearly:

"Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea (from the US Constitution); its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth."
One thing to be clear, the "New Black Panther Party" has NO connection to the original Black Panther Party, who's former members are actually a bit perturbed at them for appropriating the name and symbols.

Bobby Seale, co-founder of the Black Panther Party of the 60's on the NBPP: "(it's) a black racist hate group."
One thing to be clear, the "New Black Panther Party" has NO connection to the original Black Panther Party, who's former members are actually a bit perturbed at them for appropriating the name and symbols.

Bobby Seale, co-founder of the Black Panther Party of the 60's on the NBPP: "(it's) a black racist hate group."

I was sure to point that out. I still think they should have been fully investigated and likely prosecuted for the voter intimidation stunt they pulled in Philadelphia.
What fascinates me the most about this controversy is that it originated from the tragic church shootings.

It's funny how we as a people jump on things like this as a way of dealing with repetitive gun tragedies. I'm not sure how we went from a crazy bastard with a gun killing a church full of good people to Warner Brothers dropping the sale of all General Lee cars.
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What fascinates me the most about this controversy is that it originated from the tragic church shootings.

It's funny how we as a people jump on things like this as a way of dealing with repetitive gun tragedies. I'm not sure how we went from a crazy bastard with a gun killing a church full of good people to Warner Brothers dropping the sale of all General Lee cars.

Because dealing with the actual problem - using dangerous psychotropic drugs as an easy button for mental illnesses - is not a sexy story and doesn't dovetail into any other front page agendas like racism and gun control.
What fascinates me the most about this controversy is that it originated from the tragic church shootings.

It's funny how we as a people jump on things like this as a way of dealing with repetitive gun tragedies. I'm not sure how we went from a crazy bastard with a gun killing a church full of good people to Warner Brothers dropping the sale of all General Lee cars.

It's a straw man (IMHO) that diverts attention away from the "core" issue. Hey, look over there, it's (fill in the blank); the attention moves from the issue to media pandering and most of the unwashed are never the wiser.
What fascinates me the most about this controversy is that it originated from the tragic church shootings.

It's funny how we as a people jump on things like this as a way of dealing with repetitive gun tragedies. I'm not sure how we went from a crazy bastard with a gun killing a church full of good people to Warner Brothers dropping the sale of all General Lee cars.

This is how:

5. "Ridicule is man's most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counteract ridicule. Also it infuriates the opposition, which then reacts to your advantage."

8. "Keep the pressure on, with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purpose."

9. "The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself."

10. "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition. It is this unceasing pressure that results in the reactions from the opposition that are essential for the success of the campaign."

11. "If you push a negative hard and deep enough, it will break through into its counterside... every positive has its negative."

12. "The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative."

13. Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and 'frozen.'... "...any target can always say, 'Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?' When your 'freeze the target,' you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments.... Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the 'others' come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target...' "One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other.