Students Go After The Hypocrites

Ponca Dan

MegaPoke is insane
Gold Member
Dec 7, 2003
An opinion you’ll never see on Fox (or CNN or ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC etc. etc. etc. ) That’s why it will come as a shock to those who rely on our government stenographers when the genocide blows up in their faces.

The same way the genociders ignore it when anyone mentions the war would be over today if Israel would stop killing people. Funny how it works both ways.
As you ignore the fact Hamas started the war by intentionally targeting innocent Israeli civilians. I know you think that was justified by Hamas but it wasn't to Israel and they will not stop until Hamas is eliminated. I completely support the elimination of Hamas as should you if you truly desire peace and not destruction of Israel. There can be no peace with Hamas.
The same way the genociders ignore it when anyone mentions the war would be over today if Israel would stop killing people. Funny how it works both ways.
Except it wouldn't. Israel had stopped killing Palestinians. Until someone not named Israel decided October 7th needed to happen. We have decades worth of Tit-for-tat fighting between the Iranian backed terrorist governments and Israel, with Israel always being the responder. So no, Israel just stopping the fighting won't end the war. It may give it a short pause, but the war will continue in the near future, and history has already told us who will again fire that first shot.
Except it wouldn't. Israel had stopped killing Palestinians. Until someone not named Israel decided October 7th needed to happen. We have decades worth of Tit-for-tat fighting between the Iranian backed terrorist governments and Israel, with Israel always being the responder. So no, Israel just stopping the fighting won't end the war. It may give it a short pause, but the war will continue in the near future, and history has already told us who will again fire that first shot.
I think you are making two fundamental errors in this comment. In the first place Israel has never stopped killing Palestinians since its founding. This is not to pretend radical Palestinians are guilt-free because they most certainly are not. But to pretend Israel is the innocent party lets them off the hook for their misdeeds which are just as frequent and just as egregious as their enemies. I agree the situation is one of tit for tat, but IMO it is ludicrous to say Israel’s violence has always and only been in response to something Hamas started. Tit for tat would mean, correctly I believe, that Israel responded to an attack from Hamas after Hamas responded to an attack by Israel after Israel responded to an attack by Hamas and on and on since the day the Zionists began to move the Palestinians into camps.

I had this thought today, and this is a perfect time to bring it up. Almost every person on this board is 100% in Israel's camp, some have made it clear they support Israel over their own country if there is a dispute. Some have used the words “we” and “our” when referring to Israel, forgetting it is just another foreign country with which we deal. They act as if Israel is our 51st state they are so captivated. So what about this: let’s suppose Israel *is* our 51st state. Setting aside the current state of war between the two, do you think the 51st state of Israel would have been allowed to treat the Palestinian people the way it has for the last 75 years? Or would the Palestinians have equal rights as the Jewish citizens? Would Palestinians be equals or would the rest of us shrug our shoulders and let the oppression happen? If the answer is “no, the Jewish citizens would never be allowed to treat the Palestinians as an apartheid state,” why do so many on this board support it in reality?
As you ignore the fact Hamas started the war by intentionally targeting innocent Israeli civilians. I know you think that was justified by Hamas but it wasn't to Israel and they will not stop until Hamas is eliminated. I completely support the elimination of Hamas as should you if you truly desire peace and not destruction of Israel. There can be no peace with Hamas.
I beg of you to quit saying I support Hamas and justify Oct 7. You know that is not true, so why do you keep saying it?
I beg of you to quit saying I support Hamas and justify Oct 7. You know that is not true, so why do you keep saying it?
Because you place all of your blame, responsibility and your outrage on Israel, none on Hamas or the Palestinians but now you have a problem. Israel has offered major concessions to Hamas for a ceasefire. When they reject it who are you going to blame?
If someone is posting Hamas propaganda and has adopted all the labels and rhetoric would you assume they supported Hamas?

