Eric holder resigning

Will be replaced by someone who agrees to continue stonewalling.
obviously the courts stepping in and saying he has to turn over docs from fast & furious means he will be in deep poo soon. He'll never go to jail, but I bet he comes out looking like the partisan hack he is. The good thing now is that anyone else who's ass is on the line and can't simply resign to get out of any upcoming legal issues will roll roll roll over. Given that him and the idiot president share the same brain, wonder how much Barry knew also.
Originally posted by windriverrange:
Given that him and the idiot president
Originally posted by windriverrange:
obviously the courts stepping in and saying he has to turn over docs from fast & furious means he will be in deep poo soon. He'll never go to jail, but I bet he comes out looking like the partisan hack he is. The good thing now is that anyone else who's ass is on the line and can't simply resign to get out of any upcoming legal issues will roll roll roll over. Given that him and the idiot president share the same brain, wonder how much Barry knew also.
They'll never turn the documents over and absolutely nothing will be done about it. Same with Bengazi and the IRS.

This post was edited on 9/28 7:27 PM by Headhunter
Originally posted by Headhunter:

Originally posted by windriverrange:
obviously the courts stepping in and saying he has to turn over docs from fast & furious means he will be in deep poo soon. He'll never go to jail, but I bet he comes out looking like the partisan hack he is. The good thing now is that anyone else who's ass is on the line and can't simply resign to get out of any upcoming legal issues will roll roll roll over. Given that him and the idiot president share the same brain, wonder how much Barry knew also.
They'll never turn the documents over and absolutely nothing will be done about it. Same with Bengazi and the IRS.

This post was edited on 9/28 7:27 PM by Headhunter
The "outside" legal actions will get through the court system, what has been withheld by this racist POS. You're right, nothing will happen, but .......
Holder has already been held in contempt. Lois Lerner and eveyone in the corrupt administration knows that if they do nothing no one will be ordered to jail so why comply.

This post was edited on 9/28 10:07 PM by Headhunter
headhunter your killing my fantasy...actually I'm counting on someone with docs in hand and for a giant payday to come out of the woodwork and shed some light on the happenings. Absent of that I don't trust the group in charge of the cesspool right now, to do much and really with the media in their pocket why would they. Always hope the right thing can and will happen though.
Originally posted by Headhunter:

Originally posted by windriverrange:
obviously the courts stepping in and saying he has to turn over docs from fast & furious means he will be in deep poo soon. He'll never go to jail, but I bet he comes out looking like the partisan hack he is. The good thing now is that anyone else who's ass is on the line and can't simply resign to get out of any upcoming legal issues will roll roll roll over. Given that him and the idiot president share the same brain, wonder how much Barry knew also.
They'll never turn the documents over and absolutely nothing will be done about it. Same with Bengazi and the IRS.

This post was edited on 9/28 7:27 PM by Headhunter
No documents to share. His hard drive crashed and the dog ate the printed out copies.
Ya'll don't give up --- keep digging. You'll eventually expose Obama for what he is, like you did with his birth certificate. He held that back and refused to disclose it for years, too. The right wing made him produce it though, and boy was he humiliate-- um... well, yeah.

So you think the administration is withholding information until the right time to achieve maximum political advantage? Is that what the most transparent administration in history does?
Originally posted by wyomingosualum:

So you think the administration is withholding information until the right time to achieve maximum political advantage? Is that what the most transparent administration in history does?
Oh, there may be some of that. I hope he does. I think it's high entertainment when the people inside the helmet whip up a conspiracy theory (to achieve maximum political advantage) that makes them look stupid, and then scream and yell and convinces themselves it must be true since POTUS doesn't dispel it. Then, when he finally does and the proves them embarrassingly wrong, they shift to the next faux-crisis.

Found those WMD's yet? How about being greeted as liberators? If you want a scandal, I'd suggest focusing on conduct that killed 3000 and hurt countless more Americans and de-stabilized a region instead of conduct that arguably killed 4 americans. But by all means -- please keep helping out POTUS with more keen republican foreign policy ideas.
Originally posted by Headhunter:

I'm not a good judge of what others call civil but I do know when someone debates with the maturity level of a junior high school kid.

Childish name calling and analysis like "dick measuring context by proxy" don't further your argument but I'm not sure you're not more interested then stiring things up than having a mature debate.

Is immature name calling in the liberal handbook? It's seems to get used a lot by our more progressive posters.

There must be a passage in there that says "get them off balance with childish name calling". It doesn't work but pilt and syster seem to use that has their go to move.

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