Because that’s you.
Nothing I’ve posted or said has been in support of Hamas. You have convoluted your thinking into believing someone who criticizes the Zionists of Israel is therefore a supporter of Hamas. That’s weak thinking.
Because you place all of your blame, responsibility and your outrage on Israel, none on Hamas or the Palestinians but now you have a problem. Israel has offered major concessions to Hamas for a ceasefire. When they reject it who are you going to blame?
I do not place all the blame on Israel, I’ve placed the exact amount of blame on Israel that it deserves.
No disrespect intended Dan but your words are about as believable as Joe Biden's, your actions speak so loudly your words are meaningless.
If you cannot read my words and comprehend the context that’s on you. From the beginning you have only been able to hear what you want to hear so you can fall back on your old reliable standby counter argument that contains a heavy dose of ad hominem straw man filler. If you find my words so unbelievable and meaningless why do you bother replying?
If you cannot read my words and comprehend the context that’s on you. From the beginning you have only been able to hear what you want to hear so you can fall back on your old reliable standby counter argument that contains a heavy dose of ad hominem straw man filler. If you find my words so unbelievable and meaningless why do you bother replying?
Go look at everyone of the threads you've started, notice anything?
The same way the genociders ignore it when anyone mentions the war would be over today if Israel would stop killing people. Funny how it works both ways.
This is not a good argument.

War = killing people
Israel stop killing people = they get killed

This does not correlate. It's in the realm of racism is a racisty, rascist thing that is rascist against peopel who are not rascist thing.
This is not a good argument.

War = killing people
Israel stop killing people = they get killed

This does not correlate. It's in the realm of racism is a racisty, rascist thing that is rascist against peopel who are not rascist thing.
It’s an excellent argument. Israelis kill Palestinians because Palestinians kill Israelis because Israelis kill Palestinians because Palestinians kill Israelis … you get the picture. It is just as absurd to say Palestinians would keep killing Israelis if Israelis would stop killing Palestinians as it is to say Israelis would keep killing Palestinians if Palestinians stopped killing Israelis. You are claiming only one side of the equation is true. As Rush Limbaugh used to demonstrate absurdity by being absurd I am saying the other side of the equation is true. That’s why I say Israel should surrender when you say Hamas should surrender and the killing would stop. It’s absurd to make that claim.
It’s an excellent argument. Israelis kill Palestinians because Palestinians kill Israelis because Israelis kill Palestinians because Palestinians kill Israelis … you get the picture. It is just as absurd to say Palestinians would keep killing Israelis if Israelis would stop killing Palestinians as it is to say Israelis would keep killing Palestinians if Palestinians stopped killing Israelis. You are claiming only one side of the equation is true. As Rush Limbaugh used to demonstrate absurdity by being absurd I am saying the other side of the equation is true. That’s why I say Israel should surrender when you say Hamas should surrender and the killing would stop. It’s absurd to make that claim.
Only one side of this conflict brazenly supports genocide and it's not the Israelis.
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Only one side of this conflict brazenly supports genocide and it's not the Israelis.
You’re right. The Israeli’s don’t commit genocide even though its leaders say that’s exactly what they’re doing. None of us should ever forget: Israel is the victim, always has been and always will be. No matter what it does or to whom it does it, it is always done as part of its universal victimhood.
Yeah, because the terrorstinians have been killing Israelis since the country’s founding.
Yes, yes they have. Which side is way up on the murder count? Which side uses its sugar daddy to enforce an apartheid state on the other?
You’re right. The Israeli’s don’t commit genocide even though its leaders say that’s exactly what they’re doing. None of us should ever forget: Israel is the victim, always has been and always will be. No matter what it does or to whom it does it, it is always done as part of its universal victimhood.
Where have the leaders of Israel said they are committing genocide against the Palestinians?
Genocide was what Hamas did on October 7th, purposely targeting women and children merely because they were Jews. Palestinians killed as a result of military operations in a war is not genocide.
Where have the leaders of Israel said they are committing genocide against the Palestinians?
Genocide was what Hamas did on October 7th, purposely targeting women and children merely because they were Jews. Palestinians killed as a result of military operations in a war is not genocide.
I posted a link some time back in which a speech made in Hebrew by an Israeli politician of high rank was translated into English in which he proudly said Israel’s intention is genocide. You didn’t see it in your detailed search for understanding both sides because you don’t search for understanding of both sides, you
Immediately brand such things as Hamas propaganda (every criticism of Israel is Hamas propaganda to you, which conveniently hides you from learning maybe not everything Israel has told you is the truth,)
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I posted a link some time back in which a speech made in Hebrew by an Israeli politician of high rank was translated into English in which he proudly said Israel’s intention is genocide. You didn’t see it in your detailed search for understanding both sides because you don’t search for understanding of both sides, you
Immediately brand such things as Hamas propaganda (every criticism of Israel is Hamas propaganda to you, which conveniently hides you from learning maybe not everything Israel has told you is the truth,)
Who was the politician that supposedly said this and where did he say it? If it's some legislator like AOC, MTG they don't have any credibility. Legislators say stupid shit all the time. But let's say it is correct and compare it to what the actual leaders of Hamas have said, what their charter has said, (before they changed it), what the Palestinians themselves have said and what these protester's you are so supportive of have said. You keep leaving that part out.
Who was the politician that supposedly said this and where did he say it? If it's some legislator like AOC, MTG they don't have any credibility. Legislators say stupid shit all the time. But let's say it is correct and compare it to what the actual leaders of Hamas have said, what their charter has said, (before they changed it), what the Palestinians themselves have said and what these protester's you are so supportive of have said. You keep leaving that part out.
I have left nothing out, you just can’t see past your blinders. I have no love or respect for Hamas terrorists that cowardly did what they did on Oct 7. You can’t accept that because I also have no respect for IDF terrorists that beg their sugar daddy (the USA) for advanced military armaments to insure they have an overwhelming advantage as they cowardly drop 2000 pound bombs on Palestinians who are as innocent as the Israelis who were murdered. As for the link from the past you’re own your own to find it. I have posted so many links in the last 6+ months, as you and others have complained, I have no idea in which one it could be found.
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I have left nothing out, you just can’t see past your blinders. I have no love or respect for Hamas terrorists that cowardly did what they did on Oct 7. You can’t accept that because I also have no respect for IDF terrorists that beg their sugar daddy (the USA) for advanced military armaments to insure they have an overwhelming advantage as they cowardly drop 2000 pound bombs on Palestinians who are as innocent as the Israelis who were murdered. As for the link from the past you’re own your own to find it. I have posted so many links in the last 6+ months, as you and others have complained, I have no idea in which one it could be found.
I have Googled "Israeli official says Israel wants to commit genocide" and nothing comes up showing any official said this. If they had it would be all over internet considering how Hamas and their propaganda outlets would love something like that.
What you can't accept is Israel has the upper hand over a group of people that would be more than happy to wipe out the Jewish population. That tells me all I need to know.
I have Googled "Israeli official says Israel wants to commit genocide" and nothing comes up showing any official said this. If they had it would be all over internet considering how Hamas and their propaganda outlets would love something like that.
What you can't accept is Israel has the upper hand over a group of people that would be more than happy to wipe out the Jewish population. That tells me all I need to know.
The soeech was in Hebtew and in the speech the guy said he would speak in Hebrew because he knew no western mefia would bother to seek a translation. Well, an independent source *did* bother to hire someone to translate it and then posted the audio of the speech (in Hebrew), the written speech (in Hebrew,), and the English translation of the speech, they didn’t want anyone thinking they were tweaking what was said. Guess what: the western media didn’t touch it (gee, I wonder why), and when I posted it you wouldn’t touch it either because it could only be Hamas propaganda in your biased mind. You actually should occasionally read one of my links, you would learn things you didn’t think could possibly be true.
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The soeech was in Hebtew and in the speech the guy said he would speak in Hebrew because he knew no western mefia would bother to seek a translation. Well, an independent source *did* bother to hire someone to translate it and then posted the audio of the speech (in Hebrew), the written speech (in Hebrew,), and the English translation of the speech, they didn’t want anyone thinking they were tweaking what was said. Guess what: the western media didn’t touch it (gee, I wonder why), and when I posted it you wouldn’t touch it either because it could only be Hamas propaganda in your biased mind. You actually should occasionally read one of my links, you would learn things you didn’t think could possibly be true.
LMAO if what you say is true why would Hamas's propaganda outlets not be blasting that all over the place?
I do read most of your links,, I don't watch your hour long videos.

